MarathonBet Review - Legit option or best left well alone?

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Guide to the Vanilla Sengoku Jidai Campaign: Legendary Edition! (UPDATED!)

  1. Field ashigaru-heavy armies. This will allow you to keep costs low. It is not for their spear wall ability, though this is powerful, it is because their cost effectiveness will allow you to make mistakes.
  2. Remember, you cannot save-scum on legendary. Something will go wrong, and when you don't need to throw your all-samurai army away in a piss-up, the game is a lot more forgiving, and a lot more fun.
  3. Attack first. Be aggressive. All the tables favour the A.I. So, it is up to you to turn them. Build cheap, expendable expeditionary forces to take enemy castles. You'll thank me when your first stack crushes the enemy at your capital in a siege defence, but doesn't have the movement range to counterattack effectively: this usually results in the enemy A.I. using its game-breaking economy and über recruitment slots to field another full stack in two turns. Fuck the A.I. Make sure there's an ambush force in range of the enemy settlement before the enemy begins their assault on your castle. Do this right and you may not even have to fight their army, fingers crossed. (Armies go poof when their last town goes bye-bye.)
  4. Which reminds me, fight using your castles. Open field battles, when you're attacking that is, are a piss-up. The enemy A.I. always camps on hills and makes it a life or death struggle (unless you bring siege equipment). Arrow towers are not worthless. Choke points are provided to you during siege defences. Use every layer. Don't underestimate good strategy. You can hold 300 men on one side of the castle with one unit of ashigaru. The enemy has to try and take your towers and your central flag; so, place your ashigaru in spear wall directly in front of your flags. The enemy must run at your ashigaru and defeat them before progressing through the rest of the castle. Utilise the stupidity of the A.I. and break the enemy by making them come to you.
  5. If the enemy has archers during castle defences, make them waste their ammo, if there are too many of them, attack first.
  6. Cavalry are not good in bulk unless you're Takeda. Four units is too many units. I bolster my generals with a single cavalry unit, which I place on top of my general during deployment, and then lock them together as if they were a single unit. I have one additional cavalry unit in reserve to replace this one; usually, I hide this unit in the woods until I need it. What this does is make my general more weighty. I can now slam him into the lines when they're looking like they're about to tilt in the enemy's favour, which I don't want. This makes him a true support unit, rather than a liability in combat. Yes, your general may die doing this, but you've taken every reasonable precaution, and 60+ additional bodies makes for at least three well-executed charges into the line before things start getting dubious.
  7. Abuse the charge animation. Once you set your cavalry to charge something, the animation begins, calculates the charge bonus, and then deals out the corresponding damage onto the enemy unit. Pull them out the moment the animation ends, because by then your horses are useless and caught-up in the dice-roll matrix. Once your cavalry are out, check the line. If your men aren't winning decisively, slam your bolstered general into the same line again and watch it crumble. Your cavalry will be tired, but you've just won the engagement.
  8. Reduce your micro-management in battles to three key tools: Infantry core, archers on support, and general-cavalry. If you're fast, throw in a quirk unit: ninjas, firebomb throwers (my personal favourite because they don't require much micro to use and they affect the enemy's morale), or brawlers (marathon monks/nag' warrior monks). Whatever your quirk unit is, min-max it with encampment and skill tree buffs. Otherwise, sorry, but you've wasted time and money acquiring it for the roster. If you're building an army you can't field in three turns, you're fucked.
  9. Economy, economy, economy. Get it? Sake dens and markets, sake dens and markets. That's money for your army: not for your navy, not for your nation's well-being and happiness - that's why you're building sake dens - money is for your army. (I had feedback that the fastest way to create a stable economy on Shogun 2 was to take more towns. Personally, I think this is a bad idea, because it exposes you to the borders of other clans. More about that later.)
  10. Use your agents. None of them are shit or under-powered or any of the mumblefuck-none-sense people put online when they don't know how to use them. Monks fuck. Walk them through the enemy's territory and past their capital and into their back lines and wololo those bastards into an early revolution. 33% chance is a 1/3 chance, and if the cost of inciting unrest is only 500 gold... I'll take that bet. This fundamentally weakens your enemy and cuts off their supply lines: which causes the A.I.'s diplomacy to go haywire. How can Takeda be trading with Hojo if I just made their border provinces into grey states? That's right, they can't. Break their relationship first, then bribe them to turn on one another. If you've made them hard enough for you, they'll do it. There you go. You just crushed one of the hardest clans without fighting a battle on the open field! See? Monks fuck. Monks can also demoralise the enemy and inspire your troops with morale bonuses. If the enemy stack has no general to recover from this loss, this is deadly. You will win the encounter on morale alone.
  11. Which reminds me: diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Think it doesn't matter? Actually, I made Hojo destroy Takeda as Oda, and Imagawa-Tokugawa, and then made Kyoto spit on Hattori, and Hatano clash with the Ikko Ikki: all whilst I sat back, lining up my troops. When the time was right, I sent my armies to take the provinces I needed to execute my Kyoto-plan. Thank you, machine-learning.
  12. Have a plan. Choose territories for their perks (+accuracy bonuses, blacksmiths, resources, gold mines, schools and libraries), not for their availability. If you overextend... Good luck. Just be aware you can't take back coming into contact with the other clans. The more isolationist you are about your affairs, the better.
  13. Your borders are your worse nightmare. Connect with too many clans too quickly and you enter the death-brawl of which there's no escape. Enjoy your war of attrition. Tzu states that there is no instance of a nation benefiting from extended period of war, and yours won't either. Your economy will be shitting bricks by turn fifteen and you'll be playing in -134 income hell. The game isn't fun this way. It isn't fun because you thrust your fist out into the unknown and hell answered back.
  14. Back to agents: Ninja. Ninja fuck harder than anyone's ever fucked. They can redirect enemies and make them go crying home to baba. Sabotage everything in sight during the first few turns of their lifespan. But do not sabotage things belonging to the clans you want to like you, because if you fail, and you will, -20 or even -40 to diplomatic relations. -40 will convince most clans that you're a threat and that you need wiping off the map. Dump points into assassination. Protect your ninja with +5%/10% chances to escape unharmed if they fail in their attempts, and take every +1 to assassination that RNG sweetly offers. Take 33% chances on enemy Daimyo. I've wounded the Oda more times than I can count with these odds and sent his army running back home. And remember, on Legendary, nothing can be taken back. Every attempt might be your agent's last: get used to it. I see a lot of people saying ninja are 'too expensive to maintain'. But what else are you spending money on other than recruiting ashigaru and upgrading vital infrastructure? ... Right? Nothing. People who say this can't run a half-decent economy because they're too busy building archery dojos instead of sake dens.
  15. Metsuke are too expensive to maintain, admittedly. They should not be used to bribe, unless you're doing an 'all-out Metsuke offensive.' By this I mean using Metsuke instead of Ninja to send armies back at the A.I, badminton-style. But personally, I don't see this as cost effective. Instead, Metsuke should be used to spy on strategic choke points to watch out for enemy agents, and to bolster the profitability of rice dens. Did you know that if you put Metsuke into provinces with markets, that the growth and economy of those provinces goes up? They can also protect your Daimyo or top-tier generals from being assassinated by enemy Ninja; and I highly recommend putting one in each of your core armies. Trust me: it sucks to lose your five-star general to a suspicious death on turn 60, especially when the game auto-saves at the beginning of each turn. Bye-bye Stand and Fight. Bye-bye Ashigaru Commander. Farewell Night Attack. Hello sadness.
  16. For Sieges, have ranged superiority from the off-set if you're the attacker. Six bow ashigaru will melt most armies inside of their fort. On my Chōkosabe play-through, each unit had 200+ kills by the end of the siege. I do not find siege battles intimidating when I know I'm coming in with more archers than the opposing army, because I can and will surround them, can and will out-trade them, and then when they're weak and tired from trying to avoid my arrows, that's when I send my yari ashigaru in to take advantage of their failing strength. One unit of bomb throwers on the gate of your choice will blow it to shreds and allow spear-wall after spear-wall to penetrate their defences. The A.I. will blob the gate: perfect, that allows your remaining archers to menace them. If the enemy army has bow samurai, do not attack the wall they're stationed at. You will get fucked because the A.I's bow samurai is always god-tier, and yours fling kaka in comparison until they're high ranked. Instead, place an infantry reserve unit just out of range of that wall, and the A.I. will station most of their archers at it and... wait, allowing you to haemorrhage the fort from an opposing angle. Don't bother moving the reserve unit into range of the enemy archers, not necessary, they'll stay there as long as you stare back at them menacingly. Target priority is: generals, infantry, bows. If you kill them off in that order, you can afford to get impatient and rush the walls, because bows can't stop yari ashigaru from getting in. Finally, if your bomb throwers have spare ammo, launch it at any stubborn archers manning the walls: they will quickly get the point and relocate elsewhere.
  17. Toppeth-Tippeth: Bomb throwers can follow your yari ashigaru through the main gate, and toss bombs into the enemy's ranks over the heads of your infantry. I really didn't think this would work when I first tried it, because I figured the narrowness of the gate would cause my bomb throwers to report their line of sight as 'blocked': rendering them useless. Turns out no, actually, they're pretty happy to line themselves up on the ramp, swing their grenades, and launch them into the enemy blob. Yes, you will lose men: bah. But the enemy's morale will break long before you run out of reserves, especially with all their generals dead already. It's also fun as fuck. Boom... boom... boom.
  18. Katana infantry fuck, but only under the right circumstances. I've found having one or two in reserve to be really advantageous. They are absolutely class for flanking or going in with the second wave during sieges. Fresh and eager, and up against tired defenders, they will melt. But inspired? They will fuck on everything. Best of all, katana infantry fight to the last man (because bushidō), and because the A.I. loves to field spears, they always have the advantage. The only drawback is that they're expensive to maintain, and therefore they should only be used this way in the early to mid game, if at all. Lastly, they're dumb-good in siege defences. Put them on the walls, away from the enemy archers, and whoever's coming up isn't coming up for long. I never have to worry about the walls I've assigned my katana to. They're just too good at holding the battlements due to their superior melee stats.
  19. Once your armies have been fielded, hold an economy of around 500/1000 koku. If you don't use it, this will just keep adding to your war chest. It's not a lot, but in three or four turns you will accumulate enough wealth to put together an ashigaru army in a pinch, or bribe an ally to join a war. \Smacks lips.* Nice.*
  20. You can body block stacks from entering your territories and delay them for at least three turns before they can reach your capital. The way you do this is by taking a single unit of yari ashigaru, placing it on a choke point on the campaign map, and then when the enemy is forced to attack it, you retreat. And then you play this game with the enemy's avatar until you've rallied your forces. You can also do this by inciting a rebellion stack. This is a big dick move, and has saved my ass many'a time. If you also have Ninja, you're laughing. It'll be five turns before the enemy can get to you. In five turns I can throw an expendable army at them from the god-damn barracks.
  21. In field battles, do not use all your units at once. By this, I mean don't commit everything to one assault. Put four ashi' up to take the enemy charge. Flank with two ashi' on either side. Move your archers around. Harry them with your cavalry. And if you have samurai, use them to take out the key players. Commit in units, not in bulk. Yes, your main line will be chewed apart while you adjust, but who cares? You can recruit two/three ashigaru next turn. Expend the expendable, preserve your veterans. If your initial commitment breaks and surrenders... good! Now the enemy has to reform and turn around: usually into a line of no-dachi. Banzaiii!!!
  22. If your objective is to win every battle with no casualties, start praying. Most sieges on Legendary end up in most of my army routed, and only my generals and a single unit of tired yari ashigaru left, with all my archers either out of ammo, or about to be. I always lose two units to critical losses, but then I can always recruit them back next turn. The rest of my army limps back to rejoin me another day, despite taking severe losses from enemy archers/the gate. Game's pretty forgiving when you commit to siege battles, use that to your advantage.
  23. You can force the enemy to attack your main army by putting it on a choke-point on the campaign map. The A.I. will have to come through you to get what it wants. Sadly, the A.I. can also be a huge puss', calculate unfavourable odds, and never bother to attack you as you straddle the border to your territory like an asshole, forever. In this case, either go into ambush stance, or make a play. Defensive battles in the field are preferable to attacking, always. The A.I. will come to you, and you can choose anywhere on the map to make your stand. This leads to easy and fun battles, even on legendary, where you can set-up your men in ranks on hills, between valleys, in villages, and around bridges. Battles where you're on the attack always end the same way: by baiting and switching, which is not fun (... to me.)
  24. I was wrong in my previous iteration of this guide about Katana Cavalry — Katana Cavalry do fuck on single player. They're absolute killing machines, actually. Not a game goes by where my Katana Cavalry don't rack up 400+ kills each. The way this is achieved is by waiting until all enemy units are engaged, then flanking with your cavalry. After that, leave them in. They are not charge units. They are sure, steady killers. Let them have their fun. Only pull them out if they're directly engaged by spears. The best upgrade you can give them is +2 armour, also.
  25. Light Cavalry should always be your top killers on the field in the early-mid game. If you're not leaving those early battles with 200-300 kills per Light Cavalry unit, you're doing something wrong. Adjust your game accordingly.
  26. Bow samurai are great on castle walls, but questionable in the field. I'd rather have two units of bow ashigaru any day of the week.
  27. Yari Samurai are okay, but I always disband them on turn 1, then use the additional income to recruit other, cheaper spears. The enemy cavalry runs at your line during deployment, they're so dumb. Don't waste money on fielding a unit that's built to counter something that tends to counter itself.
  28. For extra income, you can sell military access, but do so strategically. On average, I can sell 5 turns for 500-750. 10 turns for 1250-1500. And 20 turns for 3000 koku++ upwards. I do this when I want to upgrade essential infrastructure, like gold mines. But you must be wary of doing this on legendary, as you create a dialogue with potential enemies that wraps you up in red tape should you decide to attack them before the peace-bond made between you runs out. And sometimes it can take a very long time for this to happen (30+ turns if you settle for a 20 turn deal). This is huge because if you decide to attack before the timer runs out, then you'll suffer from diplomacy penalties with all the other clans you've come into contact with so far. On some campaigns, this can really hurt you. e.g. Piss off the Hojo as Oda, and Takeda will march on you early (because he's programmed to want your territory). That's not good, really not good. Likewise, as Shimazu you may want Tachibana or Chōkosabe on your side to buffer the northern clans. Well, not if you go cheesing Ito and betraying alliances with the Otomo. If you act the prick on legendary, you're asking for trouble. If your diplomacy window reads hostile, hostile, hostile, and you're not the Ikko-Ikki or a Christian clan, then you're doing something wrong. The game sets you up with natural enemies and natural allies, but you can break the mechanics and side with clans who're designed to inherently hate you, as long as you keep their attention fixed elsewhere via correct use of military access. Beware, selling military access to aggressive clans will cause them to come into your territory and devour your vassals, forcing you to make awkward decisions; and I'm certain you didn't just sell Date military access so that he could come and cause issues for you left and right: so, better to avoid this altogether. Be cautious about the fronts you're engaging with, TL;DR.
  29. Vassals are worthless, even as buffers. You can't sell them military access and most of the time you can't encourage them to wage war, and if they can't be depended on as allies, then they're useless as allies. And they will betray you, they'll betray you because the game makes it impossible to keep them happy because you're demanding military access from them in return for protection, when they should be the ones protecting you. Only they don't because they're fucking dumb and can't be coerced into attacking who you want them to attack. So, don't take the settlements you don't need, and occupy them peacefully if you do.
  30. Which brings me to ONAH! ... Honor is very important (unless you're the Ikkō-ikki or the Ōtomo). Low honor causes rebellions in your back lines. Low honor means clans hate you :-). Low honor makes it so that when you take a new city, the new city will whine turn after turn unless you have a general with the '-6 to resistance' trait, really good Metsuke, or a spare army to shut them up. (Psst. Recruiting men just to put down rebellions means less koku and negative economic growth.) This game literally makes you pay for your mistakes. There aren't many clans that can afford to be honour-less on legendary, not unless you want stacks of pissed-off armies marching into your territory every couple of years. Did you know that if you gift 150 koku to your super-powered feudal overlords, you get +3 to your diplomatic relations with them? Do this every other turn and you'll have +20 in no time. +20 is enough to dissuade them from attacking you: as long you have an active trade deal going and are giving them plenty of military access.
  31. Be in it for the long game. Let others weaken your enemies for you, it is not so good to wage war before you are sure that you have the advantage.
  32. Special shout-out to these units for being worth the koku: Yari Ashigaru (150+ kills on average). Bow Ashigaru (100+ kills on average). Naginata Warrior Monks (250+ kills on average), Katana Cavalry (350+ kills on average), Katana Infantry (200+ kills on average), Kisho Ninja (150+ kills on average). Tadakatsu's Tetsubo Warriors (200+ kills on average).
  33. On Siege Defence, Matchlock Ashigaru are God.
  34. Have fun. Legendary's great because it is fast-paced and consistent. You'll rarely have more than a couple years of peace, enjoy it while it lasts.
  35. One last battle tip: use the terrain. Even a slight incline gives your ashigaru an advantage. A slight incline for the enemy marks your death. Zoom in, check where you are actually positioning your forces, and do not make the mistake of fighting on fatal ground. The reason why I lose so many armies to inferior opponents is because I think the A.I. is ha-ha dumb. It is ha-ha dumb. But it is also committed to attacking. If you march onto unfavourable ground, and you allow the enemy to attack you on it: his strategy is superior. Watch as your lines break. Then zoom in afterwards and realise: you just marched your entire army onto some really weird and obnoxious inclines that made holding the line difficult for your ashigaru. Woopsy. 'Woopsy' on legendary could cost you the campaign.
  36. Good luck, my dudes. Great game +10 years on, and still one of my all time favourites!!! Wahaha!
submitted by Basic-Acanthisitta-5 to shogun2 [link] [comments]

Batman' Astrology

· Capricorn Sun:- If Batman was real, there is a lot of speculation about his Zodiac Sun Sign. Many have made a technical guess on various information provided about his fictional birthday and even real events and have come to zodiac signs like Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini and in some cases Leo, among which former 3 are most popular with Taurus and Scorpio even making sense. But both fail to explain some key and opposite traits of batman. The only sign to be able to completely make justice to the character graph is of Capricorn and that too in its uniqueness of being born in late December. I mean let’s be honest the people who can change the world have ever only born in December (Jesus Christ himself).
Traits:- Workaholic, detached, lonely, introvert, sarcastic, ambitious and perseverance ,determination, will& Grit, strategist, intellectual.
· Capricorn Moon:-This is a rather popular opinion in contrast with that of this sun placement of batman. There are really only two that come close which are Scorpio moon and Capricorn moon. But there are enough reasons to choose a Capricorn Moon. While Scorpio moon does justify his detective skills, they could be attributed to other placements as well . Moon placements must justify the emotions of the subject. Bad past, Conflicted moral compass, Vengeance, insecure, untrusting , secretiveness, cunningness, kinkiness (Let’s admit it the bad boy is into BDSM),sadness ,loneliness and courage are some of the things that batman has and both signs may explain well, but Capricorn moon gives better reasons. Daddy-mommy issues of batman, his inability to express himself but most importantly his complicated no kill rule, I mean this is where the difference is right, it requires a Capricorn’s discipline to look into the abyss and not blink, to survive space war lords like darkseid, ruthless assassins like deathstroke and not get corrupted by the joker and that too without killing and only on the emotional support of his butler. I mean if batman were a scorpion moon, he would have killed. And then he is more into technical then magic. Scorpio moon may go better with Dr Doom.
· Scorpio Rising:- I think this is the only sign placement that is going to go unchallenged. Batman is Scorpio rising period. He is damn courageous and a risk taker and not afraid of odds, He owns darkness and stealth, he is motivated by vengeance , he is intimidating, magnetic and though I have not ever saw him having sex, I am sure Talia and selina will comply this guy is an animal in bed whenever and how rarely he has sex. He is detached, cruel but really he is mysterious, and damn intimidating, he radiates fear wherever he goes. He lives with powerful aliens, magical beings, gods and they all fear him and respect him. Scorpio rising is what differentiates a batman from a green arrow (a wannabe robin hood). In simple terms with all his insecurities and flaws he is perceived as invincible. Only an evolved Scorpio rising can manage to do that( This guy strong armed darkseid into a negotiation once). The only character who ever comes close is deathstroke, and he too maybe a Scorpio rising.
· MC Leo:- To understand this we need to understand his goals, what he wants to achieve, what he really wants is to put fear into the mind of criminals so that they never even attempt to commit a crime. This symbol of fear that he wants to become is in a very dark way he’s way of saying I want to get so famous in criminals that when they should always be scared of committing a crime because of my fear. Strategically speaking maybe that’s why he lets his victims live, to advertise his feats and promote his scary image to scare others. And he has definitely rose to that reputation rather quickly. Look at how amazingly and with ease he portrays the playboy persona of Bruce Wayne, telling us that he is a great actor who can manage to convey what he wants from audience. In simple terms you can love him or hate him but you cannot ignore him.
· **Saturn Aries:-**This could be conflicted for Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra but… even though he is not a people’s person he is a leader a influencer and an inspirer. Firstly he is the patriarch of Bat –family. To lead such talented individuals you need to have Saturn in Aries. He is also a founding member and one of the DC trinity. If justice league was an organization , he would not have been the chairman ,that is more of superman actually (Face of the league, embodies values, he is more people friendly simply better placed to do that with his god like powers) but Batman is definitely the CEO of the JL. He is the strategist ,he understands the members better and he is the only one who can keep this god like creatures in check. I think it is pretty natural for him because he is simply operating with more information than anybody else.
· Mercury Sagittarius:- Mercury in Sagittarius tells us about a guy being an adventurer in terms of his intellect. Basically a polymath. He is not the best scientist/inventor or best magician, best business man but he is second best or third best in most of the things and yes he is the best detective undisputedly . He may not know the magic to fight a guy with, but knows enough to make strategic decisions to send which magician in a particular situation would flair best. He has acquired skills in a range of areas form criminal psychology, detective skills and torture, fighting, mind and body training, stealth, magic, chemistry, alien biology, science and inventions , medicine , you name it. People with mercury in Sagittarius are often expected to study more than normal and for often longer periods and different subjects.
· Venus Aquarius:- Batman’s Love life is as complicated as the man himself. It is conflicted, but has its movements of highs and lows with extreme passions. From sacrificing themselves to kill him, his lovers have done everything for him. Venus in Aquarius also explains how he has so many love interests in spite of his workaholic and detached IDGAF attitude. And his lovers are extreme, the choices within themselves, I mean from Talia –the daughter of demon to Wonder woman the daughter of gods. He has a complicated relationship with all as he cannot settle down, he knows that but he still manages to fall for girls, coming close to marrying selina Kyle and Talia on different occasions. He even has children with many of them in many alternate universes but he does not want to settle. Variety is the first word that comes in mind when we talk about a Venus in Aquarius, and he has it. Also, nature of going against social traditions of conceiving children without marriage and be okay about it( he publicly accepted Damien Wayne as his biological son). He’s basic outlook of family is untraditional and is not conserved to blood relations. Why he accepts them (Bat woman, Damien Wayne), he has place for others who are not his relatives (Night wing, Alfred, Gordon, Barbara, Jason , luscious fox and all of them). He has had his fare shares of heartbreak only deepening his pain. Venus in Aquarius is not considered a good placement. It is said ,that only after a lot of sacrifice can a Venus in Aquarius have his soul mate. Sometimes the possibility of relationship with the person’s soul mate itself is the sacrifice. Batman has many lovers, but we all know that his soul mate is cat woman. He too knows it, and so does she, but they both know they cannot be together.
· **Mars Aquarius:-**Mars in Aquarius is a placement that keeps the person at extremes of both ends. On one hand he can go celibate for years ,almost asexual and in others he can be into Dark, kinky BDSM marathon sex satisfying the lover to a point that the partner will never find another person as satisfactory. They could be animals in bed ,enjoying the act like no other and still go celibate because they simply prioritize other things in life over sex. This can be frustrating to partners. This placement also tells us how unorthodox the person satisfies their own high sexual needs. Having sex, without marriage. Strictly speaking only a Venus in Scorpio and mars has the power to match the intensity of those sensual marathon runs on one day and then not have sex for weeks (they are open to other ways-alternate partners, porn etc).
· Pluto Sagittarius:- Pluto in Sagittarius explains the persons’ acceptance towards more darker and sensitive topics. Pluto in Sagittarius are astrologically best placements to accepting truths as they are in every situations. They have problems when they do discover their own limitations and insecurities and they will, and they will be hurt when they do but will survive with it, and in a way that it makes them more accepting of others as well. Batman has been more accepting and capable of absorbing pain more than anyone else. His complicated philosophy and conflicted ideas , in general he’s very complex. He is untrusting of people’s character but mostly accepting of them with their flaws in general. Maybe that’s the reason why he has not gone insane even after dealing with the idealists like superman and wonder woman and anarchist like joker. There could not have been any other guy having an equation with both without getting mad. It needs a Pluto in Sagittarius for this.
· Jupiter Aquarius:- Jupiter in Aquarius native can be best described with one word-unique. Batman was always going to have Aquarius influence in him. And Jupiter in Aquarius does the job. While it does support his mercury in Sagittarius in becoming a polymath and absorbing knowledge from everywhere, Jupiter at times allows him to accept ideas and solutions that other times may seem too big. He’s out of the box thinking is what has enabled him to come up with a plan to take down all of JL members if the need arose. While he is a perfect strategist, he is quick thinker who has many times displayed he can be spontaneous. Jupiter in Aquarius’s greatest contribution to his character is best seen in his decision to take path of vigilantism to fight crime and doing so with the no kill rule. Other decisions where it is visible is in him choosing children as his sidekicks, or his plans to take down JLA, and etc.
· **Uranus Aquarius:-**Another planet in Aquarius ,and we are wondering why this man is a genius or a rebel, I think we should have been more surprised if any native with that much of Aquarius is not either of the above. This placement majorly supports batman’s inclination towards technology and being more open about people. All in all since Uranus is in home sign it is being positive here
· Neptune Capricorn:- Neptune tells us about one’s desire and batman’s desire though seems to be vengeance (Neptune Scorpio, it is strictly speaking his motivation.) He goes every night out to extract his revenge ,he many times even encounters situations where he can , but he chooses not too. Because if he will, then he will lose the motivation to come back next night and his goals ,his true desire will not be accomplished. Capricorn is a sign which provides batman with the focus he needs to achieve his rather unrealistic goals. With whatever pain and abilities his fate due to other planet holds, it is Neptune in Capricorn that allows him to go out and work irrespective of the complications in hand.
· Lilith Libra:- Lilith deals with demons within oneself, one’s relationship with one self. Batman does not have a very healthy relationship with himself. In simpler terms we may like what he is, but he himself is disappointed in himself. Many will argue that this is not true, but it actually is. He has once said “Deep down inside Clark is a good person , and deep down inside I am not”. Batman does not consider himself a good person, worthy of his parents. He takes very little care of himself, is highly self-critical and angry with himself. Batman’s many issues are with his disappointment within himself. Maybe that’s why he has so hard time making relations, he simply does not feel he deserves a true love like cat woman or wonder woman. Lilith in Libra also indicate problems in relations and he does have them with all his lovers. Considering his self-criticizing nature ,problems in self-acceptance and dark love angles he seems perfect for Lilith in Libra. He is tested on ethics, personal relationships and Lilith in Libra also gives a hint of kinkiness.
· North Node Virgo:- north node in Virgo means south node in Pisces. This takes care of one more important shade of batman which has not been discussed above. His struggle to balance order and chaos. His ideological enemy joker is the agent of chaos, and he himself is the knight of order. Batman’s this war of order vs. chaos definitely explains his complicated relationship with the clown.

Batman other characters:- astrology

· Bane- sun in cancemoon in Taurus/ascendant in Aries:- Bane has influence of water sign along with his tough earth appearance, personally he is caring. He cared for his mother, he cared for his father so much that he was looking for him after he got out of jail. Bane personally is an anti-hero, and that is because he cares. He is capable of making friends, Sinister six storylines have covered this part about bane in detail. I even suspect his mars in cancer. Ascendant in Aries is undisputed, that body , baldness he is an Aries ascendant . What makes the character what he is will be his moon in Taurus. This man has jealeaousy issues and he is ambitious to the point of obsession with the batman . He does not want to rule Gotham, he wants to beat Batman. That is his greatest feat, breaking the bat. He is like “everything you can do batman, I can do better”. That is the only goal in his life. From the time he heard of batman in the prison in Pena Dura (Santa Prisca).
· Talia Al Ghul:- **Virgo Sun/Moon in Taurus/ascendant in Aries:-**Talia was tricky. I had to choose by elimination. She is not too much in justice so no Libra, not too caring so no cancer, not too strong minded to be Aries (she could be influenced), cap, Pisces, Gemini ,Leo ,Sagittarius are not even close. That leaves Scorpio,Taurus,virgo and Aquarius. She is not a Scorpio, because Scorpios are anything but confused. They are decisive and usually one’s to manipulate. Scorpio could be at other places, in fact it may be both her Venus and mars are in Scorpio. I mean ,this explains why she is sexually compatible with batman (her interests in kink).And as I realized this I knew she is not an Aquarius. Taurus and Virgo were tough. Taurus enjoys pleasure, but Virgo can become one’s pleasure. Talia never choose batman for the pleasure ,she choose him because he was the best. Her decision was analytical, practical and not motivated by pleasure. And this explains it. Also, it needs a Virgo influence for Talia to become batman ‘s sub(Capricorn) They are into BDSM, and she is his most obedient sub, (at least in the bed). Her moon is in taurus.I truly believe that Taurus is why While she never choose him for pleasure, after choosing it she has derived it from him, and many times. She is jealous of cat woman, and many other lovers of batman. She is ambitious (being leader of league of assassins is her destiny, but that leader being batman is her ambition.) And in doing so she go to such lengths that she had a baby with him. Taurus moon made her so ambitious and ruthless, that she kills, but also that she made her own 8 year old son into a killing machine. Ascendant in Aries, goes with her. She does have a perfectly sensual figure . But under her clothes on her bare skin she has her share of cuts and bullet marks , which is to extreme for a girl. She is confident in who she is, but delusional and of course confused. But Sensual, while on the surface, batman and she look compatible, even sexually, she simply lacks self control against lust and killing due to strong Scorpio in Venus and mars, which is the root cause of her problems with batman.
· Night wing - Pisces sun, Taurus moon, Gemini ascendant :- against batman,nightwing is rather a less complicated person. He is more friendly and sorted. He has retained a certain innocence and cool persona against batman’s. He is neither extreme nor obsessed with anything. He sees his life as an act of his contribution against the bad, unlike batman who feels he had too. Pisces sun and Gemini ascendant explain his much better social abilities. Taurus moon makes him ambitious, may be to simply be the next batman. But Pisces sun gives him the wisdom and humility to understand that he can’t. Taurus moon makes him lusty ,and fortunate to have two beautiful and sexy women in his life (Kori and Barbara)
·**Cat woman-Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon and Capricorn ascendant:-** Cat woman is a tough placement. You know there is a Scorpio there, but so is a cancer, Pisces and Capricorn. But then you feel why not a Leo ,Libra or a Gemini. But in the end I came to a conclusion and the repo she shares with batman. If he truly is a Capricorn, then only a Scorpio can do that. Scorpio sun goes with her. She is dark, mysterious and sensual. But unlike how a Libra would, she uses her sensuality as a weapon. She is deceiving, manipulative she is complex but calm as well. What makes her a Scorpio the most is her ability to absorb batman’s darkness completely. She is the only person in this world, who loves him for exactly what he is:-a broken child whose parents were killed in front of him, and since that day he has endured only pain and suffering. Talia loves batman for his strength, and for what he could be. Zattana feels she could repair this broken man, and then he will become the ultimate love. Ivy thinks of batman in a similar fashion as Talia, wonder woman is impressed by how this man beats the odds , his courage and thinks may be the world today needs a man like him. But only cat woman truly cares and understands the man he is within. Only she has ever told him like Alfred has, that in spite of his methods being wrong, whatever Bruce does, he has too. Otherwise he will die, in his own guilt. She is not critical of it, but rather understanding of it as is Alfred. Only a person equally complex can understand this, how batman’s existence is justified. And this gives her Capricorn moon. Scorpio moons are power hungry, she is not. Though she does cross the line and kills, it is not because of Capricorn moon’s inability to control her, it is rather a collective control of her Capricorn ascendant and Capricorn moon that she can kill and still stay sane. She unlike batman knows that some people have to die. She is decisive, and is not scared of this truth( like captain America). Her Venus is in Libra, making her beautiful and at the same time compatible with batman and mars in either Aquarius or Gemini to not giving sleeping with a lover that much of importance. I am betting on Gemini since she falls in love when she is being taught, After all She was in a relationship with wildcat who taught her how to fight.


· Poison Ivy:- Aquarius Sun, cancer moon, Taurus ascendant
· Superman:- Scorpio Sun, Capricorn moon and Leo ascendant
· Wonder woman:- Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn/Sagittarius ascendant
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Si Ouey - ซีอุย: The True Story of Thailand's Infamous Child Killer & Cannibal

Si Ouey - ซีอุย: The True Story of Thailand's Infamous Child Killer & Cannibal
Every Thai child knows that if they misbehave, Si Ouey will be around the corner to get them and eat their livers.
Case summary: Parents in Thailand were paralyzed with fear 60 years ago. Six children were brutally murdered and cannibalized in the span of 3 years. The suspect in the crimes, a Chinese immigrant to Thailand called Si Ouey, was pinned with the murders. He was caught red-handed in one: burning the dissected body of a young boy.
Discussion point: But was he a cannibal and did he commit the other murders? Or was he a convenient patsy for the Thai government during the Red Scare in Thailand?
The Story:
The smells must have hit Nawa Boonyakan’s nose first.
Burning muscle tissue is said to give off an aroma like beef in a frying pan.
Human body fat, like grilling a side of fatty pork - not dissimilar from Si Ouey’s favorite dish.
Burning skin? It’s like charcoal.
And human hair releases its sulfurous odor in a quick burst of flame.
Beneath the twigs and leaves that smoldered in the forest laid Somboon Boonyakan, the eight year old son of Nawa. It was Si Ouey’s last victim. His small body lifeless and half-charred.
Si Ouey stood beside the burning pile. Nawa went off looking for his son after he’d been missing all afternoon. A friend joined Nawa on the search. They smelled the fire first. The leaves and twigs burning, mixed with the fumes of burning flesh. Nawa spotted Si Ouey and once he saw the little leg of his son sticking out from the leaf pile, his worst fears were confirmed.
The father and his friend tackled the killer to the ground. They waited for police to arrive. Si Ouey didn’t resist when he was arrested.
The boy’s murder was particularly gruesome and visceral.
Somboon had been been disemboweled. Si Ouey pierced the young boy’s throat, right beneath the Adam’s apple, and severed his trachea. He then slit open the boy’s abdomen, from the navel up to the throat again.
Si Ouey was after two things: the heart and the liver.
He took great care in handling the organs. He brought them to his hovel, cleaned them, displayed them in a bowl as if they were a meal of animal meat.
It must have hit Si Ouey then. He had to get rid of the evidence. The prize had already been won - he had the organs. Now it was time to burn the body. He lugged young Somboon’s corpse into the forest, piled leaves and twigs atop, and set it all ablaze. He stood by and watched, stoking the flames to ensure evidence of his hellish deed went up in smoke.
The parents of Somboon insisted that Si Ouey was nothing short of a murderous cannibal for decades after their son’s murder. Si Ouey himself admitted as much to a reporter from Pim Thai newspaper, “I ate them because they revitalized my body” (February 12th, 1958). The killer added matter-of-factly that “human intestines taste really good.”
It was also reported that Si Ouey had met a Chinese hermit years before who opened his eyes to cannibalism, specifically dining on human organs, as a direct method awaken supernatural powers. In the only interview Si Ouey ever gave to media, he said he believed that consuming hearts and livers would strengthen his health.
Presumption of innocence and skepticism
There are skeptics despite all of this: getting caught red-handed burning young Somboon in the Rayong forest; confessing to 5 other murders; gushing about the taste of human flesh.
They say that Si Ouey is not the cannibalistic monster who has haunted Thais and their children for six decades.
Some liken his case to the Koh Tao murders. The analogy being that Si Ouey was an ethnic Chinese, didn’t even speak Thai, at a time when the Red Scare was front and center in Thai politics. These skeptics call Si Ouey a convenient patsy, much like how some call the two Burmese in the Koh Tao case. But these are two different cases. Two different sets of evidence. I say we should look at them separately and not mix them up, despite some greater cultural critique that could be constructed.
Others point out that Thai police parade suspects through the media, both then and now. It’s true - the Thai media can make a spectacle of the accused before any proper trial is held. The Thai press in the 1950s most definitely exploited the child murders to haunt the public and sell more papers. But how the media acted does not determine innocence or guilt.
The skeptics inflate the importance of procedural errors and dubious confessions. They monkey branch up to demands that Si Ouey’s name should be cleared of all wrong-doing.
Look, I’ve pored over the evidence that’s available both in Thai and English, and I’ll say this: Si Ouey is guilty. Of what? Murder. How many kids? I don’t know. Cannibalism? Unlikely.
In the end Si Ouey confessed to six murders, including Somboon’s. The child killer was shot down by a firing squad, executed for his crimes, on September 16th, 1959.
Prison officers embalmed his corpse in tar. The bullet holes riddled his chest and the tar seeped into them, firming up his legacy and his demise, which was put on display for 60 years for visitors to the Siriraj Medical Museum in Bangkok.
The skeptics drummed up enough support to finally give Si Ouey a proper Buddhist cremation.
His tar soaked body, twisted and frozen in time, was taken to Wat Bang Praek Tai in Nonthaburi for the last rites. This is where the bodies of prisoners from Bang Kwang prison, the Big Tiger, are cremated.
Nobody came forth to claim Si Ouey as an ancestor, and thus the Bang Kwang prison sponsored the rite.
The skeptics who freed the image of Si Ouey from museum display showed up to the rite. So did villagers from Thap Sakae subdistrict, Prachuap Khiri Khan province. This was where Si Ouey called home six decades ago.
One man remember Si Ouey from when he was a child in the village, just 10 years old. His name, Jerrerote Jerrepornsawat, now 78. He remembered Si Ouey’s smile, the protruding teeth, and the man not being able to speak a lick of Thai. Si Ouey worked on the farm of Mr. Jerrepornsawat’s father, earning 30 baht per day picking chili peppers.
Si Ouey finished the day’s work at 5PM. And he’d order the same supper every night: salted pork belly.
Grilled or fried?
We don’t know.
What follows below is a chronological look at Si Ouey’s life. The murders that fall under his name. A look at other suspects. And the legacy that Si Ouey leaves us today.
They ate grass, he ate human flesh.
Go do the research on Si Ouey’s birth, and you’ll find discrepancies. Let’s clear this up first before we get any further - it might seem boring to you, but the facts matter, so skip this bit if you’d like.
Si Ouey was born with the name Ng Lihui. One source says he was born in Hun Lai subdistrict, Shantou province, China to a farming family. His father is named as Mr. Sung Ho, mother as Bai Tu. In this account he’s said to be of Teochew descent.
A Thai daily newspaper gives another account of his birth. Here it’s written that he was born in Phueng Tai village, Hong Nguan subdistrict, Xiamen, Fujian province. In this account he’s the youngest of four siblings, the family being of Hakka descent.
Alright, let’s take a breather. It took me an hour just to sort out Si Ouey’s birth details bouncing from Thai original sources, to English, to Thai, to Mandarin, to English as I tracked down the facts.
There are also two different years for his birth, both from authoritative sources: it’s either 1921 or 1927. For the ease of discussion, we’ll go with 1927, as it’s most common in the English language press, although we could make an argument for 1921 being Si Ouey’s birth year.
All of this is just to say: there are many discrepancies in the facts of these cases, and I did my best to sort through them. Sometimes the age of the victims is off by a year or two across different sources, for example.
And his name, Si Ouey. It’s how it’s pronounced. But it’s also written as Si Quey by some.
Moving on then.
In 1945 he was drafted to fight under the command of Chairman Mao Tse’tung against the Imperial Japanese forces. At one point the Japanese laid siege to his unit for weeks. Fellow soldiers ate grass, Si Ouey ate the human flesh of dead soldiers on the battlefield.
The Thai papers reported that this is where he developed the forbidden taste.
Si Ouey fled to Thailand on December 28th, 1946 on a cargo ship called the ProQ.
He planted his feet onto Thai soil at Khlong Toei Port, now known simply as Bangkok Port.
Si Ouey was detained for ten days by immigration. A man named Mr. Tin Ki Sae Ng, unknown relation, certified him for entrance into country. Another account says that a man named Mr. Ha Eoeng ponied up the cash and the documents to get him in.
He kicked around Bangkok doing odd jobs, staying at the Tianjin Hotel in Phra Nakhon district in Bangkok. Then he drifted south-southwest 325 kilometers down to Thap Sakae subdistrict in Prachuap Khiri Khan province. He landed there and picked up work as a farm hand.
Si Ouey traveled a lot. He followed the work, stitching together farm gigs across the coast from Prachuap Khiri Khan north to Bangkok and east to Rayong. He’d lay his head down for two months, then move along and find another farm for six month, then head back to the place he called home in Thap Sakae.
Eight years passed in Thailand without Si Ouey committing a serious crime. He had the occasional controversy. He was odd, by appearance and behavior. He unsettled people. But nothing criminal of note.
That is until April 10th, 1954.
What we know of the murders
Thap Sakae, the place Si Ouey called home.
Her name? Bangorn Pamornsut. She was 8 years old.
Si Ouey slashed her neck, bit her throat, and dragged her into the woods to finish the deal. But she managed to escape.
After the attack the young Bangorn said that there was no way it could have been Si Ouey. He was too small of a man, which isn’t what she remembered.
In fact, Si Ouey was small. He stood a meager 150cm tall.
Si Ouey worked a farm in Thap Sakae. He was known by the locals, gave sweets to the local kids. He’d drift off from the village to find other work throughout Thailand, but Si Ouey always came back to Thap Sakae.
Si Ouey confessed, but Bangorn identified a man named Mr. Clean as the attacker. The local sheriff was his brother. Mr. Clean disappeared after the attack and was never seen again.
Nevertheless, Si Ouey confessed. And not to just this attack.
One month later on May 19th, 1954, another bloody attack. Nid Saephu, a 10 year old girl, is murdered. Same village in Thap Sakae district. Her body was dissected, her entrails stolen away.
Bangkok was next
Six months later on November 28th, 1954, another girl is murdered. Muaychu Saehua, 6 years old, daughter of Xiang Kong. This time in Bangkok, right near the Suan Chitralada Royal Railway Station.
Young Muaychu’s genitals were ripped out. Her guts? They stayed this time.
When Si Ouey confessed to this murder years later, he said he skipped making a meal of her heart for it was too small, and dined on her gullet instead. That was a sick lie - and the skeptics use this confessional fib as an out for the killer. Hogwash. Let’s look at the facts.
We can be confident that Si Ouey murdered young Somboon in Rayong. He was caught red-handed burning the body, the boy’s raw heart and liver waiting in his pantry. He dissected the boy from the throat to his navel. And young Muaychu’s body saw about the same: cutting the throat and dissecting her, but this time he cut out the genitals.
Si Ouey denied involvement with the Bangkok murder initially. But he was aware of the case. He said in an interrogation that, “In Bangkok, I have heard people say that somebody killed a child and took the brains out a year ago. At that time, I was in Phra Nakhon staying at Mr. Bak Tiem’s house. I didn’t go to see it.”
It took 96 hours of interrogation after the Rayong murder for Si Ouey to fess up to what he did in Bangkok. “I used to kill people,” he said. “And eat their livers and hearts. Once in Bangkok, and once in Nakhon Pathom.”
We’ll look at Nakhon Pathom a little later. We’re not done in Bangkok just yet.
Young Muaychu’s mother took her to see an opera on the night of November 28th, 1954. After the show, she disappeared. It wasn’t until early the next morning that her body showed up. Found by workers at the Chitralada Railway station. No evidence was left at the scene, except one bloody toe mark on the floor.
The case saw no progress for three whole years until Si Ouey’s confession on January 31st, 1958.
“At night, around 8PM, I left the house alone. I went to look for a temple near Hua Lamphong. I came across a young girl crying near the opera house. I went to comfort her and asked if she’d come home with me. She agreed.
The girl complained she was sleepy, so I carried her away through the Hua Lamphong station to Rong Mueang Road and across the Kasat Suek Bridge. I walked until the Maha Nak intersection, and then along the Bangkok-Ayutthaya railway for about 300 steps. I laid the girl down and tried to wake her.
I drew a 6 inch long folding knife. I held the girl’s body down. I covered her mouth with my left hand, and stabbed her with my right. I stabbed her neck beneath the Adam’s apple. The girl started crying.
She wore a white shirt. I cut open her shirt to see her chest. Then I cut from her navel to the throat, the same way I did to Somboon in Rayong. Then I cut out her genitals, throwing half away, keeping the other half in my pocket. After that, I walked back home.”
Now let me ask you this. After you read that, do you think that’s a confession of an innocent man?
Was this confession the result of prejudice Chinese faced in Thailand because of the Red Scare in Communist China?
Was this the confession of a convenient patsy?
I don’t know the truth - but I want you to consider both sides.
After the gruesome murder, Si Ouey left Muaychu’s body at the scene and walked back home to the house where he stayed with a man named Mr. Iu Chai Saeng near the Phlapphlachai police station.
Si Ouey says that when he got home, he boiled the girl’s liver and heart. That was a lie. An autopsy confirmed that all of young Muaychu’s organs were in tact, except her genitals.
Let me ask you again. Does this confessional fib mean that Si Ouey didn’t kill the girl?
I’ll let you decide.
Discrepancies in the confession
Si Ouey recalled these details during an interrogation after the murder of young Somboon in Rayong. This was over three years after the murder in Bangkok.
The officers who conducted the interrogation did so with a Chinese interpreter, as Si Ouey spoke no Thai.
According to Si Ouey, the interrogators never threatened him or forced a confession. This is on the record.
There’s more still. The interrogators never asked for locations of the murders in Bangkok and others, but Si Ouey gave them freely and was correct in placing them.
There are discrepancies in his confession. They boil down to the following:
But even these claims are not so simple. There’s an interview with one of the officers in charge of the case published on February 4th, 1958, mere days after Si Ouey’s confessions, that “he was surprised after Si Ouey confessed to the murder of Mueychu and said he only dissected her genitals.”
There’s another report from February 12th, 1958 that says, “When Muaychu died, he dragged the corpse, slashed her chest up to her neck. He took out her heart. But saw it was too small and put it back in. Then he cut a lump out of her throat.”
This report doesn’t add up. Why would this cannibalistic monster drag a girl for several kilometers, slice her body open, yank out her heart, only to deem it too small for consumption?
Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose in matters like these, anything is possible.
The killings continue
Si Ouey returned to Prachuap Khiri Khan. This time to a different district: Sam Roi Yot.
He waited another six months to sate his urge. He murdered 7 year old Kimhiang Saelee on June 22nd, 1955. Her body was found raped and brutalized. Si Ouey said of the killing, “It was a folding knife that I bought. I stabbed her neck and I fled, leaving her body there.”
It was the first victim that was raped. The skeptics use this fact to say he couldn’t have done it. No way. A man who eats a kid’s organs in Rayong, slices his throat and guts, kills a girl in cold blood and cuts out her genitals in Bangkok, there’s no chance that this man could have raped the victim in Sam Roi Yot - because it simply doesn’t fit his M.O.
Bullshit, is what I say.
Another four months, another murder. Same district, Sam Roi Yot in Prachuap province. The victim? 10 year old Ngan Saelee. Again, he confessed “I used a folding knife to pierce her neck. I cut a piece of flesh from the neck and left the body at the scene of the murder.”
The newspapers ran regular headlines about the child killings. The pages frothed with full details, both in words and photos.
1955 closed without another kid taken by Si Ouey's evil hand.
The same for 1956, as far as we know.
Parents in Thailand started to breathe a sigh of relief. Things started to cool down in Thailand. Trust inched back, slowly.
Until he struck again.
Nakhon Pathom, February 6th, 1957.
He went young this time.
The mutilated body of Siewchu, just 5 years old, was found mutilated next to the town’s iconic landmark, the ancient pagoda of Phra Pathom Chedi.
When asked about this murder in the early stages of the marathon 96 hour interrogation in Rayong, Si Ouey said “I knew about the news of the child’s murder in Nakhon Pathom. In fact, I was in that province on that night. I heard the villagers talking about it, but I did not go to see. I was waiting for the express train to return to Thap Sakae.”
He denied involvement.
By the end of the interrogation, on January 31st, 1958, Si Ouey admitted to the murder of young Siewchu in Nakhon Pathom.
“That night there was an opera show for the Chinese New Year. I met the girl walking alone. I asked her to eat ginkgo at the side of the temple. I carried her to the temple. Beneath a Chamchuri tree, I pushed her into the ground. Covered her mouth with one hand. Then with my free hand, used the sharp folding knife and slit her throat. Then I dragged her body to the Phra Pathom Chedi cave. There, in secret, I dissected her body and took out her liver and heart. I carried the body back to the temple, but had difficulty. So I dragged the corpse and left it there.”
There was more evidence at the scene of the crime in Nakhon Pathom than any other. This indicates that the killer was trying to get caught. In fact, this was the last murder tha Si Ouey committed before his final one, where he did get caught, in Rayong.
Again, there’s conflicts between Si Ouey’s confession and what was found at the scene. Reading a newspaper from February 6th, 1957, it’s clear that the body had the organs in tact.
Si Ouey further confessed that “I stabbed the nape of her throat. There was a long wound from the nape to the lower abdomen, almost to the genitals. Her heart and intestines piled outside near the corpse.”
However, this conflicts with what happened. The killer did try to dissect the body. But a novice monk walked by at that time, and the killer escaped in a hurry before cutting the body open.
Yet again this case had no leads for an entire year until Si Ouey confessed to the crime.
Yet again there are discrepancies between his confession and what was found at the crime scene.
I leave it up to you to decide whether he murdered young Siewchu or not.
The big picture
An autopsy was performed on young Somboon, the boy killed in Rayong. His heart and liver were missing from his body. They were found in a bowl at Si Ouey’s home. The organs were examined and found to be real human organs. They were officially recorded as evidence.
My question is, did Si Ouey get a taste of Somboon’s heart? A bite of his liver?
If so, he was cannibal.
It’s only a question then of how many times he murdered and cannibalized the remains of his victims.
Let that sink in.
Si Ouey killed Somboon. He was caught burning the corpse in Rayong. He was caught with the boy’s liver and heart in a bowl at his house.
The other cases are difficult to prove. He confessed to them 1 - 3 years after the murders took place.
But again, he testified that the interrogator never put pressure on him to confess, and force was never used.
What about the trial?
I’m glad you asked.
Si Ouey went to trial on March 25th, 1958. He confessed to every murder that hung over his head on the stand. He didn’t hold a detail back when asked about the crimes.
The prosecutors had witnesses, too. A sibling of Muaychu, the girl murdered in Bangkok. They said they saw Si Ouey leading their sister away from the Chinese New Year celebration in Bangkok’s Chinatown.
The trial lasted only nine days.
Si Ouey fainted when he heard the verdict. He came to when a cop gave him a cigarette to puff on.
There are skeptics who claim that Si Ouey confessed only because the cops hung deportation over his head.
That just doesn’t add up for me.
You don’t reel off details of grisly murders and cannibalism because coppers say they’re sending you back to your homeland.
I mean, I love Thailand just as much as the next guy… but come on.
There are some skeptics who project 1950’s Thailand’s fear of Chinese communism onto the case. They say that’s why he was singled out for the crimes.
No, doesn’t hold water in my book.
It’s like blaming systematic racism and slavery for a murder that a black man commits in America. I know it’s a common excuse these days, but I don’t buy it.
At the end of the day, it’s personal responsibility: he either did the crimes by his own two hands, or his hands were clean.
And we know Si Ouey’s hands weren’t clean, at least in one case for sure.
Those faulty confessions?
They bug me, too.
Don’t get me wrong. I waffled on Si Ouey. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started poring over every minute little detail.
His confessions seem to be a mix of truth and lies. Maybe that was intentional. We have to consider that, at the very least. The fact is that he did disembowel young Somboon in Rayong. He prepared the organs for consumption - or at least it appeared that way after he put them in a bowl in his kitchen.
Did he cannibalize the other kids?
No, the evidence says.
Did he kill the other kids?
It very damn well looks like it from where we stand.
Look, consider the alternative: Si Ouey didn’t kill these kids.
Then who did?
There are a couple other potential suspects, and I’ll go over them in a second.
But it does very well look like a pattern of child killings developed in 1954-1958. It’s a damn fact that Si Ouey’s hands killed one of those children.
Is it so much of a stretch to consider the possibility that he killed the others?
Consider how each child was killed. Eerily similar between each of them. And I bet you didn’t know this: every single one of those kids were ethnic Chinese.
Sadly, we can only ask questions.
We’ll never know the full truth.
Forensic science is just better now. We have better processes, procedures, and technology. DNA. The whole bit.
Back then? Not so much.
So who else could’ve done it?
Another fine question.
There are two names who pop up in the files.
The first is Mr. Clean, a man we brought up earlier.
He’s the one identified by the first girl who survived the attack. She said that it was impossible Si Ouey did it. Instead, it was Mr. Clean.
He was never heard from again.
Could he have killed the other kids?
Perhaps. Let’s leave that possibility open.
Did he kill young Somboon in Rayong?
No, he did not. Si Ouey did.
There was another man. Sawai Pinsilpachai, a Thai butcher. He was identified by police as the serial child killer and was locked up for nearly a year. A court released him on bail in January 1958, a whole month before Si Ouey’s arrest.
The butcher’s family said he was scapegoat. “We’ve lost everything, we’re broke, even though my son’s innocent,” Sawai’s mother, Thongkiew Pinsilpachai, told reporters on February 4th, 1958.
The Thai police even ran this idea for a brief moment: prosecute Mr. Sawai as an accomplice of Si Ouey’s.
They dropped that idea faster than a hot potato. They just didn’t have the evidence to make it stick.
And consider this: Field Marshall Sarit, a hard nosed junta member, signed Si Ouey’s death warrant. He also ordered executions of civil rights activists and suspected criminals under his watch. According to reports, many were Chinese men.
Could he have had it out for Si Ouey?
OK then, Si Ouey did it. Why?
We don’t know what we don’t know.
But we know this: psychologists said that Si Ouey was free from any mental disorder after examining him.
And we know this: Si Ouey met with a Chinese hermit when he was young who said that eating a kid’s intestine would grant supernatural powers. In the only interview Si Ouey gave to media, he did say that he believed “consuming hearts and livers would strengthen his health. I ate them because they revitalized my body.”
This was published in Pim Thai newspaper on February 12th, 1958.
“And human organs taste really good,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Was this Si Ouey just a troll?
The reporter described his time with Si Ouey at a jailhouse interview.
“When he yawned and stretched his mouth, his snarling teeth were visible. His eyes turned to look like those of a beast, ready to strike its prey.”
He asked Si Ouey why he targeted children.
“Because they’re easy to trick. Adults? They might fight back.”
Si Ouey denied ever abusing his victims sexually, despite the evidence in at least two cases.
All those confessions to police, this admission to reporters. A weird mix of truth and fiction.
Was he just taking the piss?
Si Ouey, was he a child killer, cannibal, and a master troll?
Si Ouey’s end is just the beginning
The man saw his final end in 2020.
It’s been a strange year. One for the books.
Add to it the release of Si Ouey’s mortal coil. His body finally given its last rites. Cremated after 60 tar-soaked, embalmed years.
The skeptics rallied behind Si Ouey’s innocence, or at least, the possibility that he didn’t see true justice in his day.
There’s a Facebook thread (link in sources) with a fiery debate in the comments. For many Thais the case of Si Ouey is more than just armchair true crime speculation for those like myself with a penchant for the bizarre and macabre.
“In this day and age, we all know that Si Quey did not kill and eat human’s innards but was framed by someone powerful. Yet Siriraj Museum still displays his corpse along with the label cannibal. Even the dead don’t get justice,” ChangeSiam wrote on Twitter.
It was retweeted 80,000 times.
A petition generated more than 10,000 signatures. Of course, I couldn’t access it in Thailand. That website’s been taken down for other, unrelated reasons.
Si Ouey’s case became a flashpoint for the two sides of Thai’s modern social conflict.
One side claimed that there is no justice in the system, neither in Si Ouey’s time nor now.
The other side? They want to sue those who seek to scrub Si Ouey’s name of the most heinous deeds.
That’s modern Thailand.
Absolutely jaded with no trust in institutions on one side.
Litigious and dismissive of facts on the other.
I stand in the middle, or perhaps outside of both. I am a foreigner, so it’s easy to do that. I can look at the case of Si Ouey as it is without the need to take a side and make it a political issue.
Si Ouey’s cremated, but he lives on
Look at this - a foreigner writing over 5,000 words about the case.
Si Ouey has a legacy.
The killer was executed at Bang Kwang on September 16th, 1959.
July 23rd, 2020, more than 60 years later, Si Ouey was cremated at Wat Bang Phraek Tai in Nonthaburi, where all of Bang Kwang’s executed finally go.
Police Colonel Naras Savestanan, the Director-General of the Thai Corrections Department, attended Si Ouey’s funeral rites.
His message was thoughtful and clear.
“The funeral will be done in a way that lets the dead man’s spirit rest in peace. Si Quey was an executed convict who had committed many crimes. We will handle it properly, to prevent any issues arising, and will treat Si Quey like other executed convicts who had no relatives.”
Si Ouey’s ashes were delivered to a temple in Thap Sakae, Prachuap Khiri Khan province.
Home. At least for eight years, that’s what Si Ouey called Thap Sakae.
The residents of the village wanted to keep his ashes there. Locals always thought he was innocent - or at least that’s what some want us to think.
I haven’t talked to a local there.
Maybe some day I will.
A plethora of movies and TV series were produced about Si Ouey’s life and crimes in Thailand. I don’t think his story’s been properly told to a western audience.
Perhaps this is a start.
Of course, there’s a lot more research to be done. Especially with primary sources: medical records, court records and transcripts, and the like.
Sadly, I never got to visit his tar-embalmed corpse at the Siriraj Medical Museum in Bangkok.
His exhibit was the most popular historical exhibit there.
Even more popular than the one showcasing the medical tools used in the autopsy of King Rama 8th after his untimely death due to a firearm accident at the Grand Palace in 1946.
The sign on his exhibit?
It simply said: “Si Quey: Cannibal.”
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Si Ouey - ซีอุย: The True Story of Thailand's Infamous Child Killer & Cannibal

Si Ouey - ซีอุย: The True Story of Thailand's Infamous Child Killer & Cannibal

Si Ouey - ซีอุย: The True Story of Thailand's Infamous Child Killer & Cannibal
Every Thai child knows that if they misbehave, Si Ouey will be around the corner to get them and eat their livers.
Case summary: Parents in Thailand were paralyzed with fear 60 years ago. Six children were brutally murdered and cannibalized in the span of 3 years. The suspect in the crimes, a Chinese immigrant to Thailand called Si Ouey, was pinned with the murders. He was caught red-handed in one: burning the dissected body of a young boy.
Discussion point: But was he a cannibal and did he commit the other murders? Or was he a convenient patsy for the Thai government during the Red Scare in Thailand?
The Story:
The smells must have hit Nawa Boonyakan’s nose first.
Burning muscle tissue is said to give off an aroma like beef in a frying pan.
Human body fat, like grilling a side of fatty pork - not dissimilar from Si Ouey’s favorite dish.
Burning skin? It’s like charcoal.
And human hair releases its sulfurous odor in a quick burst of flame.
Beneath the twigs and leaves that smoldered in the forest laid Somboon Boonyakan, the eight year old son of Nawa. It was Si Ouey’s last victim. His small body lifeless and half-charred.
Si Ouey stood beside the burning pile. Nawa went off looking for his son after he’d been missing all afternoon. A friend joined Nawa on the search. They smelled the fire first. The leaves and twigs burning, mixed with the fumes of burning flesh. Nawa spotted Si Ouey and once he saw the little leg of his son sticking out from the leaf pile, his worst fears were confirmed.
The father and his friend tackled the killer to the ground. They waited for police to arrive. Si Ouey didn’t resist when he was arrested.
The boy’s murder was particularly gruesome and visceral.
Somboon had been been disemboweled. Si Ouey pierced the young boy’s throat, right beneath the Adam’s apple, and severed his trachea. He then slit open the boy’s abdomen, from the navel up to the throat again.
Si Ouey was after two things: the heart and the liver.
He took great care in handling the organs. He brought them to his hovel, cleaned them, displayed them in a bowl as if they were a meal of animal meat.
It must have hit Si Ouey then. He had to get rid of the evidence. The prize had already been won - he had the organs. Now it was time to burn the body. He lugged young Somboon’s corpse into the forest, piled leaves and twigs atop, and set it all ablaze. He stood by and watched, stoking the flames to ensure evidence of his hellish deed went up in smoke.
The parents of Somboon insisted that Si Ouey was nothing short of a murderous cannibal for decades after their son’s murder. Si Ouey himself admitted as much to a reporter from Pim Thai newspaper, “I ate them because they revitalized my body” (February 12th, 1958). The killer added matter-of-factly that “human intestines taste really good.”
It was also reported that Si Ouey had met a Chinese hermit years before who opened his eyes to cannibalism, specifically dining on human organs, as a direct method awaken supernatural powers. In the only interview Si Ouey ever gave to media, he said he believed that consuming hearts and livers would strengthen his health.
Presumption of innocence and skepticism
There are skeptics despite all of this: getting caught red-handed burning young Somboon in the Rayong forest; confessing to 5 other murders; gushing about the taste of human flesh.
They say that Si Ouey is not the cannibalistic monster who has haunted Thais and their children for six decades.
Some liken his case to the Koh Tao murders. The analogy being that Si Ouey was an ethnic Chinese, didn’t even speak Thai, at a time when the Red Scare was front and center in Thai politics. These skeptics call Si Ouey a convenient patsy, much like how some call the two Burmese in the Koh Tao case. But these are two different cases. Two different sets of evidence. I say we should look at them separately and not mix them up, despite some greater cultural critique that could be constructed.
Others point out that Thai police parade suspects through the media, both then and now. It’s true - the Thai media can make a spectacle of the accused before any proper trial is held. The Thai press in the 1950s most definitely exploited the child murders to haunt the public and sell more papers. But how the media acted does not determine innocence or guilt.
The skeptics inflate the importance of procedural errors and dubious confessions. They monkey branch up to demands that Si Ouey’s name should be cleared of all wrong-doing.
Look, I’ve pored over the evidence that’s available both in Thai and English, and I’ll say this: Si Ouey is guilty. Of what? Murder. How many kids? I don’t know. Cannibalism? Unlikely.
In the end Si Ouey confessed to six murders, including Somboon’s. The child killer was shot down by a firing squad, executed for his crimes, on September 16th, 1959.
Prison officers embalmed his corpse in tar. The bullet holes riddled his chest and the tar seeped into them, firming up his legacy and his demise, which was put on display for 60 years for visitors to the Siriraj Medical Museum in Bangkok.
The skeptics drummed up enough support to finally give Si Ouey a proper Buddhist cremation.
His tar soaked body, twisted and frozen in time, was taken to Wat Bang Praek Tai in Nonthaburi for the last rites. This is where the bodies of prisoners from Bang Kwang prison, the Big Tiger, are cremated.
Nobody came forth to claim Si Ouey as an ancestor, and thus the Bang Kwang prison sponsored the rite.
The skeptics who freed the image of Si Ouey from museum display showed up to the rite. So did villagers from Thap Sakae subdistrict, Prachuap Khiri Khan province. This was where Si Ouey called home six decades ago.
One man remember Si Ouey from when he was a child in the village, just 10 years old. His name, Jerrerote Jerrepornsawat, now 78. He remembered Si Ouey’s smile, the protruding teeth, and the man not being able to speak a lick of Thai. Si Ouey worked on the farm of Mr. Jerrepornsawat’s father, earning 30 baht per day picking chili peppers.
Si Ouey finished the day’s work at 5PM. And he’d order the same supper every night: salted pork belly.
Grilled or fried?
We don’t know.
What follows below is a chronological look at Si Ouey’s life. The murders that fall under his name. A look at other suspects. And the legacy that Si Ouey leaves us today.
They ate grass, he ate human flesh.
Go do the research on Si Ouey’s birth, and you’ll find discrepancies. Let’s clear this up first before we get any further - it might seem boring to you, but the facts matter, so skip this bit if you’d like.
Si Ouey was born with the name Ng Lihui. One source says he was born in Hun Lai subdistrict, Shantou province, China to a farming family. His father is named as Mr. Sung Ho, mother as Bai Tu. In this account he’s said to be of Teochew descent.
A Thai daily newspaper gives another account of his birth. Here it’s written that he was born in Phueng Tai village, Hong Nguan subdistrict, Xiamen, Fujian province. In this account he’s the youngest of four siblings, the family being of Hakka descent.
Alright, let’s take a breather. It took me an hour just to sort out Si Ouey’s birth details bouncing from Thai original sources, to English, to Thai, to Mandarin, to English as I tracked down the facts.
There are also two different years for his birth, both from authoritative sources: it’s either 1921 or 1927. For the ease of discussion, we’ll go with 1927, as it’s most common in the English language press, although we could make an argument for 1921 being Si Ouey’s birth year.
All of this is just to say: there are many discrepancies in the facts of these cases, and I did my best to sort through them. Sometimes the age of the victims is off by a year or two across different sources, for example.
And his name, Si Ouey. It’s how it’s pronounced. But it’s also written as Si Quey by some.
Moving on then.
In 1945 he was drafted to fight under the command of Chairman Mao Tse’tung against the Imperial Japanese forces. At one point the Japanese laid siege to his unit for weeks. Fellow soldiers ate grass, Si Ouey ate the human flesh of dead soldiers on the battlefield.
The Thai papers reported that this is where he developed the forbidden taste.
Si Ouey fled to Thailand on December 28th, 1946 on a cargo ship called the ProQ.
He planted his feet onto Thai soil at Khlong Toei Port, now known simply as Bangkok Port.
Si Ouey was detained for ten days by immigration. A man named Mr. Tin Ki Sae Ng, unknown relation, certified him for entrance into country. Another account says that a man named Mr. Ha Eoeng ponied up the cash and the documents to get him in.
He kicked around Bangkok doing odd jobs, staying at the Tianjin Hotel in Phra Nakhon district in Bangkok. Then he drifted south-southwest 325 kilometers down to Thap Sakae subdistrict in Prachuap Khiri Khan province. He landed there and picked up work as a farm hand.
Si Ouey traveled a lot. He followed the work, stitching together farm gigs across the coast from Prachuap Khiri Khan north to Bangkok and east to Rayong. He’d lay his head down for two months, then move along and find another farm for six month, then head back to the place he called home in Thap Sakae.
Eight years passed in Thailand without Si Ouey committing a serious crime. He had the occasional controversy. He was odd, by appearance and behavior. He unsettled people. But nothing criminal of note.
That is until April 10th, 1954.
What we know of the murders
Thap Sakae, the place Si Ouey called home.
Her name? Bangorn Pamornsut. She was 8 years old.
Si Ouey slashed her neck, bit her throat, and dragged her into the woods to finish the deal. But she managed to escape.
After the attack the young Bangorn said that there was no way it could have been Si Ouey. He was too small of a man, which isn’t what she remembered.
In fact, Si Ouey was small. He stood a meager 150cm tall.
Si Ouey worked a farm in Thap Sakae. He was known by the locals, gave sweets to the local kids. He’d drift off from the village to find other work throughout Thailand, but Si Ouey always came back to Thap Sakae.
Si Ouey confessed, but Bangorn identified a man named Mr. Clean as the attacker. The local sheriff was his brother. Mr. Clean disappeared after the attack and was never seen again.
Nevertheless, Si Ouey confessed. And not to just this attack.
One month later on May 19th, 1954, another bloody attack. Nid Saephu, a 10 year old girl, is murdered. Same village in Thap Sakae district. Her body was dissected, her entrails stolen away.
Bangkok was next
Six months later on November 28th, 1954, another girl is murdered. Muaychu Saehua, 6 years old, daughter of Xiang Kong. This time in Bangkok, right near the Suan Chitralada Royal Railway Station.
Young Muaychu’s genitals were ripped out. Her guts? They stayed this time.
When Si Ouey confessed to this murder years later, he said he skipped making a meal of her heart for it was too small, and dined on her gullet instead. That was a sick lie - and the skeptics use this confessional fib as an out for the killer. Hogwash. Let’s look at the facts.
We can be confident that Si Ouey murdered young Somboon in Rayong. He was caught red-handed burning the body, the boy’s raw heart and liver waiting in his pantry. He dissected the boy from the throat to his navel. And young Muaychu’s body saw about the same: cutting the throat and dissecting her, but this time he cut out the genitals.
Si Ouey denied involvement with the Bangkok murder initially. But he was aware of the case. He said in an interrogation that, “In Bangkok, I have heard people say that somebody killed a child and took the brains out a year ago. At that time, I was in Phra Nakhon staying at Mr. Bak Tiem’s house. I didn’t go to see it.”
It took 96 hours of interrogation after the Rayong murder for Si Ouey to fess up to what he did in Bangkok. “I used to kill people,” he said. “And eat their livers and hearts. Once in Bangkok, and once in Nakhon Pathom.”
We’ll look at Nakhon Pathom a little later. We’re not done in Bangkok just yet.
Young Muaychu’s mother took her to see an opera on the night of November 28th, 1954. After the show, she disappeared. It wasn’t until early the next morning that her body showed up. Found by workers at the Chitralada Railway station. No evidence was left at the scene, except one bloody toe mark on the floor.
The case saw no progress for three whole years until Si Ouey’s confession on January 31st, 1958.
“At night, around 8PM, I left the house alone. I went to look for a temple near Hua Lamphong. I came across a young girl crying near the opera house. I went to comfort her and asked if she’d come home with me. She agreed.
The girl complained she was sleepy, so I carried her away through the Hua Lamphong station to Rong Mueang Road and across the Kasat Suek Bridge. I walked until the Maha Nak intersection, and then along the Bangkok-Ayutthaya railway for about 300 steps. I laid the girl down and tried to wake her.
I drew a 6 inch long folding knife. I held the girl’s body down. I covered her mouth with my left hand, and stabbed her with my right. I stabbed her neck beneath the Adam’s apple. The girl started crying.
She wore a white shirt. I cut open her shirt to see her chest. Then I cut from her navel to the throat, the same way I did to Somboon in Rayong. Then I cut out her genitals, throwing half away, keeping the other half in my pocket. After that, I walked back home.”
Now let me ask you this. After you read that, do you think that’s a confession of an innocent man?
Was this confession the result of prejudice Chinese faced in Thailand because of the Red Scare in Communist China?
Was this the confession of a convenient patsy?
I don’t know the truth - but I want you to consider both sides.
After the gruesome murder, Si Ouey left Muaychu’s body at the scene and walked back home to the house where he stayed with a man named Mr. Iu Chai Saeng near the Phlapphlachai police station.
Si Ouey says that when he got home, he boiled the girl’s liver and heart. That was a lie. An autopsy confirmed that all of young Muaychu’s organs were in tact, except her genitals.
Let me ask you again. Does this confessional fib mean that Si Ouey didn’t kill the girl?
I’ll let you decide.
Discrepancies in the confession
Si Ouey recalled these details during an interrogation after the murder of young Somboon in Rayong. This was over three years after the murder in Bangkok.
The officers who conducted the interrogation did so with a Chinese interpreter, as Si Ouey spoke no Thai.
According to Si Ouey, the interrogators never threatened him or forced a confession. This is on the record.
There’s more still. The interrogators never asked for locations of the murders in Bangkok and others, but Si Ouey gave them freely and was correct in placing them.
There are discrepancies in his confession. They boil down to the following:
  • The heart and liver of young Muaychu was never cut out, they were found in tact.
  • Si Ouey never spent much time in Bangkok, but he knew place, road, and bridge names. He came to Bangkok ten days before the murder of Muaychu. In the confession, he said he stayed with Mr. Iwai Sae Ng on the night of the murder. In fact, he was at the house of Mr. Bak Thiam Sae Lai.
But even these claims are not so simple. There’s an interview with one of the officers in charge of the case published on February 4th, 1958, mere days after Si Ouey’s confessions, that “he was surprised after Si Ouey confessed to the murder of Mueychu and said he only dissected her genitals.”
There’s another report from February 12th, 1958 that says, “When Muaychu died, he dragged the corpse, slashed her chest up to her neck. He took out her heart. But saw it was too small and put it back in. Then he cut a lump out of her throat.”
This report doesn’t add up. Why would this cannibalistic monster drag a girl for several kilometers, slice her body open, yank out her heart, only to deem it too small for consumption?
Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose in matters like these, anything is possible.
The killings continue
Si Ouey returned to Prachuap Khiri Khan. This time to a different district: Sam Roi Yot.
He waited another six months to sate his urge. He murdered 7 year old Kimhiang Saelee on June 22nd, 1955. Her body was found raped and brutalized. Si Ouey said of the killing, “It was a folding knife that I bought. I stabbed her neck and I fled, leaving her body there.”
It was the first victim that was raped. The skeptics use this fact to say he couldn’t have done it. No way. A man who eats a kid’s organs in Rayong, slices his throat and guts, kills a girl in cold blood and cuts out her genitals in Bangkok, there’s no chance that this man could have raped the victim in Sam Roi Yot - because it simply doesn’t fit his M.O.
Bullshit, is what I say.
Another four months, another murder. Same district, Sam Roi Yot in Prachuap province. The victim? 10 year old Ngan Saelee. Again, he confessed “I used a folding knife to pierce her neck. I cut a piece of flesh from the neck and left the body at the scene of the murder.”
The newspapers ran regular headlines about the child killings. The pages frothed with full details, both in words and photos.
1955 closed without another kid taken by Si Ouey's evil hand.
The same for 1956, as far as we know.
Parents in Thailand started to breathe a sigh of relief. Things started to cool down in Thailand. Trust inched back, slowly.
Until he struck again.
Nakhon Pathom, February 6th, 1957.
He went young this time.
The mutilated body of Siewchu, just 5 years old, was found mutilated next to the town’s iconic landmark, the ancient pagoda of Phra Pathom Chedi.
When asked about this murder in the early stages of the marathon 96 hour interrogation in Rayong, Si Ouey said “I knew about the news of the child’s murder in Nakhon Pathom. In fact, I was in that province on that night. I heard the villagers talking about it, but I did not go to see. I was waiting for the express train to return to Thap Sakae.”
He denied involvement.
By the end of the interrogation, on January 31st, 1958, Si Ouey admitted to the murder of young Siewchu in Nakhon Pathom.
“That night there was an opera show for the Chinese New Year. I met the girl walking alone. I asked her to eat ginkgo at the side of the temple. I carried her to the temple. Beneath a Chamchuri tree, I pushed her into the ground. Covered her mouth with one hand. Then with my free hand, used the sharp folding knife and slit her throat. Then I dragged her body to the Phra Pathom Chedi cave. There, in secret, I dissected her body and took out her liver and heart. I carried the body back to the temple, but had difficulty. So I dragged the corpse and left it there.”
There was more evidence at the scene of the crime in Nakhon Pathom than any other. This indicates that the killer was trying to get caught. In fact, this was the last murder tha Si Ouey committed before his final one, where he did get caught, in Rayong.
Again, there’s conflicts between Si Ouey’s confession and what was found at the scene. Reading a newspaper from February 6th, 1957, it’s clear that the body had the organs in tact.
Si Ouey further confessed that “I stabbed the nape of her throat. There was a long wound from the nape to the lower abdomen, almost to the genitals. Her heart and intestines piled outside near the corpse.”
However, this conflicts with what happened. The killer did try to dissect the body. But a novice monk walked by at that time, and the killer escaped in a hurry before cutting the body open.
Yet again this case had no leads for an entire year until Si Ouey confessed to the crime.
Yet again there are discrepancies between his confession and what was found at the crime scene.
I leave it up to you to decide whether he murdered young Siewchu or not.
The big picture
An autopsy was performed on young Somboon, the boy killed in Rayong. His heart and liver were missing from his body. They were found in a bowl at Si Ouey’s home. The organs were examined and found to be real human organs. They were officially recorded as evidence.
My question is, did Si Ouey get a taste of Somboon’s heart? A bite of his liver?
If so, he was cannibal.
It’s only a question then of how many times he murdered and cannibalized the remains of his victims.
Let that sink in.
Si Ouey killed Somboon. He was caught burning the corpse in Rayong. He was caught with the boy’s liver and heart in a bowl at his house.
The other cases are difficult to prove. He confessed to them 1 - 3 years after the murders took place.
But again, he testified that the interrogator never put pressure on him to confess, and force was never used.
What about the trial?
I’m glad you asked.
Si Ouey went to trial on March 25th, 1958. He confessed to every murder that hung over his head on the stand. He didn’t hold a detail back when asked about the crimes.
The prosecutors had witnesses, too. A sibling of Muaychu, the girl murdered in Bangkok. They said they saw Si Ouey leading their sister away from the Chinese New Year celebration in Bangkok’s Chinatown.
The trial lasted only nine days.
Si Ouey fainted when he heard the verdict. He came to when a cop gave him a cigarette to puff on.
There are skeptics who claim that Si Ouey confessed only because the cops hung deportation over his head.
That just doesn’t add up for me.
You don’t reel off details of grisly murders and cannibalism because coppers say they’re sending you back to your homeland.
I mean, I love Thailand just as much as the next guy… but come on.
There are some skeptics who project 1950’s Thailand’s fear of Chinese communism onto the case. They say that’s why he was singled out for the crimes.
No, doesn’t hold water in my book.
It’s like blaming systematic racism and slavery for a murder that a black man commits in America. I know it’s a common excuse these days, but I don’t buy it.
At the end of the day, it’s personal responsibility: he either did the crimes by his own two hands, or his hands were clean.
And we know Si Ouey’s hands weren’t clean, at least in one case for sure.
Those faulty confessions?
They bug me, too.
Don’t get me wrong. I waffled on Si Ouey. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started poring over every minute little detail.
His confessions seem to be a mix of truth and lies. Maybe that was intentional. We have to consider that, at the very least. The fact is that he did disembowel young Somboon in Rayong. He prepared the organs for consumption - or at least it appeared that way after he put them in a bowl in his kitchen.
Did he cannibalize the other kids?
No, the evidence says.
Did he kill the other kids?
It very damn well looks like it from where we stand.
Look, consider the alternative: Si Ouey didn’t kill these kids.
Then who did?
There are a couple other potential suspects, and I’ll go over them in a second.
But it does very well look like a pattern of child killings developed in 1954-1958. It’s a damn fact that Si Ouey’s hands killed one of those children.
Is it so much of a stretch to consider the possibility that he killed the others?
Consider how each child was killed. Eerily similar between each of them. And I bet you didn’t know this: every single one of those kids were ethnic Chinese.
Sadly, we can only ask questions.
We’ll never know the full truth.
Forensic science is just better now. We have better processes, procedures, and technology. DNA. The whole bit.
Back then? Not so much.
So who else could’ve done it?
Another fine question.
There are two names who pop up in the files.
The first is Mr. Clean, a man we brought up earlier.
He’s the one identified by the first girl who survived the attack. She said that it was impossible Si Ouey did it. Instead, it was Mr. Clean.
He was never heard from again.
Could he have killed the other kids?
Perhaps. Let’s leave that possibility open.
Did he kill young Somboon in Rayong?
No, he did not. Si Ouey did.
There was another man. Sawai Pinsilpachai, a Thai butcher. He was identified by police as the serial child killer and was locked up for nearly a year. A court released him on bail in January 1958, a whole month before Si Ouey’s arrest.
The butcher’s family said he was scapegoat. “We’ve lost everything, we’re broke, even though my son’s innocent,” Sawai’s mother, Thongkiew Pinsilpachai, told reporters on February 4th, 1958.
The Thai police even ran this idea for a brief moment: prosecute Mr. Sawai as an accomplice of Si Ouey’s.
They dropped that idea faster than a hot potato. They just didn’t have the evidence to make it stick.
And consider this: Field Marshall Sarit, a hard nosed junta member, signed Si Ouey’s death warrant. He also ordered executions of civil rights activists and suspected criminals under his watch. According to reports, many were Chinese men.
Could he have had it out for Si Ouey?
OK then, Si Ouey did it. Why?
We don’t know what we don’t know.
But we know this: psychologists said that Si Ouey was free from any mental disorder after examining him.
And we know this: Si Ouey met with a Chinese hermit when he was young who said that eating a kid’s intestine would grant supernatural powers. In the only interview Si Ouey gave to media, he did say that he believed “consuming hearts and livers would strengthen his health. I ate them because they revitalized my body.”
This was published in Pim Thai newspaper on February 12th, 1958.
“And human organs taste really good,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Was this Si Ouey just a troll?
The reporter described his time with Si Ouey at a jailhouse interview.
“When he yawned and stretched his mouth, his snarling teeth were visible. His eyes turned to look like those of a beast, ready to strike its prey.”
He asked Si Ouey why he targeted children.
“Because they’re easy to trick. Adults? They might fight back.”
Si Ouey denied ever abusing his victims sexually, despite the evidence in at least two cases.
All those confessions to police, this admission to reporters. A weird mix of truth and fiction.
Was he just taking the piss?
Si Ouey, was he a child killer, cannibal, and a master troll?
Si Ouey’s end is just the beginning
The man saw his final end in 2020.
It’s been a strange year. One for the books.
Add to it the release of Si Ouey’s mortal coil. His body finally given its last rites. Cremated after 60 tar-soaked, embalmed years.
The skeptics rallied behind Si Ouey’s innocence, or at least, the possibility that he didn’t see true justice in his day.
There’s a Facebook thread (link in sources) with a fiery debate in the comments. For many Thais the case of Si Ouey is more than just armchair true crime speculation for those like myself with a penchant for the bizarre and macabre.
“In this day and age, we all know that Si Quey did not kill and eat human’s innards but was framed by someone powerful. Yet Siriraj Museum still displays his corpse along with the label cannibal. Even the dead don’t get justice,” ChangeSiam wrote on Twitter.
It was retweeted 80,000 times.
A petition generated more than 10,000 signatures. Of course, I couldn’t access it in Thailand. That website’s been taken down for other, unrelated reasons.
Si Ouey’s case became a flashpoint for the two sides of Thai’s modern social conflict.
One side claimed that there is no justice in the system, neither in Si Ouey’s time nor now.
The other side? They want to sue those who seek to scrub Si Ouey’s name of the most heinous deeds.
That’s modern Thailand.
Absolutely jaded with no trust in institutions on one side.
Litigious and dismissive of facts on the other.
I stand in the middle, or perhaps outside of both. I am a foreigner, so it’s easy to do that. I can look at the case of Si Ouey as it is without the need to take a side and make it a political issue.
Si Ouey’s cremated, but he lives on
Look at this - a foreigner writing over 5,000 words about the case.
Si Ouey has a legacy.
The killer was executed at Bang Kwang on September 16th, 1959.
July 23rd, 2020, more than 60 years later, Si Ouey was cremated at Wat Bang Phraek Tai in Nonthaburi, where all of Bang Kwang’s executed finally go.
Police Colonel Naras Savestanan, the Director-General of the Thai Corrections Department, attended Si Ouey’s funeral rites.
His message was thoughtful and clear.
“The funeral will be done in a way that lets the dead man’s spirit rest in peace. Si Quey was an executed convict who had committed many crimes. We will handle it properly, to prevent any issues arising, and will treat Si Quey like other executed convicts who had no relatives.”
Si Ouey’s ashes were delivered to a temple in Thap Sakae, Prachuap Khiri Khan province.
Home. At least for eight years, that’s what Si Ouey called Thap Sakae.
The residents of the village wanted to keep his ashes there. Locals always thought he was innocent - or at least that’s what some want us to think.
I haven’t talked to a local there.
Maybe some day I will.
A plethora of movies and TV series were produced about Si Ouey’s life and crimes in Thailand. I don’t think his story’s been properly told to a western audience.
Perhaps this is a start.
Of course, there’s a lot more research to be done. Especially with primary sources: medical records, court records and transcripts, and the like.
Sadly, I never got to visit his tar-embalmed corpse at the Siriraj Medical Museum in Bangkok.
His exhibit was the most popular historical exhibit there.
Even more popular than the one showcasing the medical tools used in the autopsy of King Rama 8th after his untimely death due to a firearm accident at the Grand Palace in 1946.
The sign on his exhibit?
It simply said: “Si Quey: Cannibal.”
submitted by TrueCrimeThailand to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

The Sports Betting Calendar for 2021 - All the biggest events by month

It's going to be a strange year for sport and much like 2020, these sporting events will feel much different than normal. However there is plenty to keep the average punter happy when it comes to placing bets and trying your luck. The crowds will be much thinner, but that might even make it a bit easier for the experts to focus on what they do best.
I find the best odds and biggest range of events for our taste over at, here is a month by month rundown of the biggest events happening this year.
February is packed with action: Fifa World Cup, Tennis ATP Cup and the Australian Open, Nascar: Daytona 500, Premier League Darts and Rugby Union: Six nations round one. The pinnacle of all sporting events, The NFL Super Bowl LV also takes place on the 7th of Feb.
March continues the pace with The Cheltenham Festival horse race, the Oman Open and the Darts: 2021 UK Open.
April has a nice mix with the World Snooker Championship, The Men's golf major: Masters Tournament, the Carabao Cup final and the Escape Loch Ness cycling event.
May leads us to another super hot month, with the Belfast City Half Marathon, the legendary Kentucky Derby, the Portugal masters and European Tour golf. The 2021 Scottish FA Cup final will also crown a winner. The British Touring Car Championship is a favorite for speed rally freaks. The US PGA Championship and the French Open will have tennis fans on the edge of their seats. To round it off the Uefa Champions League final occurs at the end of the month.
It's a bit quieter in June, Epsom Derby festival & Royal Ascot will attract horse racing afficionados and the Uefa European Championship is decided.
July is the opening of the Tokyo Olympic Games, although this one is looking rather precarious with the pandemic current situation, it will open up a whole realm of out of the ordinary sports for viewers.
The highlights of August would be more Olympic sporting activities, the English Open, the British Grand Prix MotoGP event, The US Open and the Tokyo Paralympics.
September will keep you busy with the World's Strongest Man: Giants Live World Tour Finals, the KLM open and the 43rd Ryder Cup.
October is when the London Marathon takes place, has the Rugby World Cup 2021 and plenty of golf tournaments to cap it off.
November has the DP World Tour Championship, the Ashes Test cricket series and the Melbourne Cup in Victoria, Australia.
December rounds out the Ashes test series and finishes with some classic UK Championship Snooker.
submitted by CrucialLogic to sportsbet [link] [comments]

I've watched 22 seasons in 23 days, here are my thoughts

Hey all, I'm newly back into Survivor after watching seasons 39 and 40 with my roommate. I originally watched a few of the first seasons when they aired but after watching season 40 and listening to a few episodes of RHAP I had an itch to watch a few seasons so I started with season 33 because I liked Adam in 40. That turned into a bet with my roommate that I couldn't watch all 40 seasons in 60 days. So far I've watched 33, and 1-20, and going to finish 21 in a few hours. I thought since I hit the halfway point I'd share my thoughts throughout the marathon about the game and the players each season. I'm have a unique perspective because I already know 20 of the winners from Winners at War and I have watched some Peridiam videos so I recognize a lot of the big plays so I thought it'd give a spin to my insight. Feel free to ask any clarifying questions and don't worry about spoilers for the following 20 seasons, because by now most of them left were in season 40 or I know from name recognition. Please be careful if you are worried about spoilers from the seasons because I haven't edited any out.
1 Season 1 is chaotic as fuck. Full stop THE CHALLENGES??? THEY’RE NOT CHALLENGES IT’S JUST PEOPLE HANGING OUT THROWING SOME SHIT AROUND Richard is arrogant but not unwarranted and also I love it “Want to know what you’re playing for?” Love that it’s always been around
2 Season 2 was alright, fairly uneventful in my eyes, just barely above 1 in terms of challenges
3 Season 3 would send me into a spiral seeing that watering hole and having to fight off lions. I understand the premise of the show is survival but that’s mental Clarence is my soulmate, him wanting to be a food critic “the man’s man food critic” iconic, greasy food and fluffy pancakes, my literal dream People solely voting for whoever they want and mostly on who’s the weakest link with no strategy is mind blowing to me The previous votes tie breaker is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen and so far Season 3’s strategy is solely about that Seasons 1-4, final immunity winner didn’t win the end Virtually if not literally every aspect of the game has evolved immensely Jury questions used to be like pick a number or Tom’s dumbass question about the hyena licking its butt after eating the mush
4 Season 4 is like night and day, at the beginning it feels like the first season of true survivor with the challenges Boston rob was good but he was out way too quickly, same with Amber in 2 so what were their criteria for all stars? You picked up when they called to ask if you’d come back? Then he left and it went back to normal
5 Season 5, is this the most chaotic cast ever? Holy hell Might be the two least deserving people fighting for a million dollars at the end of 5 The early seasons have no animosity, there are challenges where they have to target the other survivors directly and they just take it in stride
6 The challenges where you snuff out their three torches or knock out three plates with a slingshot suck ass Season 6 E 4’s immunity challenge where whoever gets the most fish in a time wins is such a dumb challenge because the odd are varied between the two areas, present challenges with equal odds are way better Guys vs girls is chaotic and I love it, the off the cuff comments from the guys are great The mini fridge with coke as a reward was wild and loved it They got way too much food and beer at the merge wtf was that? The lead up to tribal broadcasts who is going so clearly it’s jarring compared to modern survivor The confessional camera angles are wild, especially Rob’s in S6E7 The mid season recap episodes also suck ass Love the auctions, bring that back Was Rob the first super fan? Are they legally required to have a homophobe on screen every season? I know it’s a different time but yikes “Who do you have a crush on?” “Matthew guessed himself” probably the funnest part of the series yet This felt like the first real true season Matt giving up his reward to see his mom for the rest of the castaways made me cry for the first time in the series
7 JK this is the first real season (7) of survivor in my eyes Didn’t have a recap episode so solidifies it as the first season The start is a great concept, I’d love to see it come back I’ve seen this season before so I know Rupert is my favorite but even coming back I love him Sandra has redemption in my eyes here, I don’t remember her much from the first view and in 40 she was lame so seeing her here is great Give skinny Ryan a redemption arc in a new season The editing including Jonny saying he has a mill to bet that Sandra’s not the final one after their fight, perfection Looting is a pretty cool dynamic, I have no problem with it I forgot the edge of extinction existed this early, damn they’re thinking ahead The first self eviction and Jeff didn’t even try to hide his distain I mean how do you not love the confessionals at the end of this season? The fact that neither of the boys had any clue and talked down the girls constantly, chef’s kiss Also it’s cemented Sandra as a bad bitch for me; this season was her as the “I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me” vine
8 Did anyone understand the power of a power couple with Boston Rob and Amber or did they just ignore it? Watching Rob try to play with the big boys was funny Love the dissolving tied into the reward challenge Loving people from the same season back because they have old beef to hash out or bonds that are already there Randomly picking buffs to swap tribes bit them in the butt so I’d be surprised if this isn’t where they started predetermining the swaps like I’m pretty sure we’ve seen in 39 or 40 Boston Rob ran this game, honestly embarrassing by the rest “Shii Ann’s probably trying to make alliances with a bush” new favorite line of the series What are the job requirements for setting up the challenges? CBS, call me. I can do it.
9 100% thought Chris was going home the first tribal of 9 I’m going to be taking note of weirdest jobs, Mechanical bull operator leads so far All these randoms makes me feel like season 1 again I did like the switch up of majority alliance at 7, if it was a march down of majority to the end it would have been utterly boring. Now it was only slightly less boring I truly will not remember season 9 after a week, except the LGBTQ representation was memorable The story challenges suck ass The out of tune gong when they’re failing is my favorite thing in the series
10 Booting off two right away is sadistic and if I was one of the two I’d be on suicide watch so please don’t have it if I’m on Survivor Also if I go I hope Jeff is never as disappointed in me as he is this tribe that’s losing I was hopeful they’d throw this losing tribe an immunity challenge that’s tailored to them but Jeff said absolutely not How sick of strategizing do you get when there are no people to vote off? If Steph doesn’t win after all this I’m going to CBS studio and riot Steph will always be the winner in my mind, fuck everyone else Firemaking challenge with matches is so easy wtf Ian’s final offer feels like the most honorable thing we’ve seen yet in the first 10 seasons HOLY FUCK IS KATIE THE WORST PERSON IN THE FINAL 2??????????????????????????????????????? I literally can’t fathom a world where Tom doesn’t win the million after this absolutely flaming pile of shit
11 Steph redemption arc inbound let’s go Guatemala This tribe swap was a cool way to do it, especially with the surprise to the two that were gone Gary is trying his hardest to hide his NFL experience so I’m excited to see him on a tribe with Danni Jamie’s my least favorite player so far dude just needs to take the L Interesting to see how they handled the hidden immunity idol, no footage of it being found, used it right after he found it. I know he was potential to go home but doesn’t seem like they processed it could be kept for another day I need someone from the season to tell me if they believed Gary denying his NFL playing time after time Danni completely unbothered by her brother both being there and not being able to spend the night with him, a bad bitch FUCK THE CAR, CINDY CURSE EVERYONE ELSE Bitter jury cost Steph the million, damn
12 Exile Island is edge light? Why is there another recap episode? Who asked for this??? Being able to play the idol after the votes is incredibly overpowered how is this a thing? In line for dumbest things to do before a season, not quit smoking earlier than right before you head out Just putting it out into the universe if breakfast is ever a reward in a game of Survivor that I’m playing I’ll literally do anything needed to get it LMAOOOOO but if this was supposed to be the bed and breakfast I’d sue It’s so frustrating seeing them not know how to play an immunity idol to keep their numbers and take out one at the beginning of the merge Also though he didn’t even need to worry about it because he won individual every time? A mess I literally said to my friend “what is he holding this idol for if he’s not keeping the numbers, does he expect to win every individual immunity to the end besides one where he uses his hidden idol?” Then he did it. An actual fire making contest, we love to see it “In a new social experiment” about the four tribes of four based off gender and age…you all had that for one vote???? What kind of planning is that if you’re going to boast about it Seems sloppy to have a final immunity where one person can fall and shift the water towards another person… Branching off of my breakfast comment from earlier, I literally can’t fathom how good the day 39 breakfast would taste Except I’ll stay off the rocks unlike Aras Cirie’s confessionals are always a 10/10
13 I’m surprised I could watch this season with a terrible choice of a theme on CBS’ website Exile Island back already? Must have had difficulties in the writers room Eye roll at Parvati overtly flirting count: 4 Love seeing the iconic things in real life like Billy falling in love I am having difficulty with the themes of the season if they’re going to swap tribes after 2 eliminations, 1 last season Unrelated to the game but I could listen to Yul talk all day long, he’s incredibly smart and I’d love to hear his ideas on everything You dumb fucks think that a simple comment about wanting mashed potatoes means you’re ready to go home????? The idol is so overpowered right now it’s basically just an f you you can’t vote me out don’t try or you’ll just lose a person
14 Expert witness locator is a pretty cool job too Going to see if the winner is from the tribe that wins the decked out shelter because that seems overpowered I give it 1 in 10 odds someone gets bit by a sea snake on exile island and dies I haven’t been talking about the gameplay mechanics much lately because they’re all pretty good now. The idol mechanics of playing after the vote suck but that’s fixed so it’s all good now Somewhat related though having the entire cast make a shelter only half get to use is cheap though Well I was so right about the shelter that production made them give up a person just to keep it The audacity for Dreamz to call out the two weakest players after they gave up immunity is mental I need to talk to someone from Moto to ask what they did with all that fishing gear The twist for this season is either toxic masculinity or one tribe gets a god tier shelter and see how it turns out, I can’t quite tell yet Boo with the spy bunker prototype Stone-cold jury when Yau Man used his idol correctly, at least give him a smile I would pay a million dollars to hear what Jeff was thinking during this final tribal council The least enjoyable cast so far
15 I get it, the twist this season is just throw everyone around the two tribes and see what happens I love the idol out in the open But Todd using the kidnapping to his advantage is a brain blast move wtf Todd straight up running this season and they’re all fighting to bring him So far this season has the most nudity blurred so let’s see if that can be broken down the line
16 I literally can’t tell you how excited I am for this season Fans wanting to get out Mike/Mary because Mike told them how to split the votes is basically them saying “I don’t want you to be smart” So Cirie has to be the first out of the alliance of 5 out because how do you beat 2 couples? I cannot believe she went forward with that, I wonder how the game would have played out if she went with Jonathan and company Kathleen was the inspiration for Island of the Idols? She mentions being out at exile with the favorites was teaching her so much about the game/survival I mean I don’t care for Chet but him getting destroyed in this capture the flag reward was incredibly hard to watch The fact that this fake idol fooled anyone is mental to me Alexis talking about Eliza in the past tense at tribal is one of the spiciest slip ups yet The giant chocolate sheet cake was the best item in any auction so far The chip away at each person’s 3 ropes or plates or whatever challenges are better now that they’re not so sheepish about it Seeing Erik give away his final immunity in real life is wild, I still can’t wrap my head around it Pulling out a final 2 instead of 3 here is cruel and unusual punishment Ozzy professing his love at the end, yikes
17 They’re back in Africa and I’m already triggered by what the water situation can be like I’m 23 minutes in and I’ve already seen so much, a lady wanting to drink water from elephant poop, a nerd falling for a girl, a straight guy being uncomfortable and defending his sexuality with a guy being attracted to him, I am in for a ride Just after I said that medical came in, wow what a first episode and it’s not even 1/3 over Changing criteria for getting fire every season gives me a headache, sometimes they let them die of dehydration other times they give both tribes fire after the first challenge and tribal The dynamic of Sugar getting comfort at exile while her tribe starves and there’s nothing she can do it is my favorite dynamic of the show yet Watching this starving team lose over and over it’s even fun but what can you do? This nonsense with the idol during the swap feast is chaotic and I hate it Is laughing at someone who used a fake idol and got voted off the right thing to do? No. Is it a little better when they’re a aggressive racist? Absolutely These fake idols, botched alliances, actual chaos and I didn’t think it could get more chaotic than the challenges in the first season What did two of these three do to get to the end? There’s a clear winner for me And he won :)
18 The absolute next level spice to start this season off, production had fun with this How does anyone older than 8 years of age not know what a pace is? I love the dynamic with two people going to exile from different tribes and the use of it with Taj and Brendan but they needed to mix it up way quicker to not put suspicion on themselves The clues for exile idols are basically “if you’re like the second person out there you get it, sucks to suck anyone else that comes along” When I watched Winners at War, Tyson’s pretentiousness was unbearable but now that it is for some reason, I can’t put my finger on why though Coach is full of himself too and I dislike him a lot more than Tyson and truly can’t wait to see Sophie beat him Ep 6 39:30 the cut between Stephen and Brendan cuddling and the frogs on top of each other, funniest part of the series yet, beats out the last Episode 7 section on Coach is exactly why I can’t stand him. Someone will do something he doesn’t like and chastise them and he does something someone else doesn’t like and pretends it’s all good I took a shot every time Brendan mentioned he’s an entrepreneur and now I can’t remember my name Stephen gaming the symbols challenge was beautiful, I’d seen it in a video before but knowing him all season now makes it all the better I would pay someone to edit Coach out of this season
19 Marisa is gorgeous and if she’s reading this I hope you reach out It’s incredible how easily swayed these people are by Russell wtf I’ll admit I’ve already seen that Russell found the first idol without a clue from a random YouTube video but it’s still nice to see it in person A challenge without Jeff there, the true twist of the season I didn’t think they were taking the leadership necklace seriously until Jeff stopped at a challenge to ask where it was. I hate it but also love it, I feel dirty because it’s so dorky who thought this was a good addition to Survivor? How do they still have recap episodes 19 seasons in??? Russell is the most entertaining player so far, I said what I said
20 I am unbelievable excited for this season the intro alone was insane I love the idea that Russell is star struck with Parvati and Rob there The heroes win the first reward challenge and get four chickens on their first day what an omen Oh my lord someone Coach actually admires, I can’t believe it’s happening I think Boston Rob’s a prick but it’s obvious after his fall and recovery he truly loves this game so I’ll respect it Also “and a little case of cry babyitis” made me chuckle I truly don’t even care for Parvati much because I have seen how she plays three times now but if I ever played with here there is 0% chance I wouldn’t succumb to her charm and I hate that about myself James’ luxury item being one of the hidden immunity idols he didn’t use in China is incredible Tyson not knowing how to comfort Coach, chef’s kiss Jeff yelling no when people fuck up at challenges has stayed the same since season 1 and I love it every time “Tomorrow we make our apologies, tonight we make our move” I saw it in person, damn The slow dissent of heroes to villains is great, Jeff getting pissed at Colby telling him to start the reward challenge was incredible The Russell vs Rob tribal where Tyson ultimately goes home, wowowwewow Probst gottem with the merge drop your buffs bluff Sandra with the positive Outback Steakhouse confessional mirroring Karishma’s pro Applebee’s confessional in 39, cinema “This is Survivor history” for the JT idol play, true but for a different reason Colby just watching the movie while the other two find the clue is iconic Candice is a mess and I need her to get it together or I’ll freak Well after the failed flip to Heroes, I had no idea how Sandra won but now I see how the pieces are coming together as they vote Candice off and now Danielle Watching it crumble beneath Russell gives me life ISO a woman who is looking to kiss me as long as Laura kisses Rupert I love that this was all redone challenges I didn’t realize Sandra beat Parvati for this win, she’s a bad bitch also Russell’s a moron for thinking he’d ever win this final 3
submitted by chevlet to survivor [link] [comments]

Beginner's Help Megathread Season 10 (FAQ and other questions here!)

Got a simple question?
Ask it in the comments!
Contact SNK here (for lost accounts for example)
So that you don't lose your account in the first place, tap your user picture at the top left of the menu, go to My Profile, use Device Change Password and screenshot whatever you set there. Be sure to make a copy of the screenshot by sending it to a PC or a cloud-based storage service. Also screencap your ID Verification data, and your guild ID number.
Official news posts are over here
These include various useful details, such as monthly schedules, patch notes, and so on.
Old help posts: 987654321
How do I get medals?
Medals are the "premium" currency of Metal Slug Attack. Like many freemium games, you'll get a large amount of them for "free" when you start playing... but that supply will dwindle as your account levels up. Eventually the only "fast" method will be to spend real cash: freemium games are for those with either patience or money.
In the long run, your main supply will come from gathering points during events. Marathon events, which usually occur near the start of a month, are the most "generous" in terms of "time for medals" (and MSP). That doesn't mean they're the only events worth participating in, though - the units they unlock tend to be weaker than those from other event types.
kyr_chang has a write up on the medal counts from all event types here.
How should I spend medals?
On the step or box cranks, generally - there's very seldom a reason to spend them anywhere else these days. On average, it costs ~12.5k medals to unlock a step unit, or ~18k medals to unlock a box unit. Luck's involved, so you could spend a lot less or more than that (a 50% deviation isn't uncommon, for better or worse). You won't unlock all crank units without forking out real money for more medals, so it pays to build up a reserve for those ones you really want!
Do not spend medals in the "shops". This goes double if you're thinking about buying equippable items for your units! As your account levels up, you'll get tons more items for free - but your medal supply will dry up, and medals are the only way you can spin the step / box cranks.
Occasionally you'll get free "crank keys" that let you spin the regular "medal crank" without spending actual medals. Try Line, United Front, and Recapture events make up to ten of these available at a time - if you save up that many, then you can use them all at once to get better prizes. The keys expire if you don't use them before an event ends, but the game'll use them for you if you miss the cut-off dates.
How do I get MSP?
Putting aside the obvious (such as completing your daily quests), really early on, the way to go is through the Rebel Gigant stage that appears after completing Attack map stages every now and then. It generally shows up once every eight hours, and is pretty much sure to appear the first time you clear an Attack stage each day, so the idea is to finish off all your other Daily Quests and redeem them before triggering it so's you can dump in as many sorties as possible. The more times you can beat it within an hour, the more MSP it pays out.
Once you join a guild, you can also ask for help in the chat. Depending on how well off the other members are, their contributions through Good Jobs could add up to hundreds of thousands a day (perhaps even over a million if the guild's really active and very generous).
Later on, your best bet is playing events. The different types give different amounts, with Marathons providing the most for the least effort. Once you get to the point where you can farm Hell maps, you won't have any trouble gathering tons of MSP.
How should I spend MSP?
Through the "Customise Bases" screen first. In particular, it's imperative that you upgrade everything relating to AP production. Consider that your main priority.
Outside of that, just dump it in to the units you're currently using. There's no benefit to upgrading units that aren't in your decks.
Once you level up enough you'll have MSP coming out of your ears, so don't worry too much about "wasting" it.
What units should I use?
Generally, you'll want to use whatever the other players are using to kick you around in Online mode - so if in doubt, go play there. Constantly losing really quickly? You need more low-AP units which can block attackers. Constantly losing after a prolonged battle? You need more high-AP units which can dish out damage. Experiment to find the balance that works for you.
Don't have the units you see online? A lot of decent units are only available for a limited time during certain events, and aren't made available again for a long time afterwards. But Metal Slug Attack is a collection-based game, which means that new units are constantly being introduced to outpower the old ones: if you do miss something decent, odds are you'll soon get something better from a later event anyway. There's not much point in worrying about which units you have prior to reaching player level 50, which is the maximum level your units may ever be raised to.
The best "free" opener units tend to come from Try Line and Rare Boss events. The better "boss" type units are to be had from Try Line, Task Force, or Recapture events.
The ''strongest'' units tend to come from the Step and Box cranks, but a well-made deck will incorporate both premium crank units as well as free event units.
submitted by BombBloke to MetalSlugAttack [link] [comments]

Shogun 2 Legendary Tips. (For the Sengoku Jidai/Vanilla Campaign)

  1. Field ashigaru-heavy armies. This will allow you to keep costs low. It is not for their spear wall ability, though this is powerful, it is because their cost effectiveness will allow you to make mistakes.
  2. Remember, you cannot save-scum on legendary. Something will go wrong, and when you don't need to throw your all-samurai army away in a piss-up, the game is a lot more forgiving, and a lot more fun.
  3. Attack first. Be aggressive. All the tables favour the A.I.; so, it is up to you to turn them. Build cheap, expendable expeditionary forces to take enemy castles. You'll thank me when your first stack crushes the enemy at your capital in a siege defence, but doesn't have the movement range to counterattack effectively: this usually results in the enemy A.I. using its game-breaking economy and über recruitment slots to field another full stack in two turns. Fuck the A.I. Make sure there's an ambush force in range of the enemy settlement before the enemy begins their assault on your castle. Do this right and you may not even have to fight their army, fingers crossed. (Armies go poof when their last town goes bye-bye.)
  4. Which reminds me, fight using your castles. Open field battles, when you're attacking that is, are a piss-up. The enemy A.I. always camps on hills and makes it a life or death struggle. Arrow towers are not worthless. Choke points are provided to you during siege defences. Use every layer. Don't underestimate good strategy. You can hold 300 men on one side of the castle with one unit of ashigaru. The enemy has to try and take your towers and your central flag; so, place your ashigaru in spear wall directly in front of your flags. The enemy must run at your ashigaru and defeat them before progressing through the rest of the castle. Utilise the stupidity of the A.I. and break the enemy by making them come to you.
  5. If the enemy has archers during castle defences, make them waste their ammo, if there are too many of them, attack first.
  6. Cavalry are not good in bulk unless you're Takeda. Four units is too many units. I bolster my generals with a single cavalry unit, which I place on top of my general during deployment, and then lock them together as if they were a single unit. I have one additional cavalry unit in reserve to replace this one; usually, I hide this unit in the woods until I need it. What this does is make my general more weighty. I can now slam him into the lines when they're looking like they're about to tilt in the enemy's favour, which I don't want. This makes him a true support unit, rather than a liability in combat. Yes, your general may die doing this, but you've taken every reasonable precaution, and 60+ additional bodies makes for at least three well-executed charges into the line before things start getting dubious.
  7. Abuse the charge animation. Once you set your cavalry to charge something, the animation begins, calculates the charge bonus, and then deals out the corresponding damage onto the enemy unit. Pull them out the moment the animation ends, because by then your horses are useless and caught-up in the dice-roll matrix. Once your cavalry are out, check the line. If your men aren't winning decisively, slam your bolstered general into the same line again and watch it crumble. Your cavalry will be tired, but you've just won the engagement.
  8. Reduce your micro-management in battles to three key tools: Infantry core, archers on support, and general-cavalry. If you're fast, throw in a quirk unit: ninjas, firebomb throwers (my personal favourite because they don't require much micro to use and they affect the enemy's morale), or brawlers (marathon monks/nag' warrior monks). Whatever your 'quirk unit' is, min-max it with encampment and skill tree buffs, otherwise, sorry, but you've wasted time and money acquiring it for the roster. If you're building an army you can't field in three turns, you're fucked.
  9. Economy, economy, economy. Get it? Sake dens and markets, sake dens and markets. That's money for your army: not for your navy, not for your nation's well-being and happiness - that's why you're building sake dens - money is for your army.
  10. Use your agents. None of them are shit or under-powered or any of the mumblefuck-none-sense people put online when they don't know how to utilise them. Monks fuck. Walk them through the enemy's territory and past their capital and into their back lines and wololo those bastards into an early revolution. 33% chance is a 1/3 chance, and if the cost of inciting unrest is only 500 gold... I'll take that bet. This fundamentally weakens your enemy and cuts off their supply lines: which causes the A.I.'s diplomacy to go haywire. How can Takeda be trading with Hojo if I just made their border provinces into grey states? That's right, they can't. Break their relationship first, then bribe them to turn on one another. If you've made them hard for you, they'll do it. There you go. You just crushed one of the hardest clans without fighting a battle on the open field. See? Monks fuck. Monks can also demoralise the enemy and inspire your troops with morale bonuses. If the enemy stack has no general to recover from this loss, this is deadly. You will win the encounter on morale alone.
  11. Which reminds me: diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Think it doesn't matter? Actually, I made Hojo destroy Takeda as Oda, and Imagawa-Tokugawa, and then made Kyoto spit on Hattori, and Hatano clash with the Ikko Ikki: all whilst I sat back, lining up my troops. When the time was right, I sent my armies to take the provinces I needed to execute my Kyoto-plan. Thank you, machine-learning.
  12. Have a plan. Choose territories for their perks (+accuracy bonuses, blacksmiths, resources, gold mines, schools and libraries), not for their availability. If you overextend... Good luck. Just be aware you can't take back coming into contact with the other clans. The more isolationist you are about your affairs, the better.
  13. Your borders are your worse nightmare. Connect with too many clans too quickly and you enter the death-brawl of which there's no escape. Enjoy your war of attrition. Tzu states that there is no instance of a nation benefiting from extended period of war, and yours won't either. Your economy will be shitting bricks by turn fifteen and you'll be playing in -134 income hell. The game isn't fun this way. And it isn't fun because you thrust your fist out into the unknown and hell answered back.
  14. Back to agents: Ninja. Ninja fuck harder than anyone's ever fucked. They can redirect enemies and make them go crying home to baba. Sabotage everything in sight during the first few turns of their lifespan. But do not sabotage things belonging to the clans you want to like you, because if you fail, and you will, -20 or even -40 to diplomatic relations. -40 will convince most clans you're a threat and you need wiping off the map. Skill-tree-wise, dump points into assassination. Protect your ninja with +5%/10% chances to escape unharmed if they fail in their attempts, and take every +1 to assassination that RNG sweetly offers. Take 33% chances on enemy Daimyo. I've wounded the Oda more times than I can count with these odds and sent his army running back home. And remember, on Legendary, nothing can be taken back. Every attempt might be your agent's last: get used to it. I see a lot of people saying ninja are 'too expensive to maintain'. But what else are you spending money on, other than recruiting ashigaru and upgrading vital infrastructure? ... Right? Nothing. People that say this can't run a half-decent economy because they're too busy building archery dojos instead of sake dens.
  15. Metsuke are too expensive to maintain, admittedly. They should not be used to bribe, unless you're doing an 'all-out Metsuke offence'; and by this I mean using Metsuke instead of ninja to send armies back at the A.I, badminton-style. But personally, I don't see this as cost effective. Instead, Metsuke should be used to spy on strategic choke points to watch out for enemy agents, and to bolster the profitability of rice dens. Did you know that if you put Metsuke into provinces with markets, that the growth and economy of those provinces goes up? They can also protect your Daimyo or top-tier generals from being assassinated by enemy ninja; and I highly recommend putting one in each of your core armies. Trust me: it sucks to lose your five-star general to a suspicious death on turn 60, especially when the game auto-saves at the beginning of each turn. Bye-bye Stand and Fight. Bye-bye Ashigaru Commander. Farewell Night Attack. Hello sadness.
  16. For Sieges, have ranged superiority from the off-set. Six bow ashigaru will melt most armies inside of their fort. On my Chōkosabe play-through, each unit had 200+ kills by the end of the siege. I do not find siege battles intimidating when I know I'm coming in with more archers than the opposing army, because I can and will surround them, can and will out-trade them, and then when they're weak and tired from trying to avoid my arrows, that's when I send in my yari ashigaru to take advantage of their failing strength. One unit of bomb throwers on the gate of your choice will blow it to shreds and allow spear-wall after spear-wall to penetrate their defences. The A.I. will blob the gate: perfect, that allows your archers to menace them. If the enemy army has bow samurai, do not attack the wall they're stationed at. You will get fucked because the A.I's bow samurai is always god-tier, and yours fling kaka in comparison. Instead, place an infantry reserve unit just out of range of that wall, and the A.I. will station most of their archers at it and... wait, allowing you to haemorrhage the fort from an opposing angle. Don't bother moving the reserve unit into range of the enemy archers, not necessary, they'll stay there as long as you stare back at them, menacingly. Target priority is: generals, infantry, and bows. If you kill them off in that order, you can afford to get impatient and rush the walls, because bows can't stop yari from getting in. And if your bomb throwers have spare ammo, launch it at any stubborn archers manning the walls: they will quickly get the point and relocate elsewhere.
  17. Toppeth-Tippeth: Bomb throwers can follow your yari ashigaru through the main gate, and toss bombs into the enemy's ranks over the heads of your infantry. I really didn't think this would work when I first tried it, because I figured the narrowness of the gate would cause my bomb throwers to report their line of sight as 'blocked': rendering them useless. Turns out no, actually, they pretty happily line themselves up on the ramp, swing their grenades, and launch them into the enemy blob. Yes, you will lose men: bah. But the enemy's morale will break long before you run out of reserves, especially with all their generals dead already. It's also fun as fuck. Boom... boom... boom.
  18. Katana infantry kind of fuck, but only under the right circumstances. I've found having one or two in reserve to be really advantageous. They are absolutely class for going in with the second wave during sieges. Fresh and eager, and up against tired defenders: they melt. But inspired? They will fuck on everything. Best of all, katana infantry fight to the last man (because bushidō), and because the A.I. loves to field spears, they always have the advantage. The only drawback is they're expensive to maintain, and therefore should only be used this way in the early to mid game, if at all. Lastly, they're dumb-good in siege defences. Put them on the walls, away from the enemy archers, and whoever's coming up isn't coming up for long. I never have to worry about the walls I've assigned my katana to. They're just too good at holding the battlements due to their superior melee stats.
  19. Once your armies have been fielded, hold an economy of around 500/1000 koku. If you don't use it, this will just keep adding to your war chest. It's not a lot, but in three or four turns you will accumulate enough wealth to put together an ashigaru army in a pinch, or bribe an ally to join a war. \Smacks lips.* Nice.*
  20. You can body block stacks from entering your territories and delay them for at least three turns before they can reach your capital. The way you do this is by taking a single unit of yari ashigaru, placing it on a choke point on the campaign map, and then when the enemy is forced to attack it, you retreat. And then you play this game with the enemy's avatar until you've rallied your forces. This is a big dick move, and has saved my ass many'a time. If you have ninja, you're laughing. It'll be five turns before they can get to you. In five turns I can throw an expendable army at them from the god-damn barracks.
  21. In field battles, do not use all your units at once. By this, I mean don't commit everything to one assault. Put four ashi' up to take the enemy charge. Flank with two ashi' on either side. Move your archers around. Harry them with your cavalry. And if you have samurai, use them to take out the key players. Commit in units, not in bulk. Yes, your main line will be chewed apart while you adjust, but who cares? You can recruit two/three ashigaru next turn. Expend the expendable, preserve your veterans. If your initial commitment breaks and surrenders, good, now the enemy has to reform and turn around: usually into a line of no-dachi. Banzaiii!!!
  22. If your objective is to win every battle with no casualties, start praying. Most sieges end in most of my army routed, and only my generals and a single unit of tired yari ashigaru left, with all my archers either out of ammo, or about to be. I always lose two units to critical losses, but then I can always recruit them back next turn. The rest of my army limps back to rejoin me another day, despite taking severe losses from enemy archers/the gate. Game's pretty forgiving when you commit to siege battles.
  23. You can force the enemy to attack your main army by putting it on a choke-point on the campaign map. The A.I. will have to come through you to get what it wants. Sadly, the A.I. can also be a huge puss', calculate unfavourable odds, and never bother to attack you, as you straddle the border to your territory like an asshole, forever. In this case, either go into ambush stance, or make a play. Defensive battles in the field are preferable to attacking, always. The A.I. will come to you, and you can choose anywhere on the map to make your stand. This leads to easy and fun battles, even on legendary, where you can set-up your men in ranks on hills, between valleys, in villages, and around bridges. Battles where you're on the attack always end the same way: by baiting and switching, which is not fun (... to me.)
  24. Katana cavalry are kind of a joke despite them looking like they would fuck. Sadly, they don't, and you're much better-off with two units of light cavalry, or yari cavalry.
  25. Bow samurai are overrated and worse: expensive. Ashigaruuu!
  26. Yari samurai are 'okay', but I always disband them on turn 1, then use the additional income to recruit other, cheaper spears. The enemy cavalry runs at your line during deployment, they're so dumb. Don't waste money on fielding a unit that's built to counter something that tends to counter itself.
  27. For extra income, you can sell military access, but do so strategically. On average, I can sell 5 turns for 500-750. 10 turns for 1250-1500. And 20 turns for 3000 koku++ upwards. I do this when I want to upgrade essential infrastructure, like gold mines. But you must be wary of doing this on legendary, as you create a dialogue with potential enemies that wraps you up in red tape should you decide to attack them before the peace-bond made between you runs out. And sometimes it can take a very long time for this to happen (30+ turns if you settle for a 20 turn deal). This is huge because if you decide to attack before the timer runs out, then you'll suffer from diplomacy penalties with all the other clans you've come into contact with so far. On some campaigns, this can really hurt you. e.g. Piss off the Hojo as Oda, and Takeda will march on you early (because he's programmed to want your territory). That's not good, really not good. Likewise, as Shimazu you may want Tachibana or Chōkosabe on your side to buffer the northern clans. Well, not if you go cheesing Ito and betraying alliances with the Otomo. If you act the prick on legendary, you're asking for trouble. If your diplomacy window reads hostile, hostile, hostile, and you're not the Ikko-Ikki or a Christian clan, then you're doing something wrong. The game sets you up with natural enemies and natural allies, but you can break the mechanics and side with clans who're designed to inherently hate you, as long as you keep their attention fixed elsewhere via correct use of military access. Beware, selling military access to aggressive clans will cause them to come into your territory and devour your vassals, forcing you to make awkward decisions; and I'm certain you didn't just sell Date military access so that he could come and cause issues for you left and right: so, better to avoid this altogether. Be cautious about the fronts you're engaging with, TL;DR.
  28. Vassals are worthless, even as buffers. You can't sell them military access and most of the time you can't encourage them to wage war, and if they can't be depended on as allies, then they're useless as allies. And they will betray you, they'll betray you because the game makes it impossible to keep them happy because you're demanding military access from them in return for protection, when they should be the ones protecting you. Only they don't because they're fucking dumb and can't be coerced into attacking who you want them to attack. So, don't take the settlements you don't need, and occupy them peacefully if you do.
  29. Which brings me to ONAH! - Honor is important. Low honor causes rebellions in your back lines. Low honor means clans hate you :-). Low honor makes it so that when you take a new city, the new city will whine turn after turn unless you have a general with the '-6 to resistance' trait, really good Metsuke, or a spare army to shut them up. (Psst. Recruiting men just to put down rebellions means less koku and negative economic growth.) This game literally makes you pay for your mistakes. There aren't many clans that can afford to be honour-less on legendary, not unless you want stacks of pissed-off armies marching into your territory every couple of years. Did you know that if you gift 150 koku to your super-powered feudal overlords, you get +3 to your diplomatic relations with them? Do this every other turn and you'll have +20 in no time. +20 is enough to dissuade them from attacking you: as long you have an active trade deal going and are giving them plenty of military access.
  30. Be in it for the long game. Let others weaken your enemies for you, it is not so good to wage war before you are sure that you have the advantage.
  31. Have fun. Legendary's great because it is fast-paced and consistent. You'll rarely have more than a couple years of peace, enjoy it while it lasts.
  32. One last battle tip: use the terrain. Even a slight incline gives your ashigaru an advantage. A slight incline for the enemy marks your death. Zoom in, check where you are actually positioning your forces, and do not make the mistake of fighting on fatal ground. The reason why I lose so many armies to inferior opponents is because I think the A.I. is ha-ha dumb. It is ha-ha dumb. But it is also committed to attacking. If you march onto unfavourable ground, and you allow the enemy to attack you on it: his strategy is superior. Watch as your lines break. Then zoom in afterwards and realise: you just marched your entire army onto some really weird and obnoxious inclines that made holding the line difficult for your ashigaru. Woopsy. 'Woopsy' on legendary could cost you the campaign.
  33. Good luck, my dudes. Great game +10 years on, even on a Mac. Wahahaha!
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