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Lunar Mysteries [MEGA THREAD + PICTURES]

Lunar Mysteries [MEGA THREAD + PICTURES]
by Rick-AngelOfThyNight
from ParanormalGhostSociety Website

Our Moon roughly 239,000 miles away and roughly the size of the USA around 2000 miles in diameter and is still one of the biggest mysteries of all time.
Anybody can view it in there telescope and anybody can occasionally spot anomalies of unknown origin. Nobody knows what's on the dark side of the moon but if the lighter side of the moon has buildings, cities, structures then its quite probable that the dark side contains the same thing.
What got me into the moon as a kid is how large and yellow it looked one time popping over some railroad tracks then later when I was about 19 I found a photo with a structure that looked like a ship on the moon or barge.
There is a lot of speculation that the moon landings were faked because it was a way to end the cold war between the countries of course there are many sites that explain that out there but mainly what I want to cover is the moon itself.
Where did it come from? Why is there so many craters? What are these structures?
First of all some say the moon came from earth it was a part of it and broke off I find this hard to believe since the Moon is spherical shaped not like an asteroid space rock.
I mean we all know that planets have moons some are almost like worlds of their own.
My theory is though that our moon was not always near earth unlike other moons. I believe our moon may have been bombarded somewhere else in our galaxy and so it traveled slowly and millions of years later it got caught in the earths gravitational field. The other theory I may have is that the moon is a base of some kind that is a disguise. Can you imagine what this could serve for a species of aliens?
Millions of them could live underground or on the surface or possibly did at one time. But see here is the scenario earth is close to the moon, earth is close to Mars both seem to have structures on it?
Why? simple we are being watched or civilizations that started off on the moon possibly started life on earth. Lets say the moon had water and an atmosphere lets say it was bombarded by a huge asteroid storm then its possible that the civilization on the moon fled to earth. If you refer to my Cydonia and Ancient mystery pages it will help you better understand our past and some extraterrestrial origins etc.
The moon plays a big part for this planet it changes the tides, lights up the night sky's and even is said to change our moods. Another possibility for its many craters is that since it already has no atmosphere nothing can burn up when it hits the moon. As far as the structures on the moon they look like buildings, ships, cities, canals things of that sort. Some of them exist in the craters themselves which means that they had to be built after the moons fate because any asteroid would pretty much obliviate anything it hits.
In theory I think aliens are on the moon, I think there was a civilization connected to mankind somehow on the moon and I think alot more remains to be seen. Ask yourself this why do we never go back to our moon if we already been there? Why do we not collect more data, check out the dark side, get more rocks, explore some of the moons caves, dig in the moons ground etc after all out moon is very large. I believe half of the mystery of this planet at least one half of it exist on the moon.
Therefore it remains a mystery.

The Spaceship Moon Theory In July 1970, two Russian scientists offered a bizarre theory of the origins of the moon. Michael Vasin and Alexander Scherbakov published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik entitled "Is the moon a creation of alien intelligence?"
The Soviet scientists put forward the belief that the moon is not a completely natural world but a planetoid, hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of space. Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large cavities within the moon, spewing the molten refuse onto the surface. Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos and finally parked in orbit around our earth.
The theory was re-vitalized in 1975 with the publication of Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson. He stated that,
"Too many pieces of evidence seem to fit to reject the theory without investigation."
There is even tantalizing evidence that in the dim recesses of human memory there have been recollections of a time before the arrival of the moon. Aristotle told of a people who lived in Arcadia, a mountainous region in Central Greece, long before the coming of the Greeks. The Greek term Proscelene means before the moon. In Tibetan texts there are stories of a people on a lost continent called Gondwana, said to be civilized before the moon shone in the night sky.
Bolivian symbols have been interpreted by Dr. P. Allen as records that a satellite came into orbit around the Earth about 11,500 to 13,000 years ago.
Where did the moon come from? As there is very little similarity between the moon and earth, the old theory that the moon broke off our planet and ended up in its orbit can be discounted.
It is well accepted that the moon originated in other parts of the universe before moving into the earths orbit. Author and science expert, Isaac Asimov believed that the moon was too large to have been captured by our orbit. The orbit of the moon itself is also enigmatic. It is a perfect circle and stationary, with only one side being exposed to earth. As far as we know, the moon is the only natural satellite with such an orbit.
Author and expert on the ancient Sumerian civilization, Zecharia Sitchin also had an interest in the moon. Our mysterious satellite has caused much argument among scientists with respect to its age and origin (Go to our moon mysteries page for more information).
Sitchin wrote in his book Genesis Revisited (1990), some answers are provided if we go back to the Sumerian cosmology. The assertion here is that the moon originated not as a satellite of Earth but the much larger planet, Tiamat, which is placed beyond Mars.
The Sumerian cosmology describes an unstable solar system caused by emerging gravitational forces disturbing planetary balance and causing moons to grow disproportionately. According to the Sumerians, one of the eleven moons of Tiamat grew to an unusual size. and proved to be increasingly disruptive to the other planets. It was named 'Kingu'.
In an ensuing celestial battle, Tiamat was split in two; one half was shattered; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, was thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its moon.
The mystery of the lunar eclipse? Why is it that the moon is just the right distance from the earth to completely cover the sun during an eclipse?
While the diameter of the moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the sun's gigantic 864,000 miles, it is never the less in just the proper position to block out the suns corona when it moves between the sun and earth. Isaac Asimov explains, "there is no reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well.
It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth is among all the planets blessed in this fashion.
The moon older than the earth and sun? It is believed that the moon could possibly be older than the earth and sun. Scientists have dated some moon rocks as billions of years old. Some have been dated back as far as 4.5 billion years.
Scientists nowadays accept the moon to be 4.6 billion years old.
Harvard's respected astronomy journal, Sky and Telescope, reported that at a lunar conference in 1973 dated a lunar rock as 5.3 billion years old which would make it almost a billion years older than our planet.
Titanium and rust proof rocks! Scientists found that the crushed up rocks on the moon is of another world.
Analysis has shown that the moon rocks are of a completely different composition to the soil around them. Some of the rocks gathered by a Soviet mission in 1970 were resistant to rusting. This is not a feature of any metal known to man and years ahead of our technology.
The moon has three distinct layers of rocks. Contrary to the idea heavier rocks sink, the heavier rocks are found on the surface.
Stated Don Wilson,
"The abundance of titanium and other refractory elements in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geo-chemists proposed that refractory compounds were bought to the moon's surface in great quantity in some unknown way. That this was done cannot be questioned. These materials which are usually concentrated towards the interior of a world are now on the outside."
Earl Ubel, who was a former science director for CBS Television added to the mystery by stating that,
"The first layer (20 miles deep), consists of lava-like material similar to lava flows on Earth. The second, extending down to 50 miles, is made up of somewhat denser rock. The third, continuing to a depth of at least 80 miles and probably below, appears to be of a heavier metal, similar to the Earth's mantle."
Many of the rock samples discovered on the moon have also been found to be magnetized. It has been suggested that this is due to their exposure to the magnetism present on earth.
Others have rebutted this claim by arguing that if such an influence was placed on the moon, the earths magnetism would have caused the destruction of the moon and its orbit many millions of years ago.
Huge disk shaped objects located beneath the moons lava seas! The moon has large seas of smooth molten rock. Known as 'maria', four fifths of these are on the Earth-side hemisphere. In the centre of these maria, huge disk-shaped objects have been detected lying 20 to 40 miles below the surface.
The objects are referred to as 'mascons' and they are said to be located like a bulls-eye at the centre of the marias. The mascons were first discovered because their density distorted the orbits of objects flying over or near them.
Some scientists have theorized that the mascons are heavy iron ore meteorites that plunged into the moon when it was in a soft and formable state.

Volcanic activity on the moon?
In 1963 astronomers at the Lowell Observatory saw a reddish glow on the crests of the ridges in the Aristarchus region.
This was after a similar glow and gaseous explosions were photographed by Russian astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev in 1958. Other observatories also reported red glow. Although the moon is deemed to be volcanically dead it seems that there is certainly something creaking in its interior.
Seismographic equipment left at six separate sites on the moon by the Apollo missions picked up a great deal of activity until it ceased operating in 1977.
Operation Moonblink
In the early nineteenth century, Sir John Herschel in England saw unidentified lights on the moon during an eclipse and noted that some of the lights appeared to be moving above the moon.
Other astronomers of the period also reported seeing a geometrical pattern of lights that resembled city streets. In the mid 1960's NASA established the operation to investigate many strange flashes of light over the moon. The space association had received reports of many extraordinary lunar events.
In 1959 a dark object had been observed hovering over the moon for two hours. On July 29, John O'Neill observed a nineteen kilometer long bridge strabbling the crater Mare Crisium. One month later famous British astronomer Dr H. Wilkins verified the sighting.
In the twelve months to September 1966, Operation Moonblink had detected 28 unusual lunar events.
In 1968 an obelisk shaped object was discovered. This became known as the 'Shard'. The object rose nearly two and a half kilometers above the Urkert area of the moon's surface, which rises more than eight kilometers from the Sinus Medii region.
No known natural process can explain the structure.
Is the moon hollow?
There are many indications that the moon is hollow.
The moon's mean density- about 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter is significantly less than the 5.5 gram density of the earth's mantle. This density indicates that the moon may not have a core.
The most starling evidence came on November 20 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module ascent stage crashing down back on to the moon, creating an artificial earthquake. The crash site was 40 miles from where the astronauts had left their seismic devices. The ultra sensitive equipment recorded the moon ringing like a bell for more almost forty minutes. The vibration took almost eight minutes to reach a peak and then diminished in intensity.
This ringing was repeated when the Apollo 13's third stage fell to the lunar surface, striking with the equivalent of eleven tons of TNT. According to NASA, this time the moon reacted like a gong.
Although seismic equipment was 108 miles from the crash site, recordings showed reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-two to twenty-five miles. Subsequent studies of man-made crashes yielded similar results. After one impact the moon reverberated for four hours.
On March 13, 1972, a large meteorite struck the moon with the equivalent off 200 ton of TNT. After sending shockwaves deep into the interior of the moon, scientists were baffled to find that none returned, concerning there is something unusual about the moon's core.
It seems the moon has a tough outer shell but a light, or non-existent interior.
Lunar Life or Transient Phenomena?
The Moon is far from being an inert and lifeless world.
Many centuries of observation have noted occurencies on the lunar surface which take the form of glows, mists, flashes and similar illuminations. They have become more popularly described as Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP), thanks to noted astronomer Patrick Moore who coined the phrase. It largely encompasses all such recorded signs of activity now generally thought to be volcanic in nature.
Ancient peoples throughout the world held the moon and its periodic eclipses in awe and for many it was a source of worship. From this sprang numerous intriguing myths and legends, including the notion firmly held by many Greeks that this small neighbor of Earth's was inhabited also. Lucian of Samosata, although Syrian, was a widely regarded Greek satirist and lyracist.
He first wrote of his travels to that "great country in the air" in a published work entitled: 'True History'.
Although more fiction that fact, it told the tale of a voyage in a sailing ship carried aloft by a whirlwind to the moon and a subsequent meeting with its inhabitants; claimed to be much like those of Earth.
In 1516 Lodovico Ariosto wrote an epic poem in which the theme was a lunar trip by way of "firie chariet". The astronomer Johannes Kepler, who published his famous 'Laws of Planetary Motion' between 1609 and 1618, also wrote 'Dream'; a book full of fantasies and visions based on the science of the day that included the idea of moon-dwellers. It was in the same year, 1634, that Lucian of Samosata's original work was first published in England.
Now the idea of life on other worlds was beginning to form in earnest and Bishop Francis Godwin pursued this theme four years later when he wrote: 'The Man in the Moon'. It recorded the adventures of a fictitious Spaniard, Domingo Gonzales, who trained large birds for an eventful trip that was to take him eleven days. So popular was this and other stories that moon voyages appeared in over 200 published accounts during the 17th century.
Moon-men were an emerging breed and their strange world was to become the object of increasing interest and speculation. It led to respected astronomers such as Sir William Herschel devoting much of their time to observing the lunar surface.
He himself recorded on two consecutive nights in April, 1787 three bright white spots on the earth-lit side of the moon which he concluded could only have been volcanoes. In 1822 German astronomer Franz von Paula Gruithuisen announced he had discovered a "lunar city" possessing "dark gigantic ramparts". These were to be identified later as consisting of nothing more than haphazard surface ridges.
It was shrewd American news reporter Richard Lock who became the first person to recognize an opportunity for personal fame and fortune, when in 1835 he successfully duped the New York Sun and its readership. In August that year the newspaper was to publish the first of his amazing accounts alleging that Sir John Herschel, son of William, was using a revolutionary new lunar telescope at a site in Southern Africa and through it had observed goat-like creatures ambling about on the moon's surface.
The tale gradually unfolded during the next week as successive editions of the Sun carried ever-more colorful descriptions of flora and fauna, also islands, rivers, birds and beasts. Meanwhile, poor Herschel remained oblivious to these events.
Lock possessed a nifty turn-of-phrase and capitalized on the limitations imposed on communications in the early 19th century. He milked it for all he was worth while the hoax continued, first ensnaring rival newspapers and then even eminent scientists on both sides of the Atlantic.
Readers avidly absorbed every word and were captivated by flowery descriptions of great works supposedly wrought on the lunar surface, such as this:
"A lofty chain of obelisk-shaped or very slender pyramids standing in irregular groups, each composed of about thirty or forty spires, every one of which was perfectly square."
Lock crowned his literary achievement one week later by introducing into the narrative a colorful report of the lunar inhabitants.
These hairy winged creatures were said to be four feet in height and "covered, except on the face, with short and glossy copper-colored hair, lying snugly on their backs. The face, which was of a yellowish flesh-color, was a slight improvement upon that of an orang-outang."
A rival newspaper subsequently exposed the whole things as being a hoax, although it took until mid-September before the Sun newspaper, who became willing partners in the deception, grudgingly owned up to it. Herschel for his part was to learn of this duplicity some time later and continued his observations at the Cape apparently somewhat amused at the claims and following furor in both America and Europe.
Lunar observers such as W.H.Pickering spent many years at the turn of this century mapping what he himself often described as "canals" present on the moon's seemingly ever-changing landscape. These maze of lines were observed to intersect mysterious dark spots, much in the manner of those more famous Martian canals which had been recoded by Shiaparelli and announced to the world in 1877.
Pickering went on to claim that he had identified vegetation, along with "river-beds" and active volcanoes, or geysers. From his vantage point in the hills of Jamaica during 1919-24 the astronomer believed he was witness to the migratory passage of small insects or animals, in their leisurely traversing of the area around the moon's Eratosthenes crater.
Throughout the last 200 years many lunar observers have reported witnessing the brief appearance of inexplicable mists, cloud-like shapes, glows and flashes on a seemingly lifeless gray world. Walter H.Haas, who wrote in 1942 that Sir William Herschel's white spots on the moon might have been the impact flare of a large meteorite, himself observed a "milky luminosity" present on the wall of the crater Tycho.
Astronomer F.H.Thornton reported seeing "a puff of whitish vapour obscuring details for some miles," one February night in 1949.
That same year, Spanish engineer Sixto Campo seriously promoted the theory that a technologically advanced civilization had once waged nuclear war against itself on the lunar surface. Annihilation followed swiftly for all he claimed and the resulting craters remain as testament to the holocaust on a now dead world. However, red glows continue to be observed in the region of the moon's north pole and blue misty glows have been periodically noted near craters at the south pole.
Russian astronomer N.A.Kozyrev, has recorded via spectrograms numerous incidents of red transient lunar phenomena, particularly in the 80-mile wide crater known as Alphonsus. It was at this location in 1965 that the final Ranger probe 9 crash-landed.
Aristarchus is not only one of the brightest formations on the moon, it is responsible for more than half the number of reported TLP and has been a proven source for gaseous emissions.
Strange Lunar Shadows By JJ The first of the two mysterious incidents I’ve chosen happened on the night of 3 July 1882. For 45 minutes the residents of Lebanon, Connecticut, were treated to a bizarre lunar display:
“Two pyramidal luminous protuberances appeared on the moon’s upper limb. They were not large, but gave the moon a look strikingly like that of a horned owl... . These points were a little darker than the rest of the moon’s face. They slowly faded away a few moments after their appearance, the one on the right...disappearing first.
About three minutes after their disappearance two black triangular notches were seen on the...lower half of the moon. These points gradually moved toward each other along the moon’s edge, and seemed to be...obliterating nearly a quarter of its surface, until they finally met, when the moon’s face assumed its normal appearance.”
The “pyramidal luminous protuberances” bring to mind the “strange pyramid of light” seen in 1519.
I also noted similarities in the Sunday Telegraph’s report [30 July 2000] that, on 18 June,
“two large triangular objects were seen flying over Charlesville-Mézières and Villers-Semeuse in eastern France. They made a loud, strange engine noise and swooped down to roof height.
They had metallic bars beneath the engines, with lights at either end. Half an hour earlier and about 200 miles...south-west, Thierry Garnier was... on the outskirts of Gasny when he saw a strong white luminous flash approaching from the east.”
Were these two events connected? Were they the triangular UFOs I wrote about in Into the Triangle and Beyond...?
I can’t believe, though, that the military would’ve risked flying aircraft so low over urban areas. But would aliens have had such a fit of bravado either? Do the three incidents from different centuries [especially the flashes and fading - think of the Back To The Future films] suggest time travel or a ‘time warp’?
It’s been said that, what passes for years or even centuries in Earth time, in alien terms may only be a matter of days, weeks or months. This would explain sightings of certain UFO types, such as these triangles, the Flying Wheels, ‘cigars’, etc, from ancient times onwards. Maybe they’re even the same craft and navigators!
The second occurrence took place on 27 January 1912, and was witnessed by Dr. F.B. Harris:
“At 10:30 Eastern time I was surprised to see the left cusp showing the presence of an intensely black body about 250 miles long and 50 wide, allowing 2000 miles from cusp to cusp, shape like a crow poised.
Of course dark places are here and there on the lunar surface, but not like this... . I will say every effort was made to eliminate any error of vision or other mistake... The moon is very tricky... I cannot but think that a very interesting and curious phenomenon has happened.”
But what was it?
Well... apparently there exists a high quality photo [1950s or 1960s, I think] of a vast starship flying over the Moon, snapped by an astronomer.
It is said to be an intergalactic craft, several miles long, and capable of carrying thousands at a time! If anyone has any further info, please let me know. An image would be great!!

Some Astounding Lunar Anomaly Images
Below you will find some of the lunar anomalies. These are collected from NASA, Clementine, Hoagland and some other famous sourced. Some of these photos were taken from the Apollo missions from space, others taken from Satellite.
I want you to put things into perspective and think about these images after viewing them.
They are real NASA feared releasing them because most people would be shocked to find that life did exist on the moon Keep an open-mind these anomalies do not necessary mean they are alien in nature the Nazis were said to have bases on the moon
Consider this other most of the anomalies are glass since they give off reflections.
Most of the anomalies are HUGE. The bridge is said to be 12 miles, the shard tower is said to be 1.5 miles high and there is said to be cities near mountain ranges the size of LA. These are not camera tricks we are viewing here. There is said to be over 400 unexplained anomalies found on the moon that's enough to show me something is or once existed there.
A photograph of astronaut Alan Bean shows the photographer, Pete Conrad, reflected in Bean's helmet visor. Also reflected in the visor is a "geometric object" hanging several feet above the lunar surface. Also visible is the shadow created by this object.
The object seems to be suspended in a "grid" of surrounding glass-like structure!
The Castle
This strange object, photographed during an Apollo mission, has been named "the castle" by Hoagland.
It seems to have a definite structure, like the remnant wall of some ancient building. The bottom looks as if it has rows of support columns, above which is a high spire. Whatever it is, it's much brighter than the surrounding landscape.
  • Is it just a trick of light and shadow?
  • A photographic anomaly?
  • Or is it all that remains of some rich Martian's get-away retreat
This unusual donut-shaped crater is found in orbit 150 Notice the symmetrical objects that flank the opening on the left side of the crater, and the bullseye-like inner crater, which contains two bright objects in the lower part.
April 20, 1972 Lunar Surface NASA Apollo 16 photo An elongated, glowing white, cigar shaped craft hovering over a crater - or simply a reflection?
This photo was taken by Apollo-16 just before the April 20, 1972 landing on the Moon. Down left you see the metallic foot of the Lunar Lander. This was taken by Neil Armstrong some say its a shadow but it does show something very solid and long.

NASA photo AS16-120-19238

The next is possibly the Castle Again but this time in the reflection of the helmet.
The object is casting a shadow and is above the ground so either its off in the distance or its something hovering. The castle is said to be a 7 mile large structure. Click below image, a thesis of the artifact and better photo.

Below images show the UFO's one was caught when Apollo was approaching the moon the other was a strange glowing ball of light when Armstrong was walking on the moon.
Moonlights are not uncommon but clearly one of these UFO's does show a disc or saucer like object near the moon to the left.
The thumbnails below are the shard one of the most compelling of all photos I think. It shows a tower like object rising high above the surface. The shard was taken at many angles and still the same results.
The shard is said to be made of glass and about 1.5 miles high. Its also said to contain a symmetrical cubical structure. What's it for we may never know it could be a building, a communications tower but this thing is huge based on how far away the photo was taken from.
Below is a supposed moon base its unknown do not know where this came from but it seems authentic.

Below is the bridge said to be 12 miles in length but as you can see now this is clear this spans over a bridge. This is not a natural phenomena this bridge was purposely made.
Domes such as these (below images) are found all over the moon said to be made of glass. Notice how much lighter they are in color these are not natural structures one of them has a flat roof.
Above is the Ukert Crater notice the triangular shape to it.
On the moon there were a few craters that were shaped in triangles, pentagons, hexgons etc almost like there is some sort of craft sitting in them.
The image below scares me. I get vibrations off this one more then any other photo. Its a face very human to but looks to be that of an older lady. The thing about it that makes me believe its real is there is a nose, eyes, chin, many strong features which is far to great to be some natural formation.
Why would the astronaut take a photo of these rocks if this did not have some symbolic meaning?
The photos below show the hexagonal craters side by side. They also show rectangular ruins and a grid like patter for a city similar like LA when its viewed from high above.
These once again are not natural formations.
The moon is full of craters yet you got these rectangular like structures interesting indeed.
Cities Found on the Moon! by LaRay
Reasonable activity of an alien civilization showed up unexpectedly close to us.
However, we were not psychologically ready for it. We still come across publications trying to find an answer to the following question: Are we alone in the universe?
At the same time, the presence of reasoning beings has been detected close to our home, on the Moon. However, this discovery was immediately classified as secret, as it is so incredible that it even might shake the already existing social principles, reports Russia's newspaper Vecherny Volgograd.
Here is an extract from the official press-release:
"NASA scientists and engineers participating in exploration of Mars and the Moon reported the results of their discoveries at a briefing at the Washington National Press Club on March 21, 1996. It was announced for the first time that man-made structures and objects have been discovered on the Moon."
The scientists spoke rather cautiously and evasively about these objects, with the exception of a UFO. They always mentioned that the man-made objects are possible, and stated the information was still under study and official results will be published later.
It was mentioned at the briefing as well that the Soviet Union used to own some photo materials proving the presence of such activity on the Moon. And, although it wasn't identified what kind of activity it was, thousands of photo- and video materials from the Apollo's and the Clementine space station showed many parts on the lunar surface where this activity and its traces were perfectly evident.
The video films and photos made by US astronauts during the Apollo program were demonstrated at the briefing. People were extremely surprised why the materials hadn't been presented to the public earlier.
NASA specialists answered:
"It was difficult to forecast the reaction of people to information that some creatures had been or still are on the Moon. In addition, there were some other reasons to it, which were beyond the control of NASA."
Specialist for lunar studies Richard Hoagland says that NASA is still trying to alter photo materials before they are published in public catalogues and files.
They do some retouching or are partially refocusing them while copying. Some investigators, Hoagland is among them, suppose that an extraterrestrial race had used the Moon as a terminal station during their activity on the Earth. These suggestions are confirmed by the legends and myths of different nations of our planet.
The ruins of lunar cities stretch for many kilometers. Huge domes on massive basements, numerous tunnels, and other constructions cause scientists to reconsider their opinions concerning the Moon. How the Moon appeared and principles of its revolving around the Earth still pose a great problem for scientists.
Some partially destroyed objects on the lunar surface can't be placed among natural geological formations, as they are of complex organization and geometrical structure. In the upper part of Rimahadley, not far from the place where the Apollo-15 had landed, a construction surrounded by a tall D-shaped wall was discovered.
As of now, different artifacts have been discovered in 44 regions. The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Houston Planetary Institute are investigating the regions. Mysterious terrace-shaped excavations of rock have been discovered near the Tiho crater.
The concentric hexahedral excavations and the tunnel entry on the terrace side can't be the results of natural geological processes; instead, they look very much like open cast mines. A transparent dome raised above the crater edge was discovered near the crater Copernicus. The dome is unusual, as it is glows white and blue from the inside. A rather unusual object, which is unusual indeed even for the Moon, was discovered in the upper part of the Factory area.
A disk of about 50 meters in diameter stands on a square basement surrounded with walls. In the picture, close to the rhomb, we can also see a dark, round embrasure in the round, which resembles an entry to an underground caponier. There is a rectangular area between factory and the crater Copernicus, which is 300 meters wide 400 meters long.
Apollo-10 astronauts took a photo (AS10-32-4822) of a one-mile long object called "Castle," which is at the height of 14 kilometers and casts a distinct shadow on the lunar surface.
The object seems to consist of several cylindrical units and a large conjunctive unit. The internal porous structure of the Castle is clearly seen in one of the pictures, which gives the impression that some parts of the object are transparent.
As it turned out at the briefing where many NASA scientists were present, when Richard Hoagland had requested originals of the Castle pictures for the second time, no pictures were found at all. They disappeared even from the list of pictures made by the Apollo-10 crew. Only intermediate pictures of the object were found in the archives, which unfortunately don't depict the internal structure of the object.
When the Apollo-12 crew landed on the lunar surface, they saw that the landing was observed by a half-transparent, pyramidal object. It was hovering just several meters above the lunar surface and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow against the black sky.
In 1969, when the film about astronauts travelling to the Sea of Storms was demonstrated (the astronauts saw the strange objects once again, which were later called "striped glasses"), NASA finally understood what consequences such kind of control could bring.
Astronaut Mitchell answered the question about his feelings after his successful return:
"My neck still aches as I had to constantly turn my head around, because we felt we were not alone there. We had no choice but to pray."
Johnston, who worked at the Houston Space Center and studied photos and video materials made during the Apollo program, discussed the artifacts with Richard Hoagland and said that the NASA leadership was awfully annoyed with the great number of anomalous, to put it mildly, objects on the Moon.
It was even said that piloted flights to the Moon might be banned.
Investigators are especially interested in ancient structures resembling partially destroyed cities. Photos reveal an astonishingly regular geometry of square and rectangular constructions. They resemble our cities seen from the height of 5-8 kilometers.
A mission control specialist commented on the pictures:
"Our guys observed ruins of the Lunar cities, transparent pyramids, domes, and God knows what else, which are currently hidden deep inside the NASA safes, and felt like Robinson Crusoe when he suddenly came across prints of bare feet on the sand of the desert island."
What do geologists and scientists say after studying the pictures of lunar cities and other anomalous objects? They say that such objects can't be natural formations.
"We should admit they are artificial, especially the domes and pyramids."
Reasonable activity of an alien civilization showed up unexpectedly close to us. We were not ready for it psychologically, and some people hardly believe they are true even now.
More Moon "strange" Apollo's Photos
from CollectSpace Website
Because of all the processing, "these" images should not be used for research purposes. They should only be used to select and identify images for use in a research project.
Higher resolution products should be obtained for use in any scientific investigation.
submitted by CuteBananaMuffin to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Pressurized modules detail view

Pressurized modules detail view
If you search for pictures of ISS modules, you will quickly find that they have tapered ends instead of being entirely cylindrical. This diagram attempts to replicate both a realistic taper and some sense of what the inter-module connection diameter might be like. If anything, the taper that I currently have here is shallower than the real ISS modules, which makes sense as hemispherical ends have the best mass to strength ratio of any of the geometries. However, a hemisphere is incapable of accommodating a roughly circular berthing interface and makes a real mess of the interior compartments at the module ends. An entirely cylindrical module would require relatively high mass end caps but would be the easiest to deal with on the interior, and going with a shallow cone balances structural considerations with somewhere to put the berthing mechanisms and interior layout. I am obviously not trying to do a detailed engineering analysis here, and the current taper looked reasonable when I was defining trapezoids.
Docking or berthing ports arranged radially also pose challenges. If (as is quite likely) there is room inside the launch vehicle fairing, the area around the port can be raised up to transform the tangential geometry from a line (cylinder side interfacing with planar forward end of visiting vehicle) to the circular interface required to mechanically connect the two craft and have room on the interior to transfer people and supplies. On the ISS, the modules were constructed to the maximum diameter feasible in the shuttle payload bay, so radial berthing ports had to be inset into the cylindrical outer surfaces of the USOS node modules. The difference was made up by the axial protrusion of CBM hardware on the mating modules and to a lesser extent by the taper of the modules. This approach obviously works, but pushing the berthing ports radially towards the center of the node modules pushes all of the associated hardware farther inboard as well, decreasing the usable volume in the module. Since I am currently working with 3.8 meter diameter modules inside of 5+ meter diameter fairings, there is sufficient clearance to put the ring-shaped berthing/docking mechanisms at the very edge of the basic cylinder and extending the pressure vessel up to meet them. One atmosphere of pressure difference between the module interiors and the vacuum of space is not all that significant compared to some of the pressures encountered in space pressure vessels, so we should be able to get away with a minimum of taper as well as the irregularities around the ports. The shape of these irregularities is suggested by the partial circles on the two main modules, and the partial circles represent areas that are closer to the eye than the cylindrical outer walls (which appear rectangular in 2D). The same concept can be seen on the life support pressurized volume: the circular berthing access there would touch the cylindrical module wall only on a horizontal line at the widest part of the circle, with the distance to the wall (and hence the depth of the pressure vessel extension) increasing moving towards either the top or the bottom of the circle from the middle. Alternately, if you have access to a plumbing t-junction the idea is the same: two cylinders with different radii intersecting at a 90 degree angle.
Hopefully you can understand why I did not put much effort into the window module depiction. On the ISS, Cupola has one round center window surrounded by six trapezoidal windows to form a module that is roughly hexagonal when viewed axially and roughly trapezoidal when viewed radially/from the side (as on the diagram). The ISS Cupola also needs to have a cylindrical section to make up for the CBM inset distance on Node3 and house the Cupola CBM hardware, but as long as we have the fairing volume we might as well say that the windows can be an integral part of the habitation/logistics module. There does of course need to be a way of isolating the windowed volume from the main volume in case of window failure, but the rest of the berthing hardware that would otherwise have been associated with that joint can be deleted to reduce mass.
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irregular hexagon interior angles video

Sum of interior angles of a polygon  Angles and ... GOHMATH ~ Angles Part 5 ~ Irregular Polygons ~ Chris ... Finding Interior and Exterior Angles in a Polygon - YouTube The trick to finding Interior and Exterior angles easily ... Interior Angles of a Polygon - Geometry - YouTube Interior and Exterior angles of polygons - YouTube Determine the measure of interior and exterior angles for ... Polygons: The Sum of Interior Angles - YouTube

HEXAGON: Using the same methods as for hexagons to the right (I'll let you do the pictures)... To find the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon, divide it up into triangles... There are five triangles... Because the sum of the angles of each triangle is 180 degrees... We get. So, the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon is 900 degrees. There is no equation for finding the angles of irregular hexagons. Calculate the interior angle, by multiplying 180 (n - 2) where “n” is the number of sides -- in this case, six. Multiply 180 and 4 to get the answer. Divide this by the number of angles, which is six. To do this, subtract 2 from the number of sides, and multiply the difference by 180. This will give you, in degrees, the sum of the interior angles in your polygon. For example, to find out the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon, you would calculate: s u m = ( 6 − 2) × 180 {\displaystyle sum= (6-2)\times 180} An irregular hexagon is a six-sided shape whose sides are not equal. Ellia's grandma is helping her make a quilt. The quilt's background is black, and Ellia is going to sew brightly colored shapes This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. As angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, there must be 1080 degrees available, but 360 of those are around the centre. Therefore, the angles on the inside of the hexagon must sum to equal 720 degrees. Since a hexagon has 6 sides, let’s substitute that amount into the formula: sum of internal angles = (6 - 2) x 180. 720° = 4 x 180. What would one angle be in a regular hexagon? 720° ÷ 6 = 120°. First, take a look at the question itself: The hexagon above has interior angles whose measures are all equal. As shown, only five of the six side lengths are known: 10, 15, 4, 18, and 7. What is the unknown side length? (A) 7 (B)10 (C) 12 (D) 15 (E) 16 There … Solving Questions with irregular polygons Read More » Irregular hexagon. An irregular hexagon has six sides of different lengths and varying interior angles. Interior angle. An irregular hexagon has inside angles of different sizes. This one is an acute angle. Acute angle › Different sides. The sides of an irregular hexagon can be of differing lengths. There are four triangles... Because the sum of the angles of each triangle is 180 degrees... We get. So, the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is 720 degrees. Regular Hexagons: The properties of regular hexagons: All sides are the same length (congruent) and all interior angles are the same size (congruent).

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Sum of interior angles of a polygon Angles and ...

Interior and exterior angles made easy, the trick to visualising and understanding angles and polygons. Our full range of GCSE videos ... GOHmath specializes 1-TO-1 Tutoring and MATH Workshops for elementary, secondary, and special education teachers that need to pass the MTELS: General Curricu... Showing a generalized way to find the sum of the interior angles of any polygonPractice this lesson yourself on right now: https://www.khanac... This geometry video tutorial focuses on polygons and explains how to calculate the interior angle of a polygon such as hexagons, pentagons, and octagons.Pre-... This video demonstrates how to find the sum of the interior angles of any polygon. The video also makes the distinction between regular polygons and non-regu... Learn how to find the Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon in this free math video tutorial by Mario's Math Tutoring. We discuss regular and nonregular ... 👉 Learn how to determine the measure of the interior angles of a regular polygon. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A ... In this video I will take you through everything you need to know in order to answer basic questions about the angles of polygons. I will be focusing on con...

irregular hexagon interior angles

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