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How to do Facebook Ads for Kickstarter

How to do Facebook Ads for Kickstarter
When Dwerve originally approached me to consult with their Kickstarter's Facebook Ads, they were getting between $0.20 and $0.45 Cost-Per-Click and had no idea how to analyze their conversion rate.
While there wasn't much time to prepare, I was able to quickly reduce the cost-per-click down to an average of 3 pennies, or $0.03. I accomplished this without click-bait copywrite, and instead used Facebook's algorithm to our advantage via best-practices and highly-relevant, compelling copywrite and creatives.

Results of our Ad Campaign
There are a number of parts to this ad system. I won't go into a tutorial-level of detail on how to accomplish certain basics of FB Ads, but you should be able to find those tutorials elsewhere on Google. If you are struggling getting set up with anything in particular, please leave a comment or send me an email at [email protected] ; I am happy to help you move your project forward.
To get a closer look at what our Kickstarter page looks like, for study purposes, you can visit Dwerve's kickstarter here:

Moving forward, let's do a brief rundown of the funnel:
  1. Facebook Page
  2. The Ad
  3. Redirect URL
  4. Kickstarter Page
  5. Pledge Checkout
  6. Automated Kickstarter Messaging
  7. Survey URL or Value Offer
The main challenge with Kickstarter is that you cannot place a pixel on the Kickstarter page itself. So you need to work around this by creating your own Redirect Pages at both the beginning and end of the customer's journey.
Let's go over each part of the system in-depth:

#1 Facebook Page
You can either use your product page, or create a secondary page exclusively for Kickstarter advertisements. I do recommend the latter, for the following reason:
We want people to know this is a Kickstarter, but we want to be subtle. The association with Kickstarter itself can be distasteful to consumers, because they know they are funding development of a product that may not materialize, rather than buying a product outright and receiving it immediately. For this reasoning, it may be more effective to clue viewers in that this is a Kickstarter via the advertiser's page name (such as "Backer Bear", or "Indie Crowdfunded Projects"), rather than putting Kickstarter's brand directly in the ad's creative or main copywrite.

#2.1 Ad Campaign

Graph of the Campaign Structure
I recommend using the "Conversion Objective" when setting up your campaign in Facebook's Ad Manager. This allows us to track the number of conversions per ad inside the Ad Manager, and Facebook can optimize to serve our ads to find those most likely to convert based upon interests, page likes, and demographic.
To have access to this campaign objective, however, we need to create and utilize both the "PageView" and "Purchase" standard events on our Facebook Pixel. Go to the Event Manager in the FB Ad Manager, and create those events.
Another thing you must do, is set the Attribution Window for your pixel to 28 days. Navigate to the Ad Account Settings, click "Edit" under Attribution, and set the Click Window to 28 days.
Once you have that done and set the campaign objective to "Conversions", we want to utilize some best practices for a broad campaign on Facebook:

  1. Segment our campaigns by country, continent, or otherwise region
  2. Use "Campaign Budget Optimization", which will automatically invest the budget in the best-performing Ad Sets
  3. Start out with a Campaign Budget of $5 x total number of active ads, plus some extra wiggle room
  4. Use Lowest-Cost Bidding Strategy

Let's talk about the Ad Sets next, and best practices here to let Facebook optimize for us:

  1. Do not specify the Gender. Allow Facebook to weigh genders per Ad Set on it's own. It will do a better job internally than if you manually try to specify.
  2. Segment Ad Sets by age group: 18-24, 24-34, 34-45, etc.
  3. Do not manually specify ad placements or devices. I've always had worse results using manual placements with a broad audience. Facebook optimizes this very well internally, and will spend wisely.
  4. Set the Minimum Ad Spend per Ad Set to $5, to ensure actionable data.

Before we move into ads, we still have to set up our Audience Targeting.
Assuming that you have a mailing-list (if not, you should definitely have one by now, and you want at least 3000 emails), upload your mailing list and turn that into a Custom Audience, and then create a 1% Look-A-Like Audience from that custom audience. Use your 1% Look-A-Like Audience as the Ad Set audience.
Now add the following interests to your targeting:
  • Kickstarter
  • IndieGoGo
  • Crowdfunding
  • GoFundMe
Use Post-Linked IDs when duplicating your ads between age-group and country segments (There is a drop-down for "Create Ad" when creating an Ad, but you should instead select "Existing Ad"). Post-Linked IDs will retain the comments, likes, and shares between the ads which use the same creative/copywrite.
Be sure to answer all comments that viewers write on your ads!

#2.2 Ad Creative
I do not recommend including the words Kickstarter on the creative, however there are certain creatives where this may make sense -- for instance, creatives where you display a collection of physical rewards (t-shirts, physical box, SNES cartridge, etc.), or even just a poster image of concept art + logo.
There are a number of different creative formats that are pretty sure-fire ways to express your game, however every game is different so you may have some unique tricks up your personal sleeve. For instance, with Dwerve, we had a nice screenshot with a Zelda-aesthetic along with a massive closed door. A door entails curiosity. This creative worked very well with click-through rates.
Generally speaking, these creative formats will perform good:
  • Trailer Video
  • Gameplay Video
  • 3-second GIF
  • Poster Image of Logo + Concept Art
  • Display Collection of physical rewards

Create an ad for each of these creative types, and duplicate them for each campaign and age group. This will prevent banner-blindness and ad-fatigue, as Facebook will certainly impress your ad campaign to the same person multiple times over the course of your Kickstarter.
Aim to drive feelings of curiosity, nostalgia, motivation, and social proof in your viewers.

#2.3 Ad Copywrite
A good rule of thumb is 6 words or less on the Primary Text above the creative, and 3 words or less on the Headline below the creative. While 6 words might be a tough target to hit, the point is that shorter is always better here. You may want to mask the URL by changing the Display Link text, and add a Description below the Headline.
The patterns which we found the best results with for each text type was:

Page Name -> "Backer Bear"
Primary Text -> "A beautifully crafted, Zelda-inspired action RPG with Tower-Defense combat"
Headline -> "Play the demo"
Display Link -> "KICKSTARTER.COM"
Description -> "FINAL CHANCE! | VIDEO GAME PROJECTS WE LOVE | Dwerve | An all-new action RPG inspired by the 16-bit era"
CTA Button -> "Download"

Example of our GIF ad
#3 Redirect URL
When people click your ad, you want to track them via the FB Pixel. Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not allow us to place a pixel on the Kickstarter page itself, so we must work around that by using a Redirect URL. You can either use a service like Pixelme.me, or your own custom branded site & solution.
For this Redirect URL, use a Pixel script with the standard "PageView" event:
fbq('track', 'PageView');
And ensure that the pixel has fully loaded before redirecting, by putting the pixel script inside the HEAD region of your redirect page's DOM. You will also need to change t.async=!0 in the script to t.async=false;

another method people recommend to make sure page is fully loaded

End Facebook Pixel Code

Some example questions you can include on the Survey:
  • Which device(s) do you back Kickstarter projects from?
  • How did you hear about this project?
  • Very briefly, why did you decide to back this project?
  • Any suggestions on what we can do to improve our product?
And then include a "Thank you for answering" page.

To generate a survey, you can use Typeform.com, which allows you to insert a FB Pixel.
If you decide to provide a value offer, I suggest leaving some mystery as to what the offer is when describing it in the automated message, which will encourage the backer to open the URL link to find out what special gift they have received. An example Value Offer might be a branded wallpaper desktop background.
The goal here is to find the ratio of total visitors versus total backers, so we can extrapolate data about how many total backers came from ads. Not every backer will click the URL in the message, so we need to consider this.

#8 Remarketing Ads
The previous strategy will procure numerous cold leads for your Kickstarter. Rarely, however, will people convert into a backer on their first visit. The average consumer will be impressed by a brand somewhere between 4 and 7 times before making a purchase decision.
Given our Pixel's PageVisit event, we can retarget people who clicked the ad. You can create a new Custom Audience from the Webpage Visitors utilizing your Pixel. I recommend atleast 5,000 PageView events before forming a custom audience for remarketing.
Create a new ad campaign in Ad Manager, duplicate the Ad Sets from your previous campaign, and ensure that the individual ads are using post-linked versions of the previous ads to retain comments, likes, and shares. Change the audience out for the new PageView event Custom Audience.
We don't want to spam them, so set the Campaign Budget to something more reasonable, like $5 to $10 depending upon the size of the audience. At most, we want to impress to them once every day or other day.
The best time to retarget them would be when there is some pressure and "fear of missing out", which generally takes effect within the last 9 days of the Kickstarter campaign (single digits remaining).

#9 Analyzing Metrics
When a backer visits the original Redirect URL from an ad, the FB Pixel will place a cookie on the user's computer and push an event back to FB with their Facebook ID, the Link ID, and the FB Click ID (as seen in the fbclid=DATABASEHASH parameter on the URL of outbound Facebook links). Then, when this user visits the Survey/Value-Offer URL and that event is pushed back to Facebook, it will match their Facebook ID with the previous click ID & link ID and register a Purchase event for that specific ad they originally clicked or viewed.
You can view the ROI from an ad in the Ad Manager -- if the column is not there, you can customize your columns in Ad Manager to include the ROI column.
That being said, only roughly 20% of backers will follow through in clicking the Survey/Value-Offer URL in the automated Kickstarter message. So to truly understand our conversion rate, we need to estimate by getting the ratio of total Survey/Value-Offer URL visitors to the total number of Kickstarter backers. You can find the total number of website visitors via the Event Manager and checking the number of Purchase events. We then multiply the total ad ROI by this ratio.

Example calculation:
1,250 people visited the website (Purchase Events in Event Manager)
10,000 total backers
200 events were attributed to ads

10,000 / 1,250 = 8
8 * 200 = 1600 backers came from ads

Another way to get a rough estimate of the ROI from Facebook ads is using Time-Series Data from your campaign's Kicktraq analytics and Kickstarter analytics. This is a bit challenging, because other traffic sources (such as publications, youtubers, social media, organic, etc) will be unfortunately undifferentiated alongside your ad traffic. However, later in the campaign during a low-time, you can get a general feel when there are no other types of promotions running. During a two-day period where no other promotion is running, do not run ads, and then on a second day, run your ads at your target budget. Calculate the difference in total daily pledges and project-follower counts. The first day will be your organic traffic from within Kickstarter itself, and the second day will give you a clue on how well ads are performing.
It is worth noting that roughly 10% to 20% of followers will turn into pledges by the end of a Kickstarter campaign. I would include that estimate in your ROI.

Closing Thoughts
If you are struggling getting set up with anything in particular, please leave a comment or send me an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ; I am happy to help you move your project forward.
To get a closer look at what our Kickstarter page looks like, for study purposes, you can visit Dwerve's kickstarter here:

In a follow-up article, I plan on going into more details of other marketing methods to increase performance of your Kickstarter campaign.
I hope you find this case study helpful, let me know what you think!
submitted by Zephir62 to gamedev [link] [comments]

Buying expensive items on Facebook Marketplace

TLDR: No matter what the item is listed on(FB Marketplace, offerup,whatever), never compromise to make a transaction on a platform that does not GUARANTEE buyer protection. Stick to safe options and if they try to coerce you into something else, don't trust them. It's a scam.

The best option for buying a phone on a budget is to get a flagship thats one or two generations old. Facebook Marketplace is a wonderful place to get these, but there are a SHITLOAD of scammers out there.
I felt compelled to talk about this after my recent experience, as I've finally (after several attempts) actually finished a legitimate transaction with buyer protection. I discussed with probably 10 sellers before I found someone who was willing to use a means of payment with buyer protection.
The rule of thumb to follow: Do not, ever, by any means, no matter how legit they seem or how much they beg in chat, buy anything using a platform without buyer protection. They will lie to you, saying shit like "dw you can use paypal to pay with facebook messenger and you get paypal protection" (you don't). Or they will say, "I can't link my account to *insert any platforms with buyer protection here* but bro I swear I've been scammed before scammers suck I would never scam and I need to pay my rent and feed my kid please bro." Immediately stop talking, don't bother, no matter how enticing the offer seems. They are trying to con you using their friendly way of texting and bullshit excuses to find a way to get you to buy their product using something that has zero protection for you. You will get ripped off if you don't use a trustworthy platform to make the transaction. No messenger pay, no cash app, no venmo, no B.S.
There are a few means of payment I trust for buyer protection - Facebook Marketplace has one for orders that are shipped (you need to click "Buy Now" on the listing, nowhere else), and Paypal IF AND ONLY IF you indicate that it's a purchase for goods/services. NOTE: one scammer attempted to scam me using the goods/services paypal. We made the transaction but then he told me "hey bro the moneys not coming through I'm trying to get it worked out..." *pause* "hey bro they said if you hit confirm receipt it'll come through and we can send the phone." On PayPal "Confirm Receipt" is a way to indicate you've received the item, by marking this, you're essentially giving them the green light without actually getting the product, enabling you to get ripped off. PayPal protects the gullible by preventing this being marked until 48 hours post transaction. Nevertheless, when explained to the scammer, he refunded me and deleted the chat.
Literally 1/10 (tbh probably more than 10) of the people I talked to were legit and straightforward about payment via marketplace, everyone else was trying to swindle me. Do not accept anything except Marketplace or PayPal G+S Purchases, make sure whatever means you spend your money on protects you. Be up front about that. If they say "no bro the fees are expensive" tell them you'll cover the extra fee (likely for something expensive, if you're getting a good deal, covering the extra 30 bucks of fees should be no issue). If they still refuse, you know it's a scam lol.
TIP: If you are being experimental with some new method of payment (bad idea), start with a payment of a penny using whatever weird ass means of payment they want and see if you can get it back. If you can't then you know the truth.
Be safe out there kids
submitted by theboredsinger to Scams [link] [comments]

Best Amazon FBA Courses (With In-Depth Summaries/Reviews of Each One)

For the past several years, a partner and I stepped hard into the Amazon Marketplace, and since knowledge is power, we went through a lot of FBA courses to fine-tune our product listings and shipping procedures.
In this review, I will cover the 6 Best FBA Courses to take in 2020 below:
From 2016 until recently, I dove deep into the Amazon FBA world to really get a feel for how to do it but also to see how it compared to my first business model.
These are the "big guns" of the Amazon Private Label Community, and I not only rank them here, but I also offer full, in-depth reviews for each of them as well as quick bio of each Amazon coaches.
To show you that I am qualified to write these reviews, you should know that my partner and I have created two 6-figure product lines on Amazon.
So I have been very active as a seller on Amazon, using the fulfillment services offered by Bezos' company.
That said, I am not a know-it-all type guru, just a millennial intent on maximizing the value of the internet.
The Bottom line:
All I can give you is my own experience and reflections on what has worked best for my business. (If you want the in-depth story on one of my FBA products, read up on my Amazon Case Study)
Read My Amazon Case Study Here
Reminder: I'm not an affiliate to any FBA course.
Wondering what criteria I use to evaluate each course?
I rate my courses based on the presence and quality of:
My goal is that this bird's eye view into each FBA course will enable you to pick the online training program that is right for you and your situation.
Not one of these FBA courses is right for everyone, as each course instructor has their own teaching style that jives best with certain personalities better than others.
At the end of this post, I show you why lead generation is still my top recommendation in 2020. (aka how it stacks up against Amazon FBA)
But first things first:
My Top 6 FBA courses for 2020
6.) Amazon FBA Ninja by Kevin David
Course length: 10 hours and 19 minutes. Price: $3,997 (but often 50% off on the website)
The FBA Ninja Masterclass does have some holes, but Kevin displays his brilliance when it comes to his FB Ads Training that he includes.
Kevin doesn't pull an punches, he's more of a straight-to-the-point personality type. His videos aren't long and drawn out, but use time efficiently.
If you are an apply-it-on-the-fly kind of person, you'll definitely enojy the spped at which Kevin delivers his education.
Are you the reading type?
Looking for written course content?
Kevin shows a lot of value here as well providing pdfs in most of his modules. But as a heads up, there's unique content in both the vids and papers, so to get the max value, you should both watch and read.
I'd say this course is for you if you can handle a firehose of rapid fire information. If you're a little on the ADD side (as I am), you'll not be bored like in your senior year english classes.
You do need to be able to take concepts and run with them, problem solving as you go, as Kevin doesn't cover all the hypotheticals in his mini-lectures.
Just be ready to run with your laptop, paper and pen if you opt-in to this course.
Overall, the Amazon FBA Ninja Course is affordably priced and enables you to exchange gold nuggets with other Private Label Ninjas in the FB group.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Just like his Lambo, this course is Fast and Furious! If you are ready to rapidly build an FBA business, you'll enjoy Kevin David's ninja approach. #thatlifestyleninja
Just as a warning, Kevin teaches a product selection model that worked really well in 2017 when the marketplaces was not nearly as crowded as it is now and Chinese Suppliers weren't selling their own products on Amazon (like many are doing now).
But if you find a substitute product selection method, you'll have most of what you need.
Click Here to Read My Full In-Depth Review
5.) Nine University 2.0 - Kale & Taylor
Course length: 16 hours of Video Content Price: $1,997
Kale and Taylor's Nine University 2.0 does have some age to it being made in 2017, but K&T have come back and updated their course, providing more details in certain modules like adding more research techniques to their product selection section.
One helpful hack that you might appreciate if you are new to the FBA game is to be sure that you ask your supplier for both the unit price and the shipping price of your products.
**Warning: Kale is sometimes a little short with his explanations, leaving out some of the risks of his suggestions, like the fact that adding icons to listings could get your listing shut down (per Amazon's TOS). *\*
Kale & Taylor do a pretty good job at covering a lot of the details product listing construction as well as providing specific suggestions on product shipping and packaging, like how to tell your supplier where to label your items and proactively fixing some of the issues that shipping your products via plane brings.
Finally, if you need motivation or hype, this course is for you! Kale brings the fire in nearly every lesson he teaches!
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Overall, KT Nine's course provides value, but for what it is it's overpriced.
Nine University 2.0 does include a couple of helpful bonuses (Quick Start Bootcamp and FB Ads Mini Course) that increase the value of the their course a bit.
Since they have gone through and updated their course, it is current for 2020.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
4.) FBA Sales Accelerator - Ryan Rigney
Course length: 14 hours and 29 minutes. Price: $495 (1-on-1 coaching is extra)
The FBA Sales Accelerator does have some holes, but Kevin displays his brilliance when it comes to his FB Ads Training that he includes.
Ryan's course is clearly laid out from A to Z, covering most of what's needed to get going on Amazon, but it's important to note that Ryan has geared his course to help those who are already selling a product or two on Amazon.
If you already have the basics of FBA, this course might provide the next level for you as Ryan shows how to get more traffic (from Facebook) and get more reviews (using Many Chat and his own SaaS, BoostRooster).
I'd say this course is for you if you can appreciate an amazon seller being fairly open about how they do their own business.
While he's not quite as vulnerable as Tim Sanders (Private Label Masters), he does share what's working for him and which platforms he focuses the majority of his attention on.
Ryan's a pro at bringing in external traffic onto Amazon (which helps his products pop to the top).
In addition to FB Ad training, he also provides insight on how to partner with Instagram Influencers such as what reasonable to pay them.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Ryan provides excellent material for those who are in the intermediate stages of buidling their Amazon FBA businesses.
His course is not for those who are just getting started as he doesn't spend much time on the basics (product selection, listing creation, etc.)
He does provide excellent value through his brand mindset trainings.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
3.) Amazing Selling Machine (ASM 11)
Course length: 19 hours Price: $5,000 (USD)
Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback started selling on Amazon in 2012.
Matt was already making money via private label on Amazon at the time and Jason had a history of selling educational materials on the internet dating back to 2003.
Matt brought Jason on because Jason wanted to learn to sell on Amazon and allegedly, sell he did. A variety of sources on the web indicate that he was soon doing 100k in revenue each month.
That same year, 2012, the two put together the Amazing Selling Machine and the rest seems to be history.
When I started on Amazon in 2016, I went through their course and it helped me get the basics of selling on Jeff's ginormous platform.
The instructors (Rich Henderson and Mike McClary) do a very thorough job teaching the fundamentals of marketing private label items via FBA.
The fact that the course is taught by someone other than the founders (who are supposedly super successful on the platform) is a red flag to me, because that begs the question, do they really know what they are talking about?
But I saw a lot of reviews of people becoming successful through the course when I began looking into selling FBA in late 2015 (when starting a business, due diligence is a must, my first coaching program taught me that).
And it was through ASM in 2016 that I got my start in FBA.
Over the next 24 months, I built 2 brands to 6-figures.
Where the Amazing Selling Machine course falls short is that every year they proclaim to "update it," but really they simply add a few other features (like the "Profit Miner" chrome extension you can now get for free on their website if you opt in to their email list).
So when you buy into it now, you essentially get an old course (albeit a massive old course because of the add-ons) with some bells and whistles. #profitminer
The way I like to think of ASM now is as a 100 level, gen-ed college course.
You get the basics of the field, which is really helpful, but the practical strategies are outdated because it took so long for the course to be packaged and approved by the board of directors before it could be offered.
So it's a really beneficial course, even today, because of the grand perspective it gives you of the way that Amazon Private Label works.
The primary barrier to success is the same as with the FBA Ninja course:
Biggest Barrier to Success
The product selection process is outdated as the market has become super competitive for products sourced through Alibaba (a platform that connects sellers selling in the US market with inexpensive manufacturers and suppliers based in China).
The Amazon Marketplace will only become more crowded because the Chinese suppliers themselves are learning to sell on Amazon therefore being able to offer the same product at lower costs to the shoppers, essentially undercutting private label sellers.
Why might you want to be in ASM 11?
If you want to get a well-rounded education on the FBA system and a lot of what's involved in selling on Amazon, this course will really help you get there, but it's unlikely that you'll be able to successfully select your products through the strategies taught in the course.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
I got my start with ASM because the strategy worked back then.
It's still a great course to get most of your FBA education from (setting up your biz license, launching your product, etc.)
But remember, it's a gen ed course.
You'll have to take more if you want to be successful on Amazon in 2020.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
2.) Product University by Sophie Howard
Course length: 26 hours Price: $3,495
Product University was made in 2016 by Sophie Howard, an Amazon Seller based in New Zealand, selling into both the US and the AU marketplaces as well as her home country.
Sophie started on amazon part-time in 2014 while she was on maternity leave from her job.
She scaled quickly and established her first brand, Higher Tea.
It's a consumable, responsibly sourced, organic tea so it demands ongoing sales as well as it has a unique appeal to those who want to enjoy health and take pride in supporting ethical manufacturing.
Sophie says that while she was able to get into tea when she started, she wouldn't recommend it now as the category is supersaturated.
Sophie doesn't teach how to set your Seller Account or how to get a business license, or other basic things like that, because, she says, you can find those resources elsewhere.
She shares her experience and really helps you discover markets to sell products to that are hard for copy-catting dealers to mimic because they don't have access to your uniquely sourced products.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issue
If you are willing to take on the basics yourself, like how to set up your account and your basic amazon listing, Sophie will give you the strategies to create brands that sell well for the long haul, and being able to exit as she does, building a brand worth 7 figures, then selling it off to an interested corporation.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
1.) Private Label Masters by Tim Sanders
Course length: 20 hours and 18 minutes. Price: $4,997
Private Label Masters is taught by Tim Sanders.
Tim has been selling on Amazon since 2016 and was able to rapidly scale his business so that in less than a year he had achieved an upper 6 figure revenue.
Tim's course is well-structured with 8 sequential modules, covering the ins and outs of selling on Amazon, with the exception of teaching a strategy that is losing effectiveness rapidly as more sellers enter the Amazon arena.
Tim over-delivers in this course in a few areas:
If you are seriously considering going into Amazon FBA, then this is one of the better courses out there.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issue
Tim's course is an excellent one for learning the entire process of FBA from start to finish.
You can get it at a affordable price. (When I called their sales department, they offered $1,500 off if I bought the course on the call).
But before you and buy it, be sure to take into account the additional costs of selling on Amazon (FBA fees, product cost, packaging design, pay-per-click ads).
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
So, Which FBA Course is right for you?
If you are low on dough, you could go with Ryan's FBA Sales Accelerator, which offers some sound strategies that are current to selling on Amazon in 2020.
But with FBA, you don't just need the right education.
I'm not going to lie to you...
To really get a solid start you need money.
I realize that this thought is not popular as it would be more acceptable to be all rah rah, saying,
"Go out and achieve your dreams! You can do it!"
But that's not why you are here.
You chose to read this because you want to start an online business that will generate income to fund your lifestyle, whatever that may be.
And if you want to eventually start a collection of products on Amazon because that's what really makes your heart sing, then please don't take what comes next as a damper on your dreams, but choose to see it as your path to success, actually doing the things that you dream of.
To truly get started well on Amazon, you need more than most course sellers will tell you.
In my experience, most course creators seem to say you can get started with a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
In my experienced opinion, that number is actually higher.
To do FBA well, you need 15,000 dollars, the reason being that once you have bought a course for 3.5k, then you only have 11.5k left for actually building your business, which, in real life, is a really a tight budget because you have to take into account the fact that you probably will have to launch multiple products to find one that really sells.
Want an example?
Check this out:
Sophie has pushed over 500 items into Amazon's marketplaces.
Do you think all of them sell super well?
Hell no!
(That would be awesome, but does real life turn out that way?
No, not very often.
The truth is much more grim:
Some of the launched items sell more than others, while still others don't sell at all.
In my own experience, I had launched 3 products before I saw my first sales on Amazon.
What I've found and others as well is that it often requires testing the market to find "home-run" products.
Think of it as trying different lures to see what the fish in Bezo's ocean will bite.
Baiting the FBA hook (to continue the analogy), takes a good deal of money and time, that, honestly, most people in our world today don't have.
But those who have the funds end up putting up many different listings and launching a multiplicity of products into the marketplace at once.
And to be completely candid with you, if I didn't already have money coming in via my first business, lead generation, I wouldn't have had the money to become successful on Amazon.
And to illustrate that, check this out:
My FBA Experience Selling Honey on Amazon
At the start of this article, I let it slip that I've sold products on Amazon for nearly 4 years.
One of them was organic honey.
I saw the thousands of health gurus were touting the importance of eating clean, organic foods and started scoping in on potential FBA products.
After looking high and low all over the web, my product idea ending up coming from a trip to my grocery store.
I was picking up some fruit when I noticed a sign next to me promoting locally produced sticky sweetness: organic honey.
Upon reaching out the supplier, I did some due diligence, learning how many units were sold at one time (MOQ) as well as how much they'd charge to ship it stateside ($$$)
After verifying that hordes of honey-hungry vegans were shopping Amazon, I sketched out a list of what needed to be done before I could expect my first sale:
B4-FBA-Money To-Do List:
  1. Complete Product Due Diligence
  2. Create Product Listing (Optimized Title, 6 Bullet Points, 400 word description, back-end keywords as well as 3 kinds of images)
  3. Purchase UPC's and Get FNSKU Labels from Seller Central
  4. Arrange for Freight Forwarder to Pick Product from Port and send to Amazon (aka lots of phone calls and emails)
  5. Create Amazon Sponsored Pay-Per-Click Campaigns (both Auto and Manual)
  6. Monitor PPC Ad Spend
  7. Construct Review Funnel System (with Product Insert)
  8. Track the Locations of Shipments
  9. Be Mindful of Product Inventory Levels
  10. Handle Out-of-Stock Situations
With all that going on, I felt like a juggler riding a unicycle on a never-ending treadmill: never any time to travel or spend time with friends. #nopassivity
But after some 8 months and about 13k out the door spent on inventory and product launch, I had things jumping.
9 months into the organic honey venture, I had my first sale!
Thanks to me split testing my main product image and the fact that it was April, the peak of allergy season
The best month was over 52k in sales in 30 days!
It looks like an FBA success story, doesn't it?
But tap the brakes a minute, and take a look at how my costs & profits breakdown:
What?! 36 G's! you'd think I must have been rolling in the dough, right?! Oh wait, Amazon Fees...
Total Amazon Fees: $11,328.5
Referral Fees: 18% of Overall Sales ($9404.40)
Fulfillment Fees: $5.42/pack, since each pack was a hair under 3lbs ($1,924.10)
Sponsored Ad Cost: 14,264.37
Total Costs: $25,592.87
Left over net profit: $11,131
$11,131 in a single month sounds pretty good on the surface, but for the 2 years I sold organic honey, that was my highest month.
My partner and I also did all the work ourselves, so the time per hour didn't really add up to much between us.
This is when I began to realize how low the true profit margins of a physical products business really are.
3 Reasons Why Selling on Amazon is difficult:
1. Yes, you can have some high dollar months, but seasonality is a bitch.
2. If you do find a home-run product, you can be certain that someone else will come along and copy your product.
3. Constantly trying to stay ahead of the competition is exhausting. It takes tons of energy, focus and a little hope...
Yes, I did make a few bucks during that month, but if I factor in the dollars I spent on testing different variations of my product listing (swapping images and copy), the money definitely wasn't the gangsta income I'd hoped for.
I also learned that customer service wasn't my thing. The world of dealing with reviews and product refunds sucked the energy from me like a vacuum on carpet.
When I wrapped up the organic honey excursion, I understood that to bank on Amazon, you won't get rich off of a single product.
You need to scale from 1 item to 10 while keeping your eyes peeled for more product opportunities.
Is it worth it?
In my opinion, since I've done both, Amazon FBA is waaay better than having a 9-5 job as I'm pretty sure that anything is better than being stuck in that office.
That might be why so many of these FBA courses sell so well.
Many people want the freedom that running their own business can provide: like choosing what hours they work or how much money they want to earn.
Nobody wants to be just a cog in a wheel.
On the other hand, the FBA model wasn't cutting it. It took too much time and energy for the (lack of) desired results.
If you want more details on what it takes to start an Amazon FBA business, I wrote a guide on the entire process. Just click the button below:
Read My Amazon FBA Guide Here
Competitors Copying Your Private Label Business
Most FBA courses, even the best ones like the Amazing Selling Machine and Private Label Masters, teach the method of researching the competition and copying what other FBA sellers have already made. Tim calls it "market intelligence."
But here's the kicker
You can literally copy & paste someone's private label product in a matter of hours by matching their Amazon product on the popular FBA seller outlet, Alibaba.
I found this one in 10 minutes.
This copy and paste method literally takes all the guess work out of it. There's no skill involved. Even a teenage could do it.
In fact, check this out:
While this "Xerox Private Label" method sounds great on the surface, I'm not a fan.
Here's why:
What's to stop another seller from copy and pasting your private label business?
This makes Amazon FBA a short term play at best because:
A business model that allows someone to enter the space and literally clone your entire business in a matter of hours, simply cannot be a long-term income strategy.
Think about it
As time goes on, the niche becomes saturated, Amazon's Pay-Per-Click pricing will increase, and the product will no longer be profitable to sell.
That being said, the power players on Amazon create long lasting businesses by investing large amounts of money in creating their own unique products and supply lines that make duplication extremely difficult.
And to do that, you not only need to be an innovator, but also have at least $27k for the development and production.
When it comes to business, you don't want things to be "easy."
Key Takeaway
My rule of thumb is: If everyone can do it, you probably shouldn't. #saturation
Why do you think doctors make a boatload of money throughout their careers?
Because they've developed skills that few people have.
That's why I put my chips on businesses that actually require a high skill level to leverage, like lead generation. It's almost impossible for a person to come in and "Xerox" your business.
What is Lead Generation Exactly?
I'm not a fan of copy and paste business models.
So as of 2020, I'm putting my entire attention on lead generation, which has always provided the best ROI.
Here's how it works
You build and rank simple websites at the top of Google that send customers to small businesses.
Lead generation still has both a high profit margin because we use free traffic to generate leads
Once you rank these sites, they have a high level of passivity, because after the site clicks into the top, you don't need to touch it.
Here's a site that I made in 2015 and haven't touched since
Here's a few more reasons why I value lead generation over Amazon FBA...
Why Lead Generation Over Amazon FBA?
Amazon FBA
Lead Generation
Don't get me wrong
I made some good money with FBA, but the need to constantly monitor the metrics (inventory, ad spend, etc.), I cashed out.
That's why I believe that many FBA sellers switch to offering courses sharing how to sell on Amazon, as the digital courses offer a much simpler (and more profitable) way to make money online.
But not everyone has an expertise that can be easily packaged into a ecourse.
Lead generation is a lean and mean business model because you are repeating 6 simple steps over and over
These are the top reasons why the lead generation model remains my #1 recommendation in 2020.
Want more details?
Check out how I went from 32k per year to 32k per month in 24 months via the link below:
Source: Local Lead Generation Course – Top Marketing Coaching Program
submitted by Ippei_Kanehara to reviewsforyou [link] [comments]

How to do Facebook Ads for Kickstarter

How to do Facebook Ads for Kickstarter
When Dwerve originally approached me to consult with their Kickstarter's Facebook Ads, they were getting between $0.20 and $0.45 Cost-Per-Click and had no idea how to analyze their conversion rate.
While there wasn't much time to prepare, I was able to quickly reduce the cost-per-click down to an average of 3 pennies, or $0.03. I accomplished this without click-bait copywrite, and instead used Facebook's algorithm to our advantage via best-practices and highly-relevant, compelling copywrite and creatives.

Results of the Ad Campaign
There are a number of parts to this ad system. I won't go into a tutorial-level of detail on how to accomplish certain basics of FB Ads, but you should be able to find those tutorials elsewhere on Google. If you are struggling getting set up with anything in particular, please leave a comment or send me an email at [email protected] ; I am happy to help you move your project forward.
To get a closer look at what our Kickstarter page looks like, for study purposes, you can visit Dwerve's kickstarter here:

Moving forward, let's do a brief rundown of the funnel:
  1. Facebook Page
  2. The Ad
  3. Redirect URL
  4. Kickstarter Page
  5. Pledge Checkout
  6. Automated Kickstarter Messaging
  7. Survey URL or Value Offer
The main challenge with Kickstarter is that you cannot place a pixel on the Kickstarter page itself. So you need to work around this by creating your own Redirect Pages at both the beginning and end of the customer's journey.
Let's go over each part of the system in-depth:

#1 Facebook Page
You can either use your product page, or create a secondary page exclusively for Kickstarter advertisements. I do recommend the latter, for the following reason:
We want people to know this is a Kickstarter, but we want to be subtle. The association with Kickstarter itself can be distasteful to consumers, because they know they are funding development of a product that may not materialize, rather than buying a product outright and receiving it immediately. For this reasoning, it may be more effective to clue viewers in that this is a Kickstarter via the advertiser's page name (such as "Backer Bear", or "Indie Crowdfunded Projects"), rather than putting Kickstarter's brand directly in the ad's creative or main copywrite.

#2.1 Ad Campaign

Graph of the Campaign Structure
I recommend using the "Conversion Objective" when setting up your campaign in Facebook's Ad Manager. This allows us to track the number of conversions per ad inside the Ad Manager, and Facebook can optimize to serve our ads to find those most likely to convert based upon interests, page likes, and demographic.
To have access to this campaign objective, however, we need to create and utilize both the "PageView" and "Purchase" standard events on our Facebook Pixel. Go to the Event Manager in the FB Ad Manager, and create those events.
Another thing you must do, is set the Attribution Window for your pixel to 28 days. Navigate to the Ad Account Settings, click "Edit" under Attribution, and set the Click Window to 28 days.
Once you have that done and set the campaign objective to "Conversions", we want to utilize some best practices for a broad campaign on Facebook:

  1. Segment our campaigns by country, continent, or otherwise region
  2. Use "Campaign Budget Optimization", which will automatically invest the budget in the best-performing Ad Sets
  3. Start out with a Campaign Budget of $5 x total number of active ads, plus some extra wiggle room
  4. Use Lowest-Cost Bidding Strategy

Let's talk about the Ad Sets next, and best practices here to let Facebook optimize for us:

  1. Do not specify the Gender. Allow Facebook to weigh genders per Ad Set on it's own. It will do a better job internally than if you manually try to specify.
  2. Segment Ad Sets by age group: 18-24, 24-34, 34-45, etc.
  3. Do not manually specify ad placements or devices. I've always had worse results using manual placements with a broad audience. Facebook optimizes this very well internally, and will spend wisely.
  4. Set the Minimum Ad Spend per Ad Set to $5, to ensure actionable data.

Before we move into ads, we still have to set up our Audience Targeting.
Assuming that you have a mailing-list (if not, you should definitely have one by now, and you want at least 3000 emails), upload your mailing list and turn that into a Custom Audience, and then create a 1% Look-A-Like Audience from that custom audience. Use your 1% Look-A-Like Audience as the Ad Set audience.
Now add the following interests to your targeting:
  • Kickstarter
  • IndieGoGo
  • Crowdfunding
  • GoFundMe
Use Post-Linked IDs when duplicating your ads between age-group and country segments (There is a drop-down for "Create Ad" when creating an Ad, but you should instead select "Existing Ad"). Post-Linked IDs will retain the comments, likes, and shares between the ads which use the same creative/copywrite.
Be sure to answer all comments that viewers write on your ads!

#2.2 Ad Creative
I do not recommend including the words Kickstarter on the creative, however there are certain creatives where this may make sense -- for instance, creatives where you display a collection of physical rewards (t-shirts, physical box, SNES cartridge, etc.), or even just a poster image of concept art + logo.
There are a number of different creative formats that are pretty sure-fire ways to express your game, however every game is different so you may have some unique tricks up your personal sleeve. For instance, with Dwerve, we had a nice screenshot with a Zelda-aesthetic along with a massive closed door. A door entails curiosity. This creative worked very well with click-through rates.
Generally speaking, these creative formats will perform good:
  • Trailer Video
  • Gameplay Video
  • 3-second GIF
  • Poster Image of Logo + Concept Art
  • Display Collection of physical rewards

Create an ad for each of these creative types, and duplicate them for each campaign and age group. This will prevent banner-blindness and ad-fatigue, as Facebook will certainly impress your ad campaign to the same person multiple times over the course of your Kickstarter.
Aim to drive feelings of curiosity, nostalgia, motivation, and social proof in your viewers.

#2.3 Ad Copywrite
A good rule of thumb is 6 words or less on the Primary Text above the creative, and 3 words or less on the Headline below the creative. While 6 words might be a tough target to hit, the point is that shorter is always better here. You may want to mask the URL by changing the Display Link text, and add a Description below the Headline.
The patterns which we found the best results with for each text type was:

Page Name -> "Backer Bear"
Primary Text -> "A beautifully crafted, Zelda-inspired action RPG with Tower-Defense combat"
Headline -> "Play the demo"
Display Link -> "KICKSTARTER.COM"
Description -> "FINAL CHANCE! | VIDEO GAME PROJECTS WE LOVE | Dwerve | An all-new action RPG inspired by the 16-bit era"
CTA Button -> "Download"

Example of our GIF ad
#3 Redirect URL
When people click your ad, you want to track them via the FB Pixel. Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not allow us to place a pixel on the Kickstarter page itself, so we must work around that by using a Redirect URL. You can either use a service like Pixelme.me, or your own custom branded site & solution.
For this Redirect URL, use a Pixel script with the standard "PageView" event:
fbq('track', 'PageView');
And ensure that the pixel has fully loaded before redirecting, by putting the pixel script inside the HEAD region of your redirect page's DOM. You will also need to change t.async=!0 in the script to t.async=false;

another method people recommend to make sure page is fully loaded

End Facebook Pixel Code

Some example questions you can include on the Survey:
  • Which device(s) do you back Kickstarter projects from?
  • How did you hear about this project?
  • Very briefly, why did you decide to back this project?
  • Any suggestions on what we can do to improve our product?
And then include a "Thank you for answering" page.

To generate a survey, you can use Typeform.com, which allows you to insert a FB Pixel.
If you decide to provide a value offer, I suggest leaving some mystery as to what the offer is when describing it in the automated message, which will encourage the backer to open the URL link to find out what special gift they have received. An example Value Offer might be a branded wallpaper desktop background.
The goal here is to find the ratio of total visitors versus total backers, so we can extrapolate data about how many total backers came from ads. Not every backer will click the URL in the message, so we need to consider this.

#8 Remarketing Ads
The previous strategy will procure numerous cold leads for your Kickstarter. Rarely, however, will people convert into a backer on their first visit. The average consumer will be impressed by a brand somewhere between 4 and 7 times before making a purchase decision.
Given our Pixel's PageVisit event, we can retarget people who clicked the ad. You can create a new Custom Audience from the Webpage Visitors utilizing your Pixel. I recommend atleast 5,000 PageView events before forming a custom audience for remarketing.
Create a new ad campaign in Ad Manager, duplicate the Ad Sets from your previous campaign, and ensure that the individual ads are using post-linked versions of the previous ads to retain comments, likes, and shares. Change the audience out for the new PageView event Custom Audience.
We don't want to spam them, so set the Campaign Budget to something more reasonable, like $5 to $10 depending upon the size of the audience. At most, we want to impress to them once every day or other day.
The best time to retarget them would be when there is some pressure and "fear of missing out", which generally takes effect within the last 9 days of the Kickstarter campaign (single digits remaining).

#9 Analyzing Metrics
When a backer visits the original Redirect URL from an ad, the FB Pixel will place a cookie on the user's computer and push an event back to FB with their Facebook ID, the Link ID, and the FB Click ID (as seen in the fbclid=DATABASEHASH parameter on the URL of outbound Facebook links). Then, when this user visits the Survey/Value-Offer URL and that event is pushed back to Facebook, it will match their Facebook ID with the previous click ID & link ID and register a Purchase event for that specific ad they originally clicked or viewed.
You can view the ROI from an ad in the Ad Manager -- if the column is not there, you can customize your columns in Ad Manager to include the ROI column.
That being said, only roughly 20% of backers will follow through in clicking the Survey/Value-Offer URL in the automated Kickstarter message. So to truly understand our conversion rate, we need to estimate by getting the ratio of total Survey/Value-Offer URL visitors to the total number of Kickstarter backers. You can find the total number of website visitors via the Event Manager and checking the number of Purchase events. We then multiply the total ad ROI by this ratio.

Example calculation:
1,250 people visited the website (Purchase Events in Event Manager)
10,000 total backers
200 events were attributed to ads

10,000 / 1,250 = 8
8 * 200 = 1600 backers came from ads

Another way to get a rough estimate of the ROI from Facebook ads is using Time-Series Data from your campaign's Kicktraq analytics and Kickstarter analytics. This is a bit challenging, because other traffic sources (such as publications, youtubers, social media, organic, etc) will be unfortunately undifferentiated alongside your ad traffic. However, later in the campaign during a low-time, you can get a general feel when there are no other types of promotions running. During a two-day period where no other promotion is running, do not run ads, and then on a second day, run your ads at your target budget. Calculate the difference in total daily pledges and project-follower counts. The first day will be your organic traffic from within Kickstarter itself, and the second day will give you a clue on how well ads are performing.
It is worth noting that roughly 10% to 20% of followers will turn into pledges by the end of a Kickstarter campaign. I would include that estimate in your ROI.

Closing Thoughts
If you are struggling getting set up with anything in particular, please leave a comment or send me an email at [email protected] ; I am happy to help you move your project forward.
To get a closer look at what our Kickstarter page looks like, for study purposes, you can visit Dwerve's kickstarter here:

In a follow-up article, I plan on going into more details of other marketing methods to increase performance of your Kickstarter campaign.
I hope you find this case study helpful, let me know what you think!
submitted by Zephir62 to IndieDev [link] [comments]

My Hatred a Saga: The Labor/Delivery

After the baby shower I did everything I could to avoid my MIL. And when I say everything, I mean, I went to the mobile store and changed my number so she wouldn’t have it anymore. I was so tired of her constantly calling me and texting me. I told her so many times how tiring being pregnant was this trimester and how badly I needed sleep. She’d call me starting at 9 a.m. and she’d call two or three times. She’d send me texts saying to “Call her back”. Extremely trite and when I’d call it would be fucking nonsense. “Do you have a stroller for the baby?” Bullshit like that because she was constantly shopping and finally felt like she had a perfect excuse to spend money. She needed to know right then and there when she found a deal, so I needed to tell her ASAP! So, I gave myself some peace and told DH I had to change my number due to telemarketers. They were also incessant but were much more welcome than his mom. It really worked out in my favor. She told DH I wasn’t responding and he’d said I changed my number. Thankfully she left it at that.
She was however still sending me videos on FB messenger on how to take care of a baby. Some were infant CPHeimlich videos, some were bathing babies, but the ones that fucking got me were “don’t shake your baby no matter what” videos. Like I don’t have a working knowledge AT ALL of how babies work. I just keep ignoring it, letting her see that I’ve seen them but I won’t say anything. The whole “nothing nice to say…don’t say anything” bit. I responded to the first message, a cpr one, saying “thank you, DH and I know how to do this already!” She responded with a thumbs up emoji. She sent me more videos, repeats of what she’d already sent. I finally lost my resolve and responded to her again.
“You’ve sent this to me before. Just so you know, I’ve been around a lot of babies. I’ve got this, thanks though. If I need help I’ll ask.”
I was fucking seething. My poor DH has another fight to resolve now. I don’t care, she asked for it. I explain that I finally had enough and tried being nice about it. He was stopping by there to pick something up anyway so he mentioned it to her. She tells him she thought I’d be happy about them and she’d apologize to me. She didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. I guess she then tries to show DH one of the videos. He says he watched it for a solid 45 sec before deciding that she was stupid. He told her it wasn’t right for her to send me those and she’s essentially saying she doesn’t trust me to be a mother. She argues that’s not what she was trying to do and says again she’ll fix it.
She responds something like “no worries, I didn’t think you’d take it so personal, I thought it’d be something you’d appreciate but nvm. I would’ve at least responded, thanks for sharing.”
That’s her version of an apology. I don’t even feel like tearing it apart right now, it’s glaringly obvious how horrible it is. I show DH and he just rolls his eyes. I tell him I’m so over her and her bs and he agrees. He then tells me something that makes us both laugh.
“When I was there she asked me to ask you to please, please let her in the delivery room and she knows your mom is going to be there. I told her flat out no.” I love him. I would’ve told him he wasn’t allowed in there had he given her the ok though.
We then get into the discussion of waiting room warriors. To which my anxious ass is highly against. I had a scheduled induction, no way was I going to allow anyone to just sit around and wait. He didn’t get it. I spent days trying to explain before asking for help on my What to Expect app. The wonderful ladies there actually pointed me here. They gave me great advice and he finally agreed. I told him I hoped he understood my mom was there for me, not her grand baby. He told me he fully understood, no big deal.
I go a week overdue before my scheduled induction and 18 hours of labor before meeting our DD. The first 12 hours I meditated through my contractions and knew I could push her out no problem. My midwife was worried about the babies heartbeat at one point. She rolls me on my side and my heartbeat and oxygen levels plummet. They get a breathing mask on me while DH is getting himself lunch. She looks at my charts and explains that my baby is face up, instead of face down. Meaning her skull is pushing on my spine and that’s why I was experiencing back labor (the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life, I didn’t feel the contractions anywhere but my lower back). She explained that at the rate I was going I would need an epidural, some other drug that would effect baby, or a csection.
DH and I had discussed the epidural and we were a firm no. I was afraid of permanent back problems, because mine isn’t in the best shape to begin with. I began to cry and she asks why I was so adamant about no epidural. She explains the positives and negatives for me and I end up really wanting the epidural. By the time DH comes back she’s paging the anesthesiologist. He looks shocked and we explain what’s going on. He says “I thought you didn’t want an epidural, what happened?” I say “it’s that or another surgery, get on board.” He quickly does and becomes super supportive again.
I go about 5 hours with an epidural (I had a fucking hotspot on my asshole ovary, yes I have an ovary that is extra mean to me, I should’ve let my OB take him!) until it’s time to push and they ask if I want a mirror. Um, fuck yeah I do! I pushed like a champ and met DD within 30 minutes, a little before 2 a.m. They place her on my chest and my whole world stops. My tiny little body held and nurtured her for 9 months and she is finally here! I was in shock and couldn’t stop staring at her. They ask to take her to be weighed and so DH can hold her. I’m sad I have to hand her over already and look at the clock. I’d held her and nursed her and cooed at her for an hour already. It felt like 5 minutes, how is that even possible? Time moves so quickly after you have a baby, it’s quite strange.
Anyhow, we get to the mommy ward at around 5:30 and manage to fall inbetween asleep and awake. The nurses offer to take DD and we both refuse, not wanting her out of our sight. We get woken up at 9:30 by one of my best friends. I’m pissed. She didn’t call or text, what right did she have to be there without an invitation? I try not to let her wake anyone, to no avail. My beautiful baby and DH wake and we spend time with bf even though I should’ve told her to gtfo. DH texts his mom around 10:30. She decides she’ll bring us lunch and she’ll be there in about an hour. My parents come around 11. We spend a bit of time together, my mom holds he baby for a bit and then dhs parents show up around 11:30 with lunch. Mil waltz’s in and instantly gets the baby. She insists on my parents taking pictures with her and fil. She then insists on DH and I taking a photo. I say “no thank you, I really don’t feel like taking photos right now.” She turns into her pushy self and tries to tell my parents to come stand by me and tries to force us into it anyway. DH puts his foot down and says that I’ve already told her I don’t want to be photographed and she needs to drop it already. It was pretty awkward, as usual she pouts and tries to explain herself. Everyone ignores her.
(I might have mentioned this before but I’m not sure, I hate my picture being taken. I have some self esteem and anxiety issues and I just really don’t like it. My mil is obsessed with taking photos. What a great combo.)
My parents then leave. They’d been there for like 45 minutes. I was thinking that’s the time people hang out for, cool. Mil should leave soon, right? Well she’s officially been holding the baby the entire time she’s been there, so about 15-30 minutes. She insists on us eating lunch, I eat a bit while watching the baby like a hawk. She’s hungry. I can see it and say I need to feed her.
Fil gets up and says that’s his cue to leave, MiL stays. I pull my whole tit out and pop it in DDs mouth like an expert (she latched right away from the beginning, she loves milk) hoping to scare off mil for a few minutes. Nope! She gets all up in my titties to the point where I could’ve sprayed her in the mouth with the other nipple. “Awwwww howwwww cuuuuute!” I forgot she doesn’t know what boundaries are, yay me.
DD finishes eating and fil comes back. DH asks if he’d like to hold he baby. He says I guess, for a minute. When he was tired of holding her (a solid 1-2 minutes in) mil quickly takes her back. DH whispers to me he’s going to go home to let the dog out. I fucking panic. I use my eyes to beg him to stay. He says “I won’t be long” we live 30 minutes from the hospital, so it’s a full hour if he drove there and immediately turned around. I can’t tell him not to leave me with them while they’re in the same room. He says it’s fine he’ll stay and they hear, so they ask about it. They then pressure him to leave, the dog needs him, we haven’t been home since the day before. It’s fine, go, they’ll take care of me. He says ok be back soon. I’m so mad at him I could kill him. We sit in silence for a bit until a nurse walks in. She ends up sensing the awkward and talks to the in laws for a good 30 minutes. She’s still holding my baby. Why don’t I ask for her back? I have crippling anxiety. I’m terrified she’s going to scream “nooooo she’s my baby!!!” And fly off with her like the screeching pterodactyl she is. About 15 minutes before he comes back I quietly ask mil if she’ll please give me back the baby so I can feed her. She looks surprised and says “oh of course!” And brings her over. I nurse her again while MiL holds up a towel or something so fil can’t see. She’s still staring at my titties. I should’ve offered her the other one, how rude of me.
2 hours goes by before my DH returns. She held my baby for almost 4 hours and my DH saw nothing wrong with it. I should’ve been more forward. Even though he knows me and knows that I have a hard time doing that with his mom. Her backlash at people gives me horrible anxiety so I avoid it as much as I can. I’m so hurt and feel so robbed of precious skin to skin time with dd. I had previously told DH I wanted to spend as much time as I could tittles out, baby on me. I got about 3 hours of that total in the hospital before we went home.
Yes, I’m a doormat. I am also mad at myself for this stuff and am aware of what I should’ve done differently, now. In the moment there was no solution in sight for me, I felt physically stuck. I was bleeding profusely still and was terrified of mil and fil seeing it. I figured they wouldn’t have stayed for almost 4 hours. Who the fuck does that to someone that just had a baby????
I was also informed the following week by my mother that mil texted her while I was in labor, to whine about how unfair it was that she wasn’t there too and how jealous she was of my mom.... what?
submitted by anonymousjackson to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

[HOW-TO: take 1m people city with 420 gyms in one night] A short story about the best PoGo community in the world

tl;dr - One might think that this story is a guide on how to coordinate, take over 420 gyms in one night and make the entire (almost million people) city, capital of Croatia, shine only Instinct. While the former sentence is also true, what this story really is about is friendship and community building in PokemonGo, and our attempt to reach out to Niantic in style, and ask them a favor. Apologies in advance for grammar issues, I am not a native English speaker.
Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is an excellent city to play Pokemon GO - it has an abundance of Pokestops and over 420 gyms, spread over three teams. Massive thumbs up to the Ingress community! Due to many different reasons, the team with the most players (and also the strongest) is Mystic, tightly followed by Valor. Instinct in Zagreb is a bit underwhelming when it comes to both gym control and number of players, but that made us all closer together, having in the end lots of fun playing the game.
What is truly amazing, is that one of the most active players in our small Instinct group of players, is actually Mystic - TrainerAsh83 - considered a professional Pokemon Trainer in Croatia (with almost 100k caught Pokemon, dozens of thousands of battles etc.). We all became friends through this game, and the color of his "pokeskin" never stopped us from playing together. But, of course we cannot do everything together - he cannot fight blue gyms, place Pokemon in our gyms etc.
So, in our casual discussion one of the nice summer days, we were thinking what to do to try and persuade Niantic to change his team, and also how great it would be if Zagreb - as the winner of best Christmas market in Europe, according to BestEuropeanDestinations 180k tourists voting poll - would host an event. In the end, Ingress anomalies are already in Zagreb, and there are many more PoGo players here that cannot travel to far away countries. Concluding our talks, we simply said that it would take a miracle for those two things to happen. And that's when it hit us - let's not just talk about it, let's do something about it. We will fight for our friend and we will fight for the community of PoGo players in Croatia, and see if it gets us somewhere.
"We would need a miracle to get you to Instinct"
"Well then let's make the entire Zagreb one big Instinct territory, that's the biggest miracle that can happen in PoGo in Croatia :)"
Thus the planning phase began. When considering PoGo miracles, we all agreed - taking over an entire capital of Croatia, with almost 1milion inhabitants and 424 gyms, would be a miracle on its own. Doing it as the team with the least number of controlling gyms - usually around 70-90/424 and smallest playerbase - well, that would be classified as a top miracle! Our hope was that someone from Niantic would see this and give us our friend to our Instinct team.
There were four main components that were needed for our success:
We all agreed that this should be both day and night job, preferably during the working week, since daily gym activity would not allow us to make the whole map of Zagreb go yellow. The day team were all the players that couldn't play from 2AM until 5AM, and they were assigned with keeping the number of Instinct gyms as high as possible before the night. We decided to prepare the event beginning of October, and divided the city of Zagreb in 11 segments plus outer territories.
Each segment had a few different roles for players:
One of the most important part of the plan, to make it happen, was to continuously work on the hype factor. The initial plan was easy:
  1. Talk about it, to create initial hype around the potential idea. Start some flaming inside, like a holy fight against wrong colors and so, to have the „haha“ factor involved :)
  2. In a week or two, while it's still relatively lukewarm – prepare a video with the plan and share it with the closest players (who will take roles of the colonels and be proactive the whole time, since they are already deeply in the game)
  3. Work 2-3 weeks on recruitment on all sides, in silence and only the trusted ones of the trusted ones
  4. A week before the action, release the website to make additional hype level and feeling that it will really happen and we'll become a part of history
The plan was simple, and started good – initial hype was ok, then the video in PoGo style was done (Croatian with EN subtitles). The recruitment started, and all was going well – even though there was only 20 of us actively involved, everyone had some contacts, we got some older players who quit 1 year ago but came back just for this fight (gratz HarryCROHole), etc.
We already had 40 night shift guys and 9 cars 10 days prior to the event, so we published the website only the night before (sorry about the lack of translation, will do it soon), and shared to expand our team as much as possible, especially the day team. The night before we expanded to all FB and Messenger groups with Instinct players, contacting one by one on Messenger. The recruitment form was done via Google Forms linked to a Docs file – quite a useful tool.
So, the D day arrived. The night before we had a small meeting with some of the Colonels of their segments. In the morning of the Zapdosovo (Saint Zapdos Day), we divided all the recruits to their segments, and I would like to honor all of them who participated in this phenomenal event:
Segment Driver Colonel Captains Daily ops
Cenzapdos MeleonHR Modra Lasta MeleonHR, Zaklina242, TrainerAsh83
Drzapdos keverko Kaksikajj keverko, Meshboi, Flipeex Sasa040786, Jasam
Dubzapdos LekoZG LekoZG HarryCROHole, PapiMato
Frazapdos ekovivo ekovivo Ljupko753, Stef121294, MyRyzelsBad Dunja Fizzy, iKareful, DenoSempai, Smucalopotucalo
Knezapdos timedilettante Madomon, Pokespuzvek, Spuzvekic, mojeiime AntePravo, ledeni32, Zrinka, Josip, Hrvoje
Makszapdos turkomlat Canna0023 baklava12, Simplyci7y Ananija, L3ONzg, Darija+child, Andrea
Mirzapdos junfer420 ZenOfAges junfer420, vracko2611 Grickonobar
Novistzapdos tatazeko RED4241 mamazeko, tatazeko Sandrinho, Damon1102
Novzapzapdos MirkoZlikovski Micica MirkoZlikovski, MalaMicaMaca, AsgarDHRZG jlcunff
Plazapdos fradusoje Josip01337 Totek94, 11ninna11, fradusoje krsto8, krsto88
Zapdozapad Vedran1607 MateaAndel Vedran1607, Turkywan, kripy91 Bobbythecatcher,regards to DarGar85,Metuzalem
Control tower LordKabraxis Photos of non-shy people
Commmunication protocols
  Handling cca 70 people meant that there cannot be too much noise in communication, otherwise no one will be focused enough to track the excitement of 70 people. Therefore we made three communication levels:
Good communication channels are key to success. If you plan a similar mission, make sure you have established proper channels. Here's how it started around noon, Messenger proved to be quite a handy tool.
Day Shift
The biggest worry for us was that we will fail in day shift - in the end, all the hardcore players that usually control gyms are now candidates for the nightshift, which means that they are saving Defender space (having no gyms). If we fell under 40-50 gyms from our standard 80, we would be in problems potentially, not making it in time in our night shift.
Luckily, all of the day shift Instinct members performed way above expectations. They grouped with some of their friends and covered the segments quite well, leaving us at 1/3 of the gyms in Zagreb! Such great devotion from people with small children, from elderly people who use Pokemon Go as the main motivator to go out in the park... simply, our Instinct community in this day shift proved to be apsolutely the best. One of the youngest was eagerly waiting for 21h to go with him mom on a bike ride, and take down gyms near our big lake. It was the most exciting day in his PoGo career, and a day that he will remember - Krsto you're the best!
Night shift
Starting from 2AM (and some even sooner), we began our masterquest - rounding up Zagreb into one big yellow gym. Through the 11 segments of the city, each team stormed the gyms with amazing feats of strength, speed and solid preparation. Already around 03.30h we saw great progress, putting Instinct in the best place ever in Zagreb.
But that didn't satisfy us. We came to conquer Zagreb completely, and so we did! In a great atmosphere, the entire city was shining yellow.Out of 424 gyms, 418 were Instinct, 3 remained Mystic, 2 Valor and 1 Harmony (on the best screenshot we had). None of this would be remotely even possible if it weren't for all the captains actively fighting and defending the gyms, as well as colonels who kept a steady pace throughout their segments, not to forget the day shift which lay groundwork for this amazing victory. We succeded in the end - entire Zagreb was yellow (look up Zapdosovo 2017 in YouTube for details).
More importantly, the atmosphere was perfect - please take a quick peek at some of the photos, to get a feeling of the positive atmosphere :). There's also a Dropbox link for Croatian curious ones 3GB of data.
Once we finished with our segments we all came to the center of Zagreb, the place where Pokemon Go mania started, park that is also the most popular park in Christmas market time - the renown Zrinjevac. Our Zapdos gave us some rain as a sign that tonight is the night! We all came to conquer the final gym in Zagreb that was not taken by Instinct in that evening. And behold, the mighty keepers of the gym both fell. Both Moltres and Articuno stood no chance against the might of Instincts' Zapdos!
As it should be in any Pokemon game, all participants of this phenomenal action (regardless of their shift) got the badge - "Zapdosovo 2017", to be an eternal reminder that they were pioneers of takedown of a capital of one EU country, almost a million people city with 420 gyms. You can check the badge here. That was not all of course - we still had one promise to keep, and that was the ceremonial Zapdobeer!
The biggest pride for us is that we managed to organize such a mission and did everything in it 100% legit play - not a single multiaccount was placed in a gym to make it stronger (even though some have children with strong accounts, but they were sleeping in the night so no help from them), not a single gym or player was taking the gym or defending the gym in any nonToS way like spoofing. We spent all together approx. something over 200 golden razzberries, even though we expected much stronger resistance. And we certainly hope to see similar missions from our competitors, even though they're dominant in numbers, they have some catching up to do :)
A big thanks, apart from all the Instinct members of course, goes to our Pokefriend M, without whom this would not be possible; our community admins TheRainbowGirl, utahraptor, EpicKrastavac and our very own operator LordKabraxis - they are spending their free time trying to improve and moderate our PoGo community, which came from a very bad phase some month ago; all other Mystic/Valor players who saw this action as a sign of goodwill for building the community in Croatia in a positive way; special thanks to people we don't know but which helped us really a lot, celandro with Pokebattler (I love your Pokebox man) that gave us tips on how to optimize our gym fights, as well as the GamePress crew with RyanoftheDay and many useful articles that taught us how to improve our game. Special thanks to the TSR community - the main reason why many of us remained playing the game during the hard winter, as well as thanks to my fellow TSR Researchers, old crew like IngressMom that always remembers my nickname after some months of not speaking. In the end, we also need to thank Dronpes and his team for keeping TSR alive and friendly - we picked up the attitude from the Road :)
Wow, this was long. In the end, feels short. So many details left out, so many fun moments skipped, thousands of memories that will remain unwritten and undocumented, but forever in our hearts and minds. In the end, maybe that is the whole point of this game.
It had brought together some of the impossible combinations of people, working together towards the same goal. It brought sense of pride, sense of need to do the right thing and motivate the community to be better, to entice sportmanship and competition in a normal way - friends in real life, competitors ingame, and so many other positive aspects that we could talk about for days. It is no wonder this game has kept us captivated for such a long period of time.
There are also many profound topics to be discussed, that touch upon the main story of the game:
I would also love to use this very long writeup to touch upon some of the topics, because the Road is the only place where we can have a constructive discussion regarding these bullets.
too long;didn't read Maybe we demolished all other gyms in the city, but what we built is far more valuable - a strong, positive and forward-looking community of players. We hope to affect positively all other players in Croatia and wider with this story, and to have our miracle happen - Ash in Instinct and Event in Zagreb. One can hope...
submitted by LekoZG to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

St Marks - The Fyre Festival of HEMA

There’s a TL;DR down at the bottom if you don’t want to read the wall of text. There’s also a NLE;WtRM (Not long enough; want to read more) as well. When I first saw some HEMA aficionados wearing those 5 fingered Koning gloves from St Mark I thought, “Finally! Flexibility AND protection! The Holy Grail!” I loved the look, I loved the feel! I decided I must have them! I ponied up the €230.00 (About $260 US) and sat back to patiently await my fancy new gloves.
This was March 30th 2018. Days turned to nights, the moon waxed and waned, the stars wheeled in their courses. When would my gloves arrive? I decided to ask.
I went to their site “Our contact form is currently down. You can email us directly at contact@ [our URL.se].”
Damn! I sent them an email; it bounced. I talked to my HEMA friends.
My friends: “Did you try Facebook messenger”
Er.. no? Why would I? You know what? Couldn’t hurt!... I did so. Their first response to me was 2 weeks after my first Fb Message.
St Mark: “it's a bit uncertain. Sorry that I can't give you a better answer.”
Ok no biggie. Calm down. These are great gloves, and worth the wait!
Then, miracle of miracles! 7 months after I placed my order (September 30th 2018) I got a note saying my order was "complete." Huzzah!
But... there was no tracking number? This is like getting an “Ask again later” on a pregnancy test!
I sent them an email. It bounced. Damn! Must have the wrong email! The contact page on... Oh right! Facebook Messenger!
2 days later I got a reply with the tracking number.
I saw that it had been bouncing around the the US postal service FOR WEEKS! Oh no! There was a problem with my address! I spent a ton of time talking with the post office to eventually learn that it’s probably been returned to sender.
Me: "Please let me know when you have shipped them again. Thanks.”
2018-12-04 (One week Later)
St Mark: "I think I did. I have four returned boxes, some of which the post office covered the name of the original address, so I need to get the stickers of and put them against a lamp. I'll hand them over to Axel and we'll ship again.”
A bit uncertain? “May” have sent it? “Think” they shipped? They have both shipped and not shipped! These are Schrödinger's Gloves!
Unlike Schrödinger's Gloves, which would probably do something cool (or both do something cool and not do something cool). These gloves do the opposite of that and only do something not cool, namely never arrive.
Me: “Can I get the Tracking ID please?”
2018-12-17 (five days later)
Me: “Hello?
Is anyone there? I'm starting to become annoyed.
I can't reach any of you by email, your site doesn't have a way to contact you, and the last response from Facebook Messenger was 2 weeks ago.
I still haven't received my item, I don't know if it has shipped, and I don't have a tracking number. Was it mailed? Do you have a tracking number?
If I don't get a response in the next 48 hours I'm going to ask for my money back.
Please let me know if this is the best way to contact you and the status of my order.
Thank you”
St Mark: “Hi! Your gloves have just returned here…”
More back and forth but here’s the summary:
St Mark: “The postal service tends to put the return label over the name and address, making it hard to read. So I assumed it was yours again, but it was a different Mathew. Let me check your package”
A. Different. Matthew. What kind of a God would let this happen?
More begging for communication.
St Mark: “Axel may have sent it separately though, he sometimes does when it's just one package.”
This was the last communication I got from St Marks. It has now been a full 4 fiscal quarters.
My old gloves, though heroic, are falling apart, the stuffing is coming out of the thumbs, and the right hand is held together with electrical tape. I am fortune’s fool!
I want my money back, and I’m not the only one. Virtually all of St. Marks posts have angry customers asking about their orders. Their contact form is still broken and emails still bounce. The only way to reach them is through the ‘secret menu’ Facebook messenger way.
TL;DR : St. Marks customer service only responds via homing pigeon and smoke signal. You're not hipster enough to buy them if you can't communicate with them. I ordered some Koning gloves in March 2018, I still haven't received them.
NLE;WtRM (Not long enough want to read more) I’d be willing to share the whole transcript from Fb Messenger if enough people ask.
submitted by Mattroopk to wma [link] [comments]

Get the most out of your battery - A Noguat Battery Optimization Guide!

Hey guys! This might be a bit late, but as far as I know, no thread exactly like this exists yet for this subreddit, and one is very desperately needed, so I decided to make one.
I see a lot of threads about shitty battery drain and people being unsatisfied with their battery and then wondering why it’s so, or what they can do about it, and frankly, it’s rather tiring to see so many of them haha.
I know that a battery problems are often on a case by case basis, but a lot of them, if not all have similarities, and can be generalized and solved with a few set of instructions, which I will list below.
I will list all that I can, and if anyone has any tips that they’d like to add, feel free to share them and I can add into the thread.
I have organized the post into 6 sections. Those being:
Without further ado, let’s begin (Needless to say, this is S7 / S7 Edge Nougat exclusive, but some of the advice can be applied to other phones).
A) Your screen
B) Facebook and Messenger
Time and time again, people complain about the drain these apps cause on their battery, and that uninstalling them causes their batteries to increase ‘exponentially’ (an exaggeration, obviously). However, uninstalling these apps is just not practical for people. So, here are alternatives.
Swipe is the one I use, so I'm more biased towards it, I’m not sure about the other two, but I’m sure people can vouch for them. Swipe also has a messaging option built in (which is like the old mobile facebook chat layout before Facebook removed it and forced you to use Messenger). It also has an AMOLED black option. AFAIK, Swipe has all the options the regular FB app has except maybe live streaming.
C) Snapchat
Let’s be real here, Snapchat is NOT A WELL OPTIMIZED app for android. This is fact. The app is pretty shittily designed (in comparison to its iOS counterpart), and a monstrous battery hog. There is not getting around this, if you use the app, expect battery high battery drain while you use the app. It will be more prominent if you use it for extended periods of time.
What you can do, however is: Go to Applications -> Snapchat -> Data Usage -> Restrict Background Mobile Data.
And lastly, go to your battery optimizer, and check that Snapchat isn’t on the “Unmonitored List.”
D) Package Disablers and Greenify
Once upon a time, these apps were useful, but now? They are not, and in fact, can cause more harm than good. Please don’t use them. There is no need to use these apps on S7 Galaxy devices.
Why do I say that?
Well, essentially, it’s because of the way Touchwiz’s Battery Optimizer works. Touchwiz automatically monitors your battery habits and if there are apps you don’t use (even bloatware), it will automatically close them down after a bit. Give it a week or two to get used to your habits and it should stabilize to the point where apps you don’t use will seldom take up battery, and if they do, it’ll be insignificant to the point where it doesn’t matter. The way Greenify and Package Disablers mess your device up is when Touchwiz is trying to do it’s thing but it senses that certain apps are missing so it keeps on searching for them, thus causing more battery drain, and causing Touchwiz battery optimizer to prioritize all the wrong things.
TL;DR - Don’t use Greenify (it’s good, just not for our devices) and Package Disablers, let TouchWiz do its thing.
E) General Tips and Tricks - These are mostly things I've seen users post and say that it helped their battery life (I only put it here if said tip was corroborated by multiple people). I decided to compile them into one list so people don't have to search multiple threads for it.
F) DIY - Troubleshoot and other general info I feel people should know
Wrap Up
Alright, that’s it! I decided to add everything I knew about. I don’t know how much traction this will gain, but in any case, it’s here for people if they need it, and hopefully I helped some people out. Feel free to suggest any other tips you have, and best of all, good luck with your battery saving endeavors!
Special shoutouts to u/exelero88 for being a lord
submitted by Lackner511 to GalaxyS7 [link] [comments]

My Dad is an entitled, money hungry Narcissist, according to my Aunt. I agree.

Long story ahead.
TW: Mentions talk of suicide.

Located in Australia.

My three Aunts have disowned my Dad due to Elder Abuse towards my Nanna.
Nanna has given him a large substantial amount of money (6 figure sum) over a period of a decade. He gets an automatic payment every fortnight from her, and now wants his share of the inheritance after Nanna's Dementia diagnosis, while she's still alive. I support my Aunts decision and think my Dad is being greedy, entitled and cruel.

Cross posted from raisedbynarcissists, Justnofil and JUSTNOFAMILY.
Titled: eDad turns out to be a big JUSTNO nDad.

My Parents are both JUSTNO's.
Mum had a habit for controlling every aspect of my life, even in my early Adult years.She saw me as an extension of herself, I wasn't allowed to have feelings or emotions that differed to hers. I walked on eggshells constantly, always hyperaware. It even got to the point where I was horribly ill (due to the stress) and was unable to work. She would make up 'rules' for me saying I was NOT allowed to see my Boyfriend unless I got a job. Even though my Doctor, the Hospital and my Specialists advised against it and told me to be on total bedrest.Her crazy has increased tenfold since I gave birth to my Daughter (feel free to go through my post history).

This past week, I have been told that my Dad has committed Elder Abuse by 'borrowing' large substantial amounts of money from his Mother; my Nanna, over the last few decades. As in a 6 figure number kind of substantial. My Nanna is quite well off compared to most her age, but she needs money more than ever to fund her medication and eventual Aged Care.

My Nanna has 4 children; Aunt1, Aunt2, Dad and Aunt3.

After a brief chat on Facebook:
Cousin1 - He tipped me off to the Elder Abuse and;
Cousin2 - She updated me and filled me on the rest.
Bless you both! Xx

Cousin2 also tipped me off about a lie my Dad has spun. On Mother's Day, my Dad lied to Nanna by saying "I can't visit you today, OP is visiting her Mother and I".
Hahaha what? I don't talk to either Parents and I haven't spoken to Mum since September last year, when she threw insults at me via Facebook Messenger. Why would I wanna see her? Or him? He supports her, unwaveringly. Whether or not he knows she's wrong....which is not ok.

I then messaged Aunt3 over FB Messenger.
Turns out my Dad has been verbally abusive towards her because she's taking legal control over Nanna's money. Nanna has been diagnosed with a debilitating mental illness, and needs someone to handle her Finance's on her behalf. My Aunt has mentioned that my Dad is an entitled Narcissist, who ALWAYS wants money. And he will lie and threaten to get his way. Because of this, my Aunt wants nothing to do with either of my Parents. However, she supports me going NC with my Parents, and has agreed to keep in touch and keep me updated.

I spoke to Aunt2 over the phone during dinner last night.
She was so concerned for me, because Cousin1 (her Son) told her everything I said to him. I gave him my mobile number and he forwarded it to his Mum. She asked via text if she could call me, and I said yes. And we spoke for about 30 - 45 minutes.
She asked me how I was doing, as I haven't seen much of her (or anyone on my Dad's side) in my life, which is really upsetting.
We did the brief pleasantries before moving onto the real nitty-gritty stuff. She mentioned that my Dad isn't her Brother anymore, and that he's been disowned by her. She said "he isn't my little Brother anymore, I don't even know him". He's changed, in a bad way.
He has threatened Nanna with statements like;
  1. Mum, if you don't give me money, my Wife will leave me.
  2. I'll kill myself if you DON'T give me money.
And when he does that, she GIVES in and hands him the money. It's so heartbreaking.
She also told me that, while he has received a 6 figure sum over a period of a decade (and possibly more), he (62M) receives a fortnightly direct payment of $50 from Nanna.
This. Has. Been. Going. On. For. YEARS!!!!
Aunt3 handles the finances now and has cancelled the automatic payment indefinitely. My Dad wants his share of the inheritance NOW....before Nanna passes. Which is unfair and totally unjustified. And everyone agrees with that...but Dad. Aunt2 felt awful for saying that she lumped me with my Dad, because she thought I was 'under his thumb'. (Dad lied to me for years, and tried turning me against everyone. That obviously backfired. He said Aunt2 hates him because he had to leave Aunt2's Husbands funeral early due to back pains. And that he isn't happy with Aunt3 because when Nanna downsized after Granddad's death, Aunt3 took all the 'good stuff').

She thanked my Fiancé for supporting me. And now she wants to celebrate with a get together with Dad's side, excluding my Mum and Dad! Brilliant...sounds like a great idea!!

Both he and Mum still owe me about $2,000, but I'll never see that. (Lucky them, double dipping in both Mummy's and Daughter's money s/)
After all the money that has been given to him, he has NOTHING to show for it. I don't know where the money is going, as my Parents are still struggling financially.

Over the last few days, the amount of near break downs I've had has been insane. I honestly thought my Mum was the narcissist, not Dad. I thought he was an enabler, because he always enabled my Mum's narcissistic behaviour. He's DEFINITELY a JUSTNO and a Narcissist.

The Will states that when my Nanna passes, Aunt1, Aunt2 and Aunt3 will get 26%, and my Dad will get 22%. And after hearing all this, I fear my Dad will STILL get his inheritance in full, PLUS the $100,000+. Meaning that he will be better off than my Aunts, even with his lowered inheritance percentage.Legally, while Nanna is alive, there is nothing we can do to change the Will due to her mental illness diagnosis. But knowing the lengths my Dad is going to get money out of his Mother, I'm wanting to contest the Will after Nanna's passing.
No, I'm not in it for the money. I just want to do what's right. I'm wanting to fight because his behaviour around money is morally wrong. When my Granddad was alive, he wanted Nanna to stop spoiling my Dad, and I want to adhere to that.

I may have lost my Parents, but I gained a Family.
I think I did alright, lol.
submitted by Squish_90 to entitledparents [link] [comments]


First of all, this is probably going to be a massive wall of text. I hope you like reading.
Four years ago, through a girlfriend I had at the time, I met a couple. The husband and I had very similar interests and we talked at great length about them on the Saturday nights I came over with the girlfriend. Me and that girlfriend broke up and, as I have learned before in this kind of situation, usually when you meet people through a girlfriend they are usually gone in the break up.
This wasn't the case. To keep this part short as its not what this post is about I will say that me and the couple remained friends. As a matter of fact I was told that they no longer talked to the ex because of the scenes she made when she would hangout at their house.
Every so often I would come by and talk to them. My friends from high school straight up abandoned me and in all actuality these people were the only friends that I had. Then my stomach problem happened and I had to get surgery. I lost my job and my car but, even still the husband would pick me up from time to time to hang out with him and his family. A couple of years of this and I honestly felt loved by these people. I make that mistake often.
One night, while inebriated after my parents pulled their typical shit, I called and asked if I could move in till my ssi went through. The husband, the nice guy that he is, politely declined and I was fine with that. As a matter of fact, I felt so horrible for asking that I avoided his calls for a while because I didn't want to face him.
Then about six months later I get a call. It's the husband. He wanted to know if I would watch their oldest son while the wife went to go see her mother in the hospital in another state. These people had been good to me and I wanted to get away from the dilapidated trailer I was living in so I told him I would. That week went by without a hitch. For my effort I was given a carton of smokes and a wide screen monitor as the one on my laptop had been sat on and broken.
Two more months would pass and we would talk on the phone occasionally Then. one night I get a "ding" on FB messenger. Its the wife asking me if I could watch their one year old because she had an interview. Yet again, I accepted. This time however, when I arrived another offer was brought to my attention. They wanted me to stay and when I got my ssi I'd by them rent. I explained that ssi can take time it could be a few months or next year. They seemed ok with that as long as I watched their kids and helped clean. Some of the incentives were a birthday party and a chance at the wifes massive breasted best friend. (She didn't say her best friend would sleep with me but, in not so many words said I had a damn good chance. Just want to make sure we are clear.) I hadn't had a birthday party in twenty years and honestly really didn't care about that. While any heterosexual male with a functioning penis would take anyone up on the second proposed offer I didnt at first but, I would try eventually.
Anyway, the first two months was awesome. I honestly felt like apart of their family. I was taken out to dinners. Me and the wife would have long conversations about history and politics. Everything was good.
Then I got a call.
My ssi lawyer calls me and says their initial claim for me was denied but, they were filing an appeal. Well, given that these people were so nice to me I felt like I had to tell them the truth. Worse case scenario would be I'd have to go back to that trailer. This wasn't my first rodeo and I made sure I had an exit strategy before I even accepted the offer. Anyway I told the wife who asked about it that I was denied but, that always happens the first time you apply. Earlier she had claimed to have an uncle that was an ssi lawyer so I figured she knew this already.
Given what would happen after I told her what happened I should have lied because her attitude toward me did a complete 180.
That night, or the day after, I came up stairs from my basement room to ask her like I always had "Hey, do you go in in the morning?"
By this time she had gotten a job as a manager at a well known pizza chain and she always had to go in at about 9ish. I would get up and start getting ready to take care of the youngest son.
"No, you can stay up and play your game. I know thats what you want" she replied in a bitter smart ass tone.
"Oh...Ok..." I replied and went back down to my room.
A few minutes later I came back up to get something to drink. The husband was washing dishes and having an argument with his wife. They were arguing about the dish drainer and I had not been told to empty it. I thought they put the pans there for easy access.
"Why cant you empty the dish drainer?" the husband said to the wife to which she replied "No one else does it!" in that same hateful ass tone but this time a little louder. I knew what she was talking about. She was talking about me.
"Hey, I can do it" I said both catching on to watch she meant and just trying to keep the yelling from happening. I moved toward the dish drainer and out of no where"NO!!! GO!!!" she literally yelled right in my fucking ear. I said nothing else and immediately went back to my room.
Imagine thinking you know someone not for a few days or weeks but, years. You never think they will get that way and when she yelled in my ear like that I was hurt. Sure, it scared the fuck out of me but, I loved that whole family and to be yelled at like a fucking dog hurt.
But, anyway...
My facebook dinged again with an apology and a promise that she would break, or at least threaten to break just a week later. Lets just say their are actual bulls with less shit in them than the wife. She is packed full and over flowing with bullshit.
A week later her and the husband were having a debate about addiction and how it can "Skip a generation" This is something I knew about and said "I don't think it does" thinking that the conversation was for everyone. Oh I couldn't have been more wrong.
Her beady ass eyes gazed at me and from her mouth the following threat flowed out as if on que "If you don't want to get yelled at dont get in the middle of this I once backed [the husbands friend] into a corner." Yet, again I went back to my room and this time there was no apology.
A few days later I tried to get with the massive breasted best friend that I had a "Good chance with" I failed as I knew I would. To this the wife said "I'm glad you didnt do anything. She is my best friend after all" I guess she wasn't the wifes bestfriend when she kept assuring me I had a chance.
After all that I just started avoiding the wife at all costs. I got up when she went to work to watch their youngest son and then as soon as the husband got home from his job I went down stairs till the kids went to bed and cleaned up after them. I made it a point not to be there when she came in from work. This went well until the husband invited me outside to smoke a cigarette.
"Do you and [the wife] have an issue?" he asked.
"Dude, every time I say anything she seems to bite my head off or threaten me" I replied "I dont like being in that kind of situation."
He knew what I was talking about and didn't say much after that or at least it wasn't important enough to remember.
Later, on he would say that she thought I was avoiding her. He was right. I was avoiding her like the goddamn plague. I bullshitted my way out of that one but, then I was quickly reminded why I was avoiding her in the first place.
She came in one night, and this time at the husbands request I stuck around. Yet again I had my head bitten off for laughing at something I thought she said out of jest. This time when the husband spoke to me the next day I made it clear I wasn't going to deal with that anymore and I wasn't going to put myself in that position again. He understood.
The husband had given me one of those expensive old timey razors. The one that uses actual razor blades. I had used it for a few months and then it came time to change the razor. Never using one before I fucked up and cut the fuck out of myself. Blood everywhere. The wife was sick and had already made it clear that she was in a shitty mood. Even though she was closer to the bathroom and probably knew where the gauze was I made a trip down the opposite all to their room where the husband was laying down watching tv. I asked if there was any gauze and he looked for it for a minute and couldnt find it. Of course he would have to ask the wife. She got to their room.
I forget exactly how the next comment she said came about but she made it a point to yell "You created the problem!" The Husbands eyes widened as if to say "I can't believe you just said that right in front of him" I knew that I was the "probelm." Any way the husband gave me some tape and a few sheets of paper towels for gauze. As I went back to my room I noticed that there was blood coming through the paper towel I had wrapped around my thumb. The bleeding wasn't stopping and I was sure I needed stitches. I sure as fuck wasn't about to ask for a ride to the hospital. Gauze had caused world war three so there was no way in hell I was going to ask for a ride. So, I made a trek to the hospital.
The walk to the hospital was eventless till I got into the parking lot. It was then that my phone gave off that all to familiar facebook "ding." It was the wife. "Can you do the dishes?" her message asked. I stopped and took a picture of my thumb with the blood soaked paper towel on it and replied "I walked to the hospital. I think I need stitches." There was no reply but, I could see that she had seen the picture and the message I sent.
I got the stitches I needed and as the doctor was stitching my thumb back together I came to the realization that I needed to get the fuck out of here. I had made the call to my dad before I got to the hospital and was ready to leave. As I got out of the sliding glass door of the hospital my phone rang. It was the husband.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yea man, I just needed to get stitches But, I think its time for me to go." I replied.
He picked me up and we talked about it. I told him I knew what she meant by that "problem" remark. He didn't deny it but, he didn't not deny it either. My observation and following assumption had been right. He wanted me to talk to the wife. Oh goddamn. I would have rather pulled out the fucking freshly sewn stitches than this. Anyway we talked and in a nutshell I said "You seem to have something against me. I knew what you meant."
Rather than even lie she diverted the conversation. "Me and [the husband] are married because we can go toe to toe when we argue" In my mind I was like "That has nothing to do with why I want to leave. You called me, the guy who cleans your house, cooks for your family and watches your kid the fucking problem" Then, she went on to tell me that she "Wasn't volatile" As soon as she said that my mind went "Yes the fuck you are. I really don't thnk you know what the fuck that word means!" Anyway, they convinced me to stay.
The wife would eventually quit her job and stay at home as she was when I moved in. I honestly thought that I was going to have to leave given that the whole reason for me being there had just ended. I honestly wanted this. I was seriously hoping they would call me up stairs and go "Hey, this isn't working out." This, however, did not happen.
After she quit her job it seemed as if she was happier. Looking back I had often thought that maybe she treated me this way so I would leave and she wouldn't have to work anymore. I wouldn't put anything past her. All seemed well untill this past thanksgiving.
I have a hernia and I cant lift, or at least I'm not supposed to. Well, she asked if I could carry a box of christmas stuff down stairs for her. Now, something I once told them that since they were being so good to me I couldn't physically tell them no. So, of course I agreed. And she did say if was too heavy not to worry about it but, then again I couldn't say no. Doing so would have made me feel wrong. I tried to slide the box down the stairs to the basement but, it kept hitting the stars rather than slide and I just new if something broke my ass would be grass. So, at about the halfway point I lifted it and hurt the fuck out of myself doing that. I got their oldest son on the bus as I always did and when I went to lay back down I told her that my stomach was killing me and I probably couldn't do much that day. After that she stopped asking me to do much of anything. She said that she had OCD, like it was flaring up, (because you know Compulsion takes a day off from time to time?) and that she wanted to keep her house clean all of the time. She made it a point to tell me that I had wash my own dishes. I had no issue with that and I never really liked someone doing shit for me anyway.
That brings us to today. Or last night I should say.
I went to my sisters for a week and came back about a week ago. After I got back and even before I left I made it a point to only eat a sandwich a day until she cooked supper and stop making tea. I didn't want to mess up the kitchen or something and cause another tongue lashing. Last night I was going to make some tea. I had been drinking water and coffee for the past week. Like a dumb ass I thought maybe things were ok. There had not been an issues between us. I had stopped coming up stairs as much to make sure that didn't happen.
Apparently, I didn't learn my lesson from the gauze.
I looked for the tea pitcher and found it but, not the lid for it. I went into the living room and asked "[The Wife], do you know where the lid to tea pitcher is?"
I was met with, "I don't know I dont keep up with it."
Now, dont get me wrong if I was still cleaning the kitchen she would have a point. However, thats been her thing for about a month now. I offered to clean it a day or two after i hurt myself and was told not to. Shes been the only person cleaning that kitchen. Shes the only one that knew where it was or would be.
I said nothing else put the lidless tea pitcher back got some water and went back down stairs. It was just a tea lid she had no need to react that way and I'm not about to be drawn into some drama over something so trivial. Now, I thought that when I got down stairs and accepted that I'd be drinking water that I would be fine.
But, wait, theres more...
I rolled and lit a cigarette. A moment later facebook dinged. Guess who it was. "The tea pitcher is where it belongs"
So, I went up stairs in an attempt talk. This was not a good idea.
"Where does the tea pitcher go?" she hatefully asked or something along those lines. Any more I had gotten to where I just block her out when she gets this way. I just keep enough words to reply.
"On top of the fridge" I replied not wanting to deal with this shit and sure as fuck not appreciating all this over a goddamn LID TO A TEA PITCHER (The pettiness was strong with this one)
"What do you see up there?" she said and I could tell by the tone in her... Wait folks
As I was writing this some more bullshit happened. So this is going to get a bit longer.
After she made a fuss over me about asking for a tea lid I went back down stairs and didnt come back up I went to sleep.
Now this just happened.
As I was just about to finish retelling the events of last night I was called to go up stairs. Not to watch the husband and the wifes kid but the massive breasted best friends kid. I was told that it would be brief so she could show the kids something on the trampoline. This was the first lie. I sit up there and the massive breasted best friend (shes about to get referenced a lot so I'm calling her MBBF for short) comes in to put him to bed but, I still get told I have to stay to make sure he stays in bed. So, I stay twiddling my thumbs reading reddit (I was writing this book of a post on my busted laptop). They start to come in. The rest of the kids the wife and the MBBF. Well, before I can even get up to leave I'm told "Can you you watch the kids I have to get the [the husband] some medicine."
"Sure," I replied. The husband, who let me take the time to say has treated me better than most of my family, had been having an issue with poison oak/ivy.
An hour and a half later...
The wife and the MBBF returned and the words telling me that I was relieved of my duties "You're good" came from the wifes mouth. I got up and as I walked back down the stairs and taking a chance to eye the MBBF's MB's (Cleavage, Cleavage everywhere) I saw something else out of the corner of my eye. The MBBF had a bandage on the inner elbow of her right arm. The kind you get after going to the hospital and they put an IV in. That wasn't there when I saw her last and being a heterosexual male with a functioning penis looking at her was something as natural as drinking water. I always took a look.
If you have read this whole thing thank you. As far as the last part the agreement when I moved in here was to watch the husband and the wifes kids. I was promised that I wouldn't have to watch anybody elses kids. As this story has already told us promises dont mean shit. I have nothing against the MBBF or her kids but, I dont know those kids. The Husband and wifes kids I have known most of their lives.
And lastly if you're wondering about the title, thats the wifes two favorite words. I swear to god she always talking about being good at business and wanting her kids to have nutritious meals. I swear to god I hear the Austin Powers them every time I hear her talk about it for some reason.
Man, writing all this out has really helped me. I feel like a billion pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. If you read this far thank you but, if you haven't I totally understand
*sigh* Thank you....
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what does thumbs up mean on fb messenger video

How to Respond to the Blue Thumbs Up Button on Facebook ... Facebook Messenger tricks - YouTube When to Use Your Favourite Emoji and Their Meaning - YouTube How to remove an emoji reaction in Facebook Messenger ... How to make thumbs bigger on Facebook messenger - YouTube Why Youtube Thumbs Up Are So Important. Help My Channel ... 5 useful Facebook Messenger features you should know ... Facebook messenger error fix - YouTube What Does Thumbs Up Mean? - YouTube What The Facebook Inbox Thumbs Up Really Means - YouTube

Without further ado, I will show you the steps on how to change thumbs up on Facebook messenger. How to Change Thumbs up on Facebook Messenger. 1. Launch your messenger app and start a chat. 2. Click on the circled (i) located at the top right of your screen. 3. Click on emoji. 4. Scroll and select an emoji of your choice. Thumbs up is a cool emoji . It suits for any context that it is been sent. It is usually used when the other person is so busy and doesn't have enough time to respond to your messages with a whole text. Did you know Facebook Messenger allows you to customize your conversations by replacing the default thumbs-up emoji that appears next to the text entry field? You can choose from a variety of The thumbs-up emoji also frequently punctuates text, sometimes in strings for additional emphasis, to indicate positivity, agreement, approval, encouragement, or assurance, an equivalent to “Awesome!” or Great job!”. Someone might comment “That looks great! ” to celebrate a piece of online artwork. Answered 3 years ago. A thumbs up is a fast brief way of acknowledging someone's question, or statement anything that might require letting them know you understand. So if you were to send me a thumbs up after reading my answer I would know that you now understand what that blue thumb is used for.. 8.2K views. ·. Change the color on your thumbs up emoji. iOS. Go to the Messenger home menu that displays all of your chats, and then click your photo displayed in the top left above the search bar. I text a guy on Facebook that I'm into and he didnt text back so the week after my friend text him off my Facebook page and he still didnt reply and I got so tempted and I text him the week after that on Facebook saying "well" and he replyed back to me by sending a thumbs up sticker to me and I was happy he reply because I thought he was ignoring and I showed my friend what he said back and If you have a Facebook Business Page then you already have the necessary tools to start talking to customers on Messenger. Once you’ve set up Facebook Messenger for your business, some of the symbols and icons on Messenger’s interface may seem foreign. This guide will help you know exactly what Facebook Messenger symbols are trying to tell you. Messenger. Facebook had a unique emoji set that previously displayed within Messenger for iOS, Android and web. These emojis were different to those used on the Facebook Desktop Website from June 2016 — September 2017. As of October 2017 this emoji set has been discontinued. Hello, my friends, it’s Frankie here once again with another explanation to help you better understand Facebook Messenger. Much like the ticks from WhatsApp conversations, you need to know more about the icons and symbols that appear on messages you send through Facebook Messenger.. Many of the icons that you see are relative to the status of the message that you are sending.

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How to Respond to the Blue Thumbs Up Button on Facebook ...

Kevin Willett says that emoji's and business do not mix. Kevin Willett is the Author of One Connection How you can grow your business (and change the world) ... What The Facebook Inbox Thumbs Up Really Means. What The Facebook LIke button really means. Why i hate the thumbs up button in messenger***Follow Joe K *** V... :) #emojireaction #facebook #messengerDelete reaction in messengerTo add a Reaction on Messenger, simply open a conversation, tap and hold a message and select ... Facebook Messenger is a pretty great way to stay in touch with your friends. But it has a few other great tricks, like ordering an Uber and sending money. Pr... Smilies Combination meaning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuqBvJ5VztYSo, Do you know what's the actual meaning of your favourite emoji? Are you using in p... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... I give a brief explanation of why giving my video`s a thumbs up on Youtube are so important and by doing so you can help my channel to grow.The Most Importan... For years the "Blue Thumbs Up" button has caused Facebook bot builders to scratch their heads in despair. The problem was that your Messenger bot couldn't re... Facebook messenger is very popular mobile app for chatting with friends , so if you use facebook messenger then you should definitely use these most importan...

what does thumbs up mean on fb messenger

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